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Use with Multibyte Environments

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Using BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform 2.5 in Multibyte Environment

This document describes the known problems and some notes when using BEA AquaLogic Data Services Platform 2.5 under multibyte environment. The contents include:


Notes on Usage

Handling of CSV files encoded in non-system-default encoding

If your data source is a CSV file saved in an encoding other than the system default, you need to specify the encoding in JVM startup parameter (ld.csv.encoding).The following example specifies UTF-8:


More than one encoding cannot be handled at the same time.

Parameters used for XML elements at Metadata import

The following items are used as a data service file name, a data service function name (XQuery function name), a schema file name, and element names in XML documents that are automatically created by Source Metadata import.

Problems when targetNamespace contains Multibyte characters

In WebLogic Platform versions earlier than 8.1 SP5, there are some problems in processing targetNamespace which contains multibyte characters (for details, see Corresponding Document of the Old Version).This product comes with a patch for WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5 XMLBeans to solve the problems.Apply the patch to WebLogic Platform 8.1 SP5, or use SP6 or later to avoid the problems.For instructions on how to apply the patch, please refer to the following document:


Known Problems and Restrictions

Handling of Japanese files when importing only CSV files as Source Metadata

When importing CSV files as Source Metadata, you can specify that only CSV files are imported. However, if the contents of the files are encoded in an encoding other than the system default, the following problems will occur:

Workaround: Create a schema file first and then specify it when importing.

Problems of multibyte characters displayed in Data Lineage page

From version 2.1, Data Services Platform console implements a function called Data Lineage, which graphically displays reference relations between dataservice-dataservice functions.Currently only limited number of languages (characters) can be represented in this graph.Please contact our customer support if your desired language is not correctly displayed.

Problems in processing multibyte characters in DSP transport

DSP transport shipped in this version cannot correctly process the data containing multibyte characters.You need to obtain and apply a patch to use multibytes. (CR293852)
You also need to specify UTF-8 in Request/Response encoding fields for DSP transport business service.

Problems in referencing WSDL files containing multibyte characters in Excel Add-ins

When you use Excel Add-ins included in ALDSP 2.5 to access data services, configuration (setup of Web service) may fail if the WSDL file for the destination Web application contains multibyte characters. (CR307875)


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