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Using WebLogic Integration 7.0 in the Japanese Environment


This document contains the following topics:

Also refer to the latest Release Notes for BEA products available at the following URL: (in Japanese)


Changes for 7.0SP5

Fixed Problems

When a workflow is to be created to call up a Service defined by AI console, the "Request Document Encoding" menu in "Call Application View Service" dialogue of BPM is absent. If the workflow is created and executed in this condition, the resultant encoding will always be "UTF-8". (CR120731)
This problem has been fixed in this release.

Notes for 7.0SP4

Known Issues

  • When a workflow is to be created to call up a Service defined by AI console, the "Request Document Encoding" menu in "Call Application View Service" dialogue of BPM is absent. If the workflow is created and executed in this condition, the resultant encoding will always be "UTF-8". (CR120731)

    Platforms: All

    Workaround: When any other encoding is to be used, the encoding menu needs to be enabled by following procedure.

  1. Obtain the at
  2. Unzip $BEAHOME/weblogic700/integration/lib/wlai-plugin-ejb.ja.
  3. Deploy which was obtained by 1 above, to com/bea/wlaiplugin/common in the directory which has been unzipped by 2 above.
  4. Recreate wlai-plugin-ejb.jar containing, and replace it with the original jar.

Changes from 7.0SP1

Setting up WebLogic Server 7.0SP2 or later to use jRockit

WebLogic Integration 7.0 SP2 Japanese installer is not bundled with jRockit. Download the jRockit installer from our Web site and install it to your machine. Then, modify some files as required.

To use jRockit with WebLogic Integration 7.0SP2, follow these steps for modifying the files:


  1. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\adapters\utils\antEnv.cmd file
  2. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  3. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\dbscripts\bpm20_realm_migrator.cmd file
  4. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  5. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\dbscripts\bpm20_tutorial_enabler.cmd file
  6. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  7. Edit %WL_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd file
  8. - Change the value to be specified by set COMM_JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

    - Change the value to be specified by set COMM_JAVA_VENDOR to BEA.

    - Replace all -client to -jrockets.

  9. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\setEnv.cmd file
  10. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  11. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\bin\setEnv.cmd file
  12. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

    - Comment out JAVA_OPTIONS.

  13. Edit %WL_HOME%\samples\integration\samples\bpm_api\commandline\setEnv.cmd file
  14. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  15. Edit %WL_HOME%\common\lib\ file
  16. - Change the values to be specified by set JAVA_HOME and JAVAHOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  17. Edit %WL_HOME%\samples\server\eval\pointbase\tools\startPointBase.cmd file
  18. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  19. Edit %WL_HOME%\samples\server\eval\pointbase\tools\startPointBaseConsole.cmd file
  20. - Change the value to be specified by set JAVA_HOME to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  21. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\bin\studio.cmd file
  22. - Delete "%COMM_CLIENT_VM%" from the line "start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw %COMM_CLIENT_VM% -classpath "%CP%" "-Dwli.samples=%SAMPLES_HOME%" "\docs\help"".

  23. Edit %WL_HOME%\integration\bin\fb.cmd file
  24. - Delete "%COMM_CLIENT_VM%" from the line "start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javaw %COMM_CLIENT_VM% -Xmx256m -classpath "%CP%"\docs\help\FormatBuilder com.bea.wlxt.FormatBuilder.FormatBuilder %1".

  25. Edit %WL_HOME%\common\bin\dmwiz.cmd file
  26. Change "beaUP2\jdk131_06" and "beaUP2\jdk131_06" to the directory where JRockit is installed.

    "C:\beaUP2\jdk131_06\bin\javaw" -jar "C:\beaUP2\weblogic700\common\lib\dmwiz.jar"

    goto end


    "C:\beaUP2\jdk131_06\bin\java" -jar "C:\beaUP2\weblogic700\common\lib\dmwiz.jar" %*



  1. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/adapters/utils/ file
  2. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  3. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/dbscripts/bpm20_realm_migrator file
  4. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  5. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/dbscripts/bpm20_tutorial_enabler file
  6. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  7. Edit $WLI_HOME/common/bin/ file
  8. - Change the value to be set by COMM_JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

    - Change the value to be set by COMM_JAVA_VENDOR= to BEA.

    - Replace all -client to -jrockets.

  9. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/ file
  10. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  11. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/bin/setenv file
  12. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

    - Comment out JAVA_OPTIONS.

  13. Edit $WLI_HOME/common/lib/ file
  14. - Change the values to be set by JAVA_HOME= and JAVAHOME= to the directory where JRockit has been installed.

  15. Edit $WLI_HOME/samples/server/eval/pointbase/tools/ file
  16. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  17. Edit $WLI_HOME/samples/server/eval/pointbase/tools/ file
  18. - Change the value to be set by JAVA_HOME= to the directory where JRockit is installed.

  19. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/bin/studio file
  20. - Delete "$COMM_CLIENT_VM" from the line "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $COMM_CLIENT_VM -classpath "$CP" "-Dwli.samples=$SAMPLES_HOME" "$WLI_HOME/docs/help" &".

  21. Edit $WLI_HOME/integration/bin/fb file
  22. - Delete "$COMM_CLIENT_VM" from the line "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java $COMM_CLIENT_VM -Xmx256m -classpath "$CP"$WLI_HOME/docs/help/FormatBuilder com.bea.wlxt.FormatBuilder.FormatBuilder $1 &".

  23. Edit $WLI_HOME/common/bin/ file
  24. Change "beaUP2/jdk131_06" to the directory where JRockit is installed. "/beaUP2/jdk131_06/bin/java -jar dmwiz.jar $*


Now, you have completed the file editing.


Regarding the use of double-byte characters

In WLI, unexpected results may occur if double-byte characters (including single-byte Katakana) are used, except for user data and following fields.


Fields that support double-bytes (grouped by component)


The fields where double-byte characters can be used:

Application View





Business Operation

B2B Trading Partner
Collaboration Agreement



  • The AI console cannot handle a multi-byte character user name.
    Please use single byte characters for user names.
  • The encoding cannot be specified when exporting data with the B2B console.
    Export data without specifying the encoding; the data will then be exported using the default encoding of your Java VM.
  • When using RosettaNet or ebXML as a B2B protocol, multi-byte characters cannot be used in the names of the following items:
    • Conversation name
    • Business ID
  • Multi-byte characters are not allowed as an input for GenerateAdapterTemplate.cmd.
  • Multi-byte characters cannot be used as separators in the Format Builder.
  • In the Format Builder, the Default Message Format Encoding and Default Field Code Page should use the same encoding. Otherwise, when the Format Tester creates a binary, output-text might not be displayed correctly.
  • When XML file is read with "FilePlugin action" in studio, the encoding will be transformed to UTF-8.
    Also, no designation of encoding for writing an XML file is valid; the resultant encoding will always be UTF-8.
  • When following values are used as a Type for Field in Format Builder, neither "Translate Binary To XML" nor "Translate XML to Binary" is valid.

    "DATE: Wed Nov 15 10:55:37 CST 2000"

  • Designating Length or Imbedded Length to double-byte field will lead to incorrect translation of Field data.
  • In Linux, no Japanese characters can be used for Application View folder or Application View name.


Known Issues

  • In the Format Builder, the encoding for Default Message Format Encoding and/or Default Field Code Page should use the same character set as the Java VM on which the Format Builder is running. Otherwise, the Binary Text page search might not be performed correctly.
  • The RunRN2Security sample command does not work correctly on Japanese-mode console.

    Please follow the steps below. You need to execute RunRN2Security command at English-mode console first, and then execute commands at the Japanese-mode console.
    For the details of RosettaNet 2.0 Security sample, see RosettaNet 2.0 Security Sample.

    1. Set the command prompt mode to English:
    2. Execute RunRN2Security.cmd.
    3. Run StopRN2Security.cmd to shut down server.
    4. Change the command prompt mode to Japanese:
    5. Start the Peer1 server.
      cd %BEA_HOME\weblogic700\samples\integration\config\samples\RN2Security\config\peer1
    6. Start another command prompt in Japanese mode, and then start the Peer2 server.
      cd %BEA_HOME\weblogic700\samples\integration\config\samples\RN2Security\config\peer2
    1. Set the console mode to English:
    2. Execute RunRN2Security.cmd.
    3. Run StopRN2Security.cmd to shut down server.
    4. Change the console mode to Japanese:
      For EUC:
      LANG=ja_JP.eucJP;export LANG
      For SJIS:
      LANG=ja_JP.PCK;export LANG
    5. Start the Peer1 server.
      cd $BEA_HOME/weblogic700/samples/integration/config/samples/RN2Security/config/peer1
    6. Start another console in Japanese mode, and then start the Peer2 server.
      cd $BEA_HOME/weblogic700/samples/integration/config/samples/RN2Security/config/peer2
  • When MSSQL is designated as the database to be used for RosettaNet2.0 Security sample, edit Peer1 and Peer2 setDBVars files, and add the following database connection parameters. When RunRN2Security command is executed without the parameters being added, the sample may not be correctly executed. Set appropriate values in < >.

    set DB_CODESET=MS932

    setDBVars files are stored in the following locations:


  • In the servers other than Windows version, the WebLogic Integration sample cannot be executed more than once from QuickStart.
    When it is necessary to execute WebLogic Integration sample again, avoid using QuickStart, but execute WL_HOME/samples/integration/samples/bin/RunSamples.
  • When PointBase is used for database, Japanese characters cannot be used for organization in BPM.
    When it is necessary to use Japanese characters in organization, modify the file in the following procedure first, and then create the database.
    1. Edit %BEAHOME%\weblogic700\integration\dbscripts\pointbase\BPM_SCHEMA.sql with a text editor.


    3. Save the file and end the text editor.