Interface ServiceBrokerControl

All Superinterfaces:
ServiceControl, ServiceProxy

public interface ServiceBrokerControl
extends ServiceControl

Allows web service based invocation of a one Jpd (service) from another Jpd (client) over the wire. The web service standards supported by Service Broker Control are the same as during 8.x WLI release. WARNING: Do not use this control to invoke external (non-BEA and BEA JWSes) web services. Use the Web Service Control instead. WARNING: If you wish to use the latest web services standards when invoking one Jpd from another Jpd over the wire, the preferred mechanism is to front end the Jpd with a Jws and invoke the Jws using the Web Service Control.

Nested Class Summary
static interface ServiceBrokerControl.Timeout
          The timeout specifies the time for which the client waits for a response from the server once it has sent the request.
Method Summary
 com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.ServiceBrokerControlPropertiesDocument getProperties()
          Returns the current control properties.
 void setProperties(com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.ServiceBrokerControlPropertiesDocument props)
          This method sets the control properties dynamically.
Methods inherited from interface com.bea.control.classic.ServiceControl
getConversationID, getEndPoint, getInputHeaders, getPassword, getProtocol, getReliableMessageID, getTimeout, getUsername, reset, setClientCert, setConversationID, setEndPoint, setKeystore, setKeystore, setOutputHeaders, setPassword, setProtocol, setReliableMessageID, setTimeout, setUsername, useClientKeySSL

Method Detail


void setProperties(com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.ServiceBrokerControlPropertiesDocument props)
                   throws Exception
This method sets the control properties dynamically. Properties set by this method over-ride the static annotations.

props - control properties


com.bea.wli.control.dynamicProperties.ServiceBrokerControlPropertiesDocument getProperties()
Returns the current control properties. Note that this includes all properties except security-related settings like username/password, keyAlias/keyPassword and keyStoreLocation/keyStorePassword.

the properties