Interface IDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IAdapterDescriptor, IApplicationViewDescriptor, IConnectionFactoryDescriptor, IDocumentDescriptor, IEventDescriptor, IPropertiedDescriptor, ISchemaDescriptor, IServiceDescriptor

public interface IDescriptor
extends Serializable

A base interface for all WLAI descriptors, providing for XML input/output and Serialize ability.

Method Summary
 void fromXML(Reader reader)
          Parse the XML from the given Reader into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.
 void fromXML(String xml)
          Parse the given XML into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.
 String getDescription()
          Return a description of the object that this descriptor represents and the service's intended use.
 String getName()
          Get the name of the object this descriptor represents.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Returns true if the user is not authorized to modify this object.
 void makeReadOnly()
          Makes this object immutable
 void setDescription(String description)
          Set the description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use.
 void setName(String name)
          Set the name of the service this object represents.
 String toXML()
          Get an XML representation of this descriptor.
 void toXML(Writer writer)
          Write an XML representation of this descriptor to the given Writer.

Method Detail


String getName()
Get the name of the object this descriptor represents.

The name of the object this descriptor represents.


void setName(String name)
             throws IllegalArgumentException
Set the name of the service this object represents.

name - The name of the object this descriptor represents. Null is not allowed.
IllegalArgumentException - If the name parameter is null.


String getDescription()
Return a description of the object that this descriptor represents and the service's intended use.

A description of this object and its intended use, or null if no description has been set.


void setDescription(String description)
Set the description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use.

description - A description of the object that this descriptor represents and its intended use, or null if no description is known.


String toXML()
             throws DocumentException
Get an XML representation of this descriptor.

An XML string containing the data for this descriptor.
DocumentException - If any error occurs while processing the XML for this descriptor.


void toXML(Writer writer)
           throws DocumentException,
Write an XML representation of this descriptor to the given Writer.

writer - A Writer object representing the destination for an XML stream containing the data for this descriptor.
DocumentException - If any error occurs while processing the XML for this descriptor.
IOException - If an error occurs writing to the given Writer.


void fromXML(String xml)
             throws DocumentParseException,
Parse the given XML into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.

xml - An XML string containing the data for this descriptor.
DocumentParseException - If any error occurs while parsing the XML for this descriptor.
DocumentException - If any error occurs while processing the XML for this descriptor.


void fromXML(Reader reader)
             throws DocumentParseException,
Parse the XML from the given Reader into the currect descriptor, replacing all contents of the current descriptor with the new XML data.

reader - A Reader object representing the source for an XML stream containing the data for this descriptor.
DocumentParseException - If any error occurs while parsing the XML for this descriptor.
DocumentException - If any error occurs while processing the XML for this descriptor.
IOException - If an error occurs reading from the given Reader.


boolean isReadOnly()
Returns true if the user is not authorized to modify this object.

boolean value indicating the mutability of this object.


void makeReadOnly()
Makes this object immutable