Interface AdapterDeploymentMBean

All Superinterfaces:, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean,,,, weblogic.descriptor.SettableBean,

public interface AdapterDeploymentMBean

MBean for managing Adapter deployment properties

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 void autoSuspend()
          Internal use.
 IAdapterDescriptor getAdapterDescriptor()
          This attribute holds all the metadata known about the Adapter instance and can be serialized to/from an XML document (is also Serializable).
 String getAdapterID()
          ID of the Adapter this MBean represents as a string (derived from appName and getDescriptor().getQualifiedName().toString()).
 Boolean getAllowPoolToShrink(String factoryName)
          Is the pool for the named connection factory allowed to shrink in cases where it is sitting idle?
 String getAppName()
          Name of the J2EE application that contains the Adapter instance this MBean represents
 Integer getAutoSuspendTimeout()
          The number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.
 Object getCauseOfCurrentState()
          The throwable/exception or String explanation that caused the Adapter to be in the current state (船eploy Failed・and 全uspended・only) or null if the AppView is in none of these states.
 String[] getConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName)
          Get a list of names of roles allowed to obtain connections from the named connection factory.
 Properties getConnectionFactoryProperties(String factoryName)
          Get the list of properties for named connection factory.
 Integer getDeployState()
          Logical status of this Adapter instance (船eployed・ 繕ndeployed・ 船eploying・ 繕ndeploying・ 船eploy Failed・ 全uspended・ 全uspending・and 然esuming・.
 String getDescription()
          Description of this Adapter instance or null if none was given.
 String[] getInboundMessagingTargets()
          List of server (not cluster) names on which the inbound messaging section of the adapter instance will be activated.
 String getInheritedConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName)
          Get a policy expression string inherited from the parent resource of the named connection factory.
 Integer getMaxPoolSize(String factoryName)
          Get the maximum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory.
 Integer getMinPoolSize(String factoryName)
          Get the minimum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory.
 Properties getProperties()
          Get the list of properties for this adapter instance.
 String[] getServerList()
          The list of servers (managed server names) on which this adapter instance is present (in some state that may be Deploying, Resuming, Undeploying, etc.).
 Long getTimeInCurrentState()
          The number of milliseconds this Adapter instance has been in its current state.
 PrincipalMap getWLSToEISPrincipalMap(String factoryName)
          Mappings from WLS user name to EIS user name and password.
 boolean isAutoSuspended()
          Was this Adapter instance auto-suspended.
 boolean isAutoSuspendEnabled()
          Indicates if the auto-suspend feature is enabled for this adapter instance.
 String[] listDependentApplicationViews()
          List all ApplicationViews (by ID) that depend on this adapter instance.
 void redeploy()
          Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the undeployed state, immediately followed by a transition to the deployed state, on all servers in the serverList attribute.
 void resume()
          Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the deployed state on all servers in the serverList attribute.
 void setAllowPoolToShrink(String factoryName, Boolean allow)
          Set whether the named connection factory pool is allowed to shrink.
 void setAutoSuspendEnabled(boolean newValue)
          Set the auto-suspend as enabled or disabled for this adapter instance.
 void setAutoSuspendTimeout(Integer newValue)
          Get the number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.
 void setConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName, String[] roles)
          Set the list of names of roles allowed to obtain connections from the named connection factory.
 void setConnectionFactoryProperties(String factoryName, Properties props)
          Set the connection properties for the named connection factory.
 void setInboundMessagingTargets(String[] newValue)
          Set the targets for the inbound messaging component of this adapter instance.
 void setMaxPoolSize(String factoryName, Integer size)
          Set the maximum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory * @param factoryName the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the max pool size is being set.
 void setMinPoolSize(String factoryName, Integer size)
          Set the minimum pool size for the named connection factory.
 void setProperties(Properties props)
          Set the properties for this adapter instance.
 void setWLSToEISPrincipalMap(String factoryName, PrincipalMap newValue)
          Set the principal map to use for the named connection factory.
 void suspend()
          Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the suspended state on all servers in the serverList attribute.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getComments, getName, getNotes, isDefaultedMBean, isPersistenceEnabled, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, touch, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addBeanUpdateListener, addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopy, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getDescriptor, getParentBean, isEditable, removeBeanUpdateListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Method Detail


Integer getDeployState()
Logical status of this Adapter instance (船eployed・ 繕ndeployed・ 船eploying・ 繕ndeploying・ 船eploy Failed・ 全uspended・ 全uspending・and 然esuming・.


Object getCauseOfCurrentState()
The throwable/exception or String explanation that caused the Adapter to be in the current state (船eploy Failed・and 全uspended・only) or null if the AppView is in none of these states.


Long getTimeInCurrentState()
The number of milliseconds this Adapter instance has been in its current state.


String getAdapterID()
ID of the Adapter this MBean represents as a string (derived from appName and getDescriptor().getQualifiedName().toString()). Note, the QualifiedName is available via the descriptor attribute.


String getAppName()
Name of the J2EE application that contains the Adapter instance this MBean represents


IAdapterDescriptor getAdapterDescriptor()
This attribute holds all the metadata known about the Adapter instance and can be serialized to/from an XML document (is also Serializable). The descriptors (IConnectionFactoryDescriptor) for each connection factory in the adapter instance are available from this object. NOTE: The property set on the IAdapterDescriptor and the individual IConnectionFactoryDescriptors within it are writeable. Any change to these properties will require a redeploy of the adapter instance for them to take effect.


String[] getServerList()
The list of servers (managed server names) on which this adapter instance is present (in some state that may be Deploying, Resuming, Undeploying, etc.).



boolean isAutoSuspended()
Was this Adapter instance auto-suspended. If the Adapter instance is not in the suspended state, this returns false. The cause of the auto-suspend is available via getCauseOfCurrentState().


String getDescription()
Description of this Adapter instance or null if none was given. Note, available via the descriptor attribute as well, but separated out for efficient summary display.


PrincipalMap getWLSToEISPrincipalMap(String factoryName)
Mappings from WLS user name to EIS user name and password. If the client using the named connection factory has container-managed sign-on enabled, having a non-null, non-empty wlsToEISPrincipalMap will cause the connection factory to authenticate connections using the mapped EIS user name anytime the current user within WLS has a WLS user name for which there is a mapping. NOTE: This property is persistent. It will be stored in the WLS credential mapper just like the WLS console stores principal maps for RAR deployments.

factoryName - The name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the PrincipalMap is being obtained.


void setWLSToEISPrincipalMap(String factoryName,
                             PrincipalMap newValue)
Set the principal map to use for the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the PrincipalMap is being set.
newValue - The new PrincipalMap to assign to the named connection factory.
See Also:
getWLSToEISPrincipalMap(String factoryName)


Properties getProperties()
Get the list of properties for this adapter instance. The use of any given property, and the number and type of individual properties is adapter specific. However, in general, properties on the adapter instance are used to configure overall adapter instance behavior, and to configure inbound messaging (including the EIS instance from which messages will be delivered).


void setProperties(Properties props)
Set the properties for this adapter instance.

props - The new properties for this adapter instance
See Also:


Integer getMinPoolSize(String factoryName)
Get the minimum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the min pool size is being retrieved.


void setMinPoolSize(String factoryName,
                    Integer size)
Set the minimum pool size for the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the min pool size is being set.
See Also:
getMinPoolSize(String factoryName)


Integer getMaxPoolSize(String factoryName)
Get the maximum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the max pool size is being retrieved.


void setMaxPoolSize(String factoryName,
                    Integer size)
Set the maximum number of connections to maintain in the pool for the named connection factory * @param factoryName the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the max pool size is being set.

See Also:
getMaxPoolSize(String factoryName)


Boolean getAllowPoolToShrink(String factoryName)
Is the pool for the named connection factory allowed to shrink in cases where it is sitting idle?

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the pool shrink value is being retrieved.


void setAllowPoolToShrink(String factoryName,
                          Boolean allow)
Set whether the named connection factory pool is allowed to shrink.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the pool shrink value is being set.
See Also:
getAllowPoolToShrink(String factoryName)


Properties getConnectionFactoryProperties(String factoryName)
Get the list of properties for named connection factory. The use of any given property, and the number and type of individual properties is adapter specific. However, in general, properties on the connection factory are used to configure connection properties for connections that will be created by and stored in the connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the properties are being retrieved.


void setConnectionFactoryProperties(String factoryName,
                                    Properties props)
Set the connection properties for the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the properties are being set.
See Also:
getConnectionFactoryProperties(String factoryName)


String[] getInboundMessagingTargets()
List of server (not cluster) names on which the inbound messaging section of the adapter instance will be activated. If this property is null or empty, the inbound messaging section of the adapter instance will be initialized on all servers on which this adapter instance is deployed. Note, specifying a server/cluster name in this list that is not also in the serverList property has no effect. In other words, the servers/clusters on which to activate the inbound messaging section of the adapter instance is the union of the serverList and inboundMessagingTargets properties.


void setInboundMessagingTargets(String[] newValue)
Set the targets for the inbound messaging component of this adapter instance. The targets list is a comma-separated list, and has no effect if this adapter instance has not been configured for inbound messaging at design-time.

newValue - A comma-separated list of targets on which to activate inbound messaging for this adapter instance.
See Also:
getInboundMessagingTargets(), IAdapterDescriptor.isInboundMessagingEnabled()


boolean isAutoSuspendEnabled()
Indicates if the auto-suspend feature is enabled for this adapter instance. If so, this adapter instance may be auto-suspended if requested by its inbound messaging section.


void setAutoSuspendEnabled(boolean newValue)
Set the auto-suspend as enabled or disabled for this adapter instance.

See Also:


Integer getAutoSuspendTimeout()
The number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last. After this number of seconds, the adapter instance will be resumed. Specify ・ to indicate an infinite suspend timeout.


void setAutoSuspendTimeout(Integer newValue)
Get the number of seconds AI should allow an auto-suspend to last.

See Also:


void suspend()
Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the suspended state on all servers in the serverList attribute.



void autoSuspend()
Internal use. Causes adapter instance to be suspended, and indicates it was auto-suspended.



void resume()
Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the deployed state on all servers in the serverList attribute.



void redeploy()
Requests the transition of the Adapter instance into the undeployed state, immediately followed by a transition to the deployed state, on all servers in the serverList attribute. This will allow changes to the metadata for the adapter instance to be picked up by the newly deployed adapter instance.



String[] getConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName)
Get a list of names of roles allowed to obtain connections from the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the policy is being retrieved.


void setConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName,
                                String[] roles)
Set the list of names of roles allowed to obtain connections from the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the policy is being set.
roles - An array of role names that are allowed to obtain connections from the named connection factory.
See Also:
getConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName)


String getInheritedConnectionFactoryPolicy(String factoryName)
Get a policy expression string inherited from the parent resource of the named connection factory.

factoryName - the name of the connection factory (within this adapter instance) for which the inherited policy is being retrieved.


String[] listDependentApplicationViews()
List all ApplicationViews (by ID) that depend on this adapter instance.
