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Using BEA Weblogic Portal 10.0 in Multibyte Environment

This document contains the following:

See BEA Product Documentation for the latest information.


Localizing Popup Text and Messages of Portlet Icons

The netuix-config.xml file contains the popup text for portlet icons. You can add a localized text (in boldface) as shown below. The following example shows localization to Japanese by adding the locale ja.

   <!-- Container supported widow states -->
   <window-state name="minimized">
            <locale language="ja">
            <locale language="en">


The netuix-config.xml file will be created in the WEB-INF directory after a portal Web project is created in Workshop.


Creating Non-UTF-8 Encoding-Based Portal Applications

This section gives an example of creating a Shift_JIS-based Japanese portal application. When creating a Shift_JIS-based JSP or PageFlow in portal applications, you have to configure the JSP or PageFlow as well as the portal itself.

The following is the first step to create a JSP or PageFlow with Shift_JIS encoding.

  1. Edit or add JSP ContentType.
        <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=Shift_JIS"%>

  3. Edit or add weblogic.xml charset-params.

    Add the following statements after <wls:context-root/> but before <wls:library-ref>.


    Then, set the portal as follows:
  4. Edit netuix-config.xml.

    Add the following statement before </weblogic-portal-app>.
        <default-encoding encoding="Shift_JIS" />

  6. Edit the portal file.

    The .portal file has the encoding setting in the netuix:desktop tag. The default is UTF-8. For Shift_JIS-based applications, this setting must be changed as shown below.

    The source can be edited when the .portal file is opened by explicitly specifying the XML editor on the Workshop menu.

        <netuix:desktop  encoding="Shift_JIS"/>


Adding Fonts to Rich Text Editor in GroupSpace

When settings are enabled in web.xml, the rich text editor screen is displayed for several portlets of GroupSpace.Fonts can be selected in this editor. By default, only particular English fonts are on the list. You can type and view multibyte characters with those fonts. However, use the following procedure if you want to add a font to the list.

  1. Expand <WL_HOME> /portal/lib/modules/wlp-commonui-web-lib.war.
  2. Edit wlp/pinEdit/editor/config/config_toolbar_auto_custom.js using the editor.
  3. Locate the case "20": // Font line in the source.
  4. Add the following statement with the desired font name under the // add item line in the case statement.
        cmbFont.add(objToolbars.createStyleComboItem("<FONT unselectable='ON' face='font name'>font name</font>","","","font name"));

  6. Save the file. Be sure to save it in the UTF-8 format.
  7. Reflect the edited file to <WL_HOME>/portal/lib/modules/wlp-commonui-web-lib.war.

Note: When the application is new to the domain, use this procedure before deploying the application. When an existing domain is updated, the application must be redeployed.


Multibyte Character Search Using GroupSpace Enterprise Search

Using the GS Enterprise Search portlet in GroupSpace, you can search contents of files under the specified directory, the page at the specified URL, or the linked page.

To search files or pages containing Japanese or other multibyte characters, the following settings are required.

  1. Edit <WL_HOME>/cm/thirdparty/autonomy-wlp10/<PLATFORM_TYPE>/IDOLserver/IDOL/AutonomyIDOLServer.cfg.

    In the [Server] section, set AutoDetectLanguagesAtIndex to FALSE (Default value), and in the [Language Types] section, specify the encoding for the files or pages to be searched.More than one encoding cannot be handled at the same time.

    Example: When specifying Japanese UTF-8
  2. To search the contents of Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF files, the following setting is also required.

    <WL_HOME>/cm/thirdparty/autonomy-wlp10/<PLATFORM_TYPE>/filters /omnislave.cfg
    <WL_HOME>/cm/thirdparty/autonomy-wlp10/<PLATFORM_TYPE>/filters /pdfslave.cfg
  3. Edit web.xml of the portal Web project.
  4. Add the context-param element and specify the encoding for the files or pages to be searched.

    Example: When specifying UTF-8


    Note: Specify the IDOLEncodings name for outputEncoding, and the lower-case IANA encoding name for connectionEncoding.


Editing Community Email Invitations

You can edit community email invitations using the following procedure.

  1. Open the portal Web application using Workshop.

    Note: To use this function, you have to select the "WebLogic Portal Collaboration" option when creating the portal Web application.
  2. Open the "Merged Projects" tab.
  3. Expand "invitations/email" in the project tree.
  4. Right-click the following files and select "Copy To Project".
  5. Open the "Navigator" tab.
  6. Expand the project tree and edit the copied files as follows:

    Example of modifying invite_subject.jsp
    <%@ page contentType="text/plain;charset=UTF-8" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <c:when test="${empty pageFlow.customMessageFromName}">
     You have been invited to community ${pageFlow.communityTitle}!
    <c:otherwise>${pageFlow.customMessageFromName} is inviting you to GroupSpace


    Example of editing invite_body.jsp
    <%@ page contentType="text/plain;charset=UTF-8" %><%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    The ${pageFlow.communityTitle} GropSpace is inviting you.
    <c:if test="${!empty pageFlow.customMessageBody}"> <c:choose><c:when test="${empty pageFlow.customMessageFromName}">
    Message from the member inviting you:
    Message for you from ${pageFlow.customMessageFromName}.
    You can manage the following items from the ${pageFlow.communityTitle} GroupSpace.

      * Discussion forums
      * Public/personal links to related project information
      * View integrated email with your enterprise collaboration services
      * Manage RSS news feeds
      * Share and manage content-rich documents


    You will be welcomed!


Setting of maximum value for file descriptor at the time of portal domain startup

When portal domain is started by using Localized Installer, an exception called "Too many open files" may occur in case of server start.This exception shows the problems generated in the resource of operating system, as file descriptors are not sufficient in the operating system and JVM process.Refer to Too many open files of trouble-shooting guide support diagnosis pattern and change the number of definitions of file descriptors as needed.


Known Limitations on BEA WebLogic Portal 10.0 in Multibyte Environment

The following table shows supplementary information about multibyte environment for Known Limitations and Workarounds in BEA WebLogic Portal 10.0.

Problem ID



Enterprise Search of GroupSpace cannot find multibyte characters in files other than text files and XML files.

Enterprise Search of GroupSpace can find multibyte characters in text and XML files. It may not work properly when a multibyte character is used in a file name.

Platform: All

Resolution: To search the contents of Word, Excel, Powerpoint or PDF files, the setting described in the “Multibyte Character Search Using GroupSpace Enterprise Search” is also required.


The Recent Item portlet in GroupSpace cannot be used when the locale of the server is Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese.

The Recent Item portlet in GroupSpace displays an exception and is unusable when the locale of the server is Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese.

Platform: All (the locale is Korean, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese)


When the server is operating in production mode, editing an interaction-related file using a multibyte character in a management tool causes an exception.

When the server is being started in production mode, editing an interaction-related file (campaign, placeholder, segment, or content selector) using a multibyte character in a management tool causes an exception.

Platform: All

Workaround: Edit the file in Workshop and then redeploy the application.


When the language of browser is either [zh-cn], [zh-tw] or [ko], calendar cannot be started in the Calendar portlet and Tasks portlet in GroupSpace.

When the language of browser is either [zh-cn], [zh-tw] or [ko], calendar cannot be started in the Calendar portlet and Tasks portlet in GroupSpace, even if [Calendar] icon is clicked.

Platform: All

Workaround : Set the language of browser to [en] and start calendar.


When new community is created by selecting "Create New Community" menu of community tool and if expiry date is set, an exception is generated.

New community can be created by selecting "Create New Community" menu of community tool but if expiry date is set, in that case an exception is generated.

Platform : All (When localized is used)

Workaround : After creating the community by omitting the settings of expiry date, select "Manage this community" on community tool and set the expiry date in [Status and expiry date] on [Property] page.


When file, associated with contents in the contents management of management tool, contains multi-byte characters and if this file is tried to preview or download, the contents are garbled if file encoding is other than UTF-8.

If the file in contents management of management tool containing multi-byte characters is uploaded to repository and if this file is associated with contents, the contents are displayed properly if file encoding is UTF-8 and it can be previewed and downloaded but the contents are garbled if file encoding is other than UTF-8.

Platform : All

Workaround : Use file with file encoding as UTF-8 while associating the file with contents.



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