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エクスポート/インポート ユーティリティ ファイル

この付録には、エクスポート/インポート ユーティリティのデフォルト プロパティ ファイルが記載されています。

コード リスト A-1 に、デフォルトの xip.properties ファイルを示します。

コード リスト A-1 デフォルトの xip.properties ファイル
# Export/Import Properties file.The properties in this file are read by the Xip
# (pronounced zip) utility.You may specify an alternate properties file via the
# -properties command line argument.
# Server connfiguration information
# command - Are we exporting or importing.Valid values are: "export", "import"
# object - The "thing" you want to export/import (desktop, book, page)
# Identifier properties, tells the import export utility how to identify the
# artifacts to be retrieved or updated.When importing and exporting books and
# pages.If scoping changes to the admin desktop (default desktop)
# or visitor desktop then "portal.path" and "desktop.path" must be specified.If
# you are exporting a book or page then the book.label or page.label need to be
# specified.
#page.label and book.label are not used on import as the labels are pulled from
#the .pinc files themselves.
# The webapp must always be specified.This is the webapp name not necessarily
# the directory name.If you are export or importing this is where you are export
# from or importing to respectively.
# Input and output files -- .pinc or.portal files.These files are
# relative to the "xip" directory
# Import options - these options are used as rules to the export/import utility
# scope - Changes can be scoped to the "library", "admin", or "visitor" when
# importing a .pinc file, and "admin" or "visitor" when
# exporting a .portal file.
# If this property # has a value of "admin" or "visitor" then a
# xip.identifier.portal.path and xip.identifier.desktop.path # must be specified
# above.Of course to scope exports to the "library" or "admin" you must be in
# the Admin or PortalSystemAdministrator Role.

# deletes - If true, then books, pages and portlets that are currently on the
# existing desktop in the database but not in the new import file (.portal or
# .pinc) will be removed from exiting desktop.
# moves - (innerMoves) If true, then existing books, pages and portlets that are
# in different locations on the same parent will be moved to the correct location.
# If you want to move books, pages and portlets across different parents
# then see outermoves
# outermoves - If true, then existing books, pages and portlets that are moved
# from different parents will be moved to the new parent.If this is not set then
# it will be handled as a remove and add (different customizations are lost)
# updates - If true, then books, pages and portlets that are currently not on
# the existing desktop will be added, and any instance attributes on the books,
# page, and portlet will be updated in the database.
# abort.if.portlets.missing - if true, then if the new .portal or .pinc
# file references a portlet that is not in the current webapp then
# abort, otherwise skip the portlet and continue on.
# modify.definitions - If this flag is set to true then any changes in the import
# file will effect the defintions and not just the instances.These include
# things like markup (backing files, rollover images, isHidden, ... for a more|
# complete list refer to the database schema).It is important to note that these
# changes may effect other desktops outside the one you are scoping it to.
# propagate.changes - Typically all changes that are made to Library artifacts
# are cascaded down to the admin's desktop and subsequently cascaded down to the
# visitor'ss view.If this property is set to "sync" then
# these changes will occur synchronously as part of this transaction.If this
# property is set to "off" then changes will not get cascaded for the artifacts
# which have been modified.For books, pages and portlets that have not
# been modified at the admin or visitor level, then these will always receive
# the changes as they point to the default.
# create.portal - If this flag is set then when importing a desktop and the given
# portal is not already create then one will be created for you.
# portal.title - If the above flag is set and a new portal is being created it
# needs a title.This property value will be the new portal's title.
# locale - the locale of the titles and descriptions in the .portal
# or .pinc file.Note the encoding is defined in the file itself.
xip.import.context.portal.title=My Green Portal
# Export Options
# scope - Changes can be scoped to the "library", "admin", or "visitor" when
# importing a .pinc file, and "admin" or "visitor" when exporting a
# .portal file.
# If this property has a value of "admin" or "visitor" then a
# xip.identifier.portal.path and xip.identifier.desktop.path
# must be specified above.Of course to scope exports to the "library" or "admin"
# you must be in the Admin or PortalSystemAdministrator Role.
# locale - the locale of the titles and descriptions in the .portal or.pinc
# file.

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