Interaction Management Guide

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Setting Up Events and Behavior Tracking

An Event is generated when a user interacts with a web interface. Events can include logging in, clicking or viewing a graphic, clicking a button, navigating to another page in a portal, and so on.

WebLogic Portal provides an events framework that lets you leverage events in many ways: to trigger Campaigns, persist event data in the database, and provide other types of functionality when events occur.

Note: Interaction Management events are different than portlet events, which provide a framework for interportlet communication. See the Portlet Development Guide.

The following examples show functionality you can provide with the event framework:

This chapter describes the components of the event framework, helps you plan an event strategy by explaining the purpose and use of each piece of the framework, describes WebLogic Portal's predefined events, and provides guidance and instructions on using events in your applications.

This chapter includes the following sections:


Choosing How to Handle Events

Each Event is an instance of an Event object that is identified with a unique name, or type. Each Event type can get and set specific attributes, depending on its function. In each of the previous examples, the event must capture specific information. For example, to capture the number of times users access a portal page, a ClickPage event might get and set the name of the page that was clicked. To identify which pieces of content are viewed, a DisplayContent event might get and set the ID and type of each displayed content item.

After events set their attribute values, you can persist those values in any desired way. WebLogic Portal provides a default mechanism for persisting event attributes in a database as XML. When event data is stored in the database, you can mine that data to perform analytics, run reports, or even feed event data back into your applications. For example, you can create a portlet that runs SQL queries against the database and returns the number of times each portal page was visited. You can also develop your own persistence functionality. For example, you can store event data in a file, or you can write the data to database tables without structuring the data in XML.

Sometimes, events do not require attributes or persistence. Their only purpose could be to trigger some other type of functionality. For example, if you want to determine how many times a download link is clicked regardless of who clicked it, a ClickDownloadLink event (and an accompanying event listener) can increment a database field value by 1.

You can also make Campaigns more powerful by using events in your Campaign definitions. For example, you can send a user a predefined e-mail automatically when the user generates the UserRegistration event by registering in a portal; or display a personalized piece of content when an event with specific attribute values is generated.

Figure 9-1 shows the event framework, which gives you the flexibility to handle events in many ways. Table 9-1 describes the pieces of the framework.

Figure 9-1 The Event Framework

The Event Framework

Table 9-1 The Event Framework
An event is an object that extends either the Event or TrackingEvent class. The event identifies itself to the Event service with a unique name, or type, declares the attributes it will use, and passes the event type and the attributes to the base class constructor.
Events can contain whatever type of attributes you want to capture. For example, you can capture the name of a page or a portlet that is selected for viewing; you can capture the name of a JSP in a Page Flow to gauge which JSPs are being visited most often. You can trigger a Campaign when a specific JSP is viewed; you can capture information about content retrieved from the virtual content repository, or you can capture product information when a user adds an item to a shopping cart.

Note: Shopping cart events, discounts, and catalogs are part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

Behavior Tracking events also declare the XML namespace and schema filename that the Event Service uses to store event attribute values in the database as XML. For each custom Behavior Tracking event you create, you should also create an XML schema.
Wherever you want to generate the event in your application (whether from a JSP, a Java class, or a Page Flow), create an instance of the event. In your code, set the attribute values the event needs, and pass them to the event as arguments in the order the event expects them. The argument order is defined in the event class. Tell the Event Service to dispatch the event. Dispatching an event tells all the interested event listeners that the event has occurred, causing them to perform their actions.
The Behavior Tracking listener listens for all events that extend the TrackingEvent class and are registered with the Behavior Tracking service.
The Behavior Tracking listener's function is to move the XML document of event attributes, created by the event and the XML schema, to a buffer. The Behavior Tracking Service then moves the XML document to the BT_EVENT table in the database in an interval you determine.
You can retrieve Behavior Tracking data from the database for reporting or analytical purposes, such as determining the amount of traffic a page or portlet receives.
By default, the Behavior Tracking listener is not registered with the Event service. You must register the Behavior Tracking listener to enable Behavior Tracking, as described in Enabling Behavior Tracking.
The Campaign event listener listens for and handles all events, except excluded events listed in the wps.jar file's file. When an event occurs, the Campaign event listener calls the Campaign service. The Campaign service takes a snapshot of the current HTTP request, and evaluates the data in the request against any Campaigns you have created to see if any Campaign actions need to be executed.
Campaigns are completely dependent on events. If no events occur, the Campaign service is never called, and no Campaign actions are executed.
In addition to the basic function of calling the Campaign service with an event, you can also use events within Campaign definitions by executing Campaign actions if a specific event occurs or if an event has specific properties. For example, you can define a Campaign in the following ways:
  • If MyEvent occurs, show a specific piece of content.
  • If MyEvent has a published property with a value greater than 2004, show a specific piece of content.
In order to use events and event properties in Campaign definitions, you must create an event property set for each event you want to use in Campaigns (stored in your application's /data/src/events directory in WorkSpace Studio). An event property set contains the exact names of the attributes you are setting in your event. The Campaign Editor interface uses the event property set in drop-down fields that you use to create the Campaign definition.
For information on Campaigns, see Building a Campaign.
Create a custom event listener only if you want to perform custom functionality when an event occurs. A custom listener tells the Event service which events to monitor (which events trigger it to perform its custom functionality). For example, with a custom event listener, you can implement your own persistence mechanism to store event attributes, or you can respond to an event in real time by modifying a User Profile or displaying related products when a user clicks a product image.
The base class you implement, EventListener, provides two methods: getTypes(), which lets the listener advertise which event types it is interested in, and handleEvent(), which lets you perform your custom functionality.
A listener can listen for more than one event, whether the event is a custom event or any of WebLogic Portal's predefined events.
In performing custom event handling, you have access to the event properties with the event's getAttribute() method.


Completing Your Behavior Tracking Strategy

WebLogic Portal's event framework provides many options for generating and handling events, as described in the previous section. See the guidelines in Planning Your Behavior Tracking Strategy to determine the pieces of the event framework you need to implement.

This section contains the following topic:

Planning the Deployment of Custom Events, Listeners, and Property Sets

Creating custom events, listeners, and event property sets involves adding files to your application and updating your application CLASSPATH. If you are adding events and property sets to an application that is already deployed, these changes require application redeployment for the events and CLASSPATH updates, and running the BEA Propagation Utility to update the event properties in the database. For deployment instructions, see the Production Operations Guide.

See Part IV Production for other deployment and production tasks.


Using Predefined Events

WebLogic Portal provides predefined Behavior Tracking events. The events capture different attributes and use the Behavior Tracking listener and the Behavior Tracking Service to persist the attributes as XML in the BT_EVENT table when they are generated, or dispatched. You must enable Behavior Tracking to persist the event attributes (as described in Enabling Behavior Tracking). You can also use these events to trigger Campaigns.

The following predefined events are provided for compatibility with legacy WebLogic Portal commerce applications: AddToCartEvent, PurchaseCartEvent, and RemoveFromCartEvent. If you want to dispatch these events in new commerce applications, you must create your own code and Content Management properties to set and get the event property values, and you must dispatch these events from your application code (for example, Page Flows and JSPs).

WARNING: Shopping cart events are part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

If you want to perform custom event handling when any of the predefined events is dispatched, create a custom event listener, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.

This section contains the following topics:

Using the SessionLoginEvent

Use the SessionLoginEvent to dispatch an event when a user logs into a portal and is authenticated.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the SessionBeginEvent and SessionEndEvent

The SessionBeginEvent and the SessionEndEvent are generated automatically. A SessionBeginEvent is generated when a user accesses a web site running on WebLogic Portal. A SessionEndEvent is generated when the session ends, such as when the user closes the browser or the session times out.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the events are generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

The SessionBeginEvent and the SessionEndEvent do not have corresponding property sets in a portal application. By default, the Campaign listener does not listen for these events, so they cannot be used to trigger Campaigns. For more information on starting a Campaign, see Triggering a Campaign.

Using the UserRegistrationEvent

Use the UserRegistrationEvent to dispatch an event when a user registers in a portal (when the user is added to the user store programmatically with a registration portlet, for example).

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values (in particular the user ID) are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the AddToCartEvent

Use AddToCartEvent to dispatch an event when a user adds an item to a shopping cart. This event lets you capture information such as currency type, quantity of the item being added, unit list price, and SKU. These properties must be represented somehow in your shopping cart and content type to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the RemoveFromCartEvent

The RemoveFromCartEvent generates an event when a user removes an item from a shopping cart. This event lets you capture information such as currency type, quantity of the item being added, unit list price, and SKU. These properties must be represented somehow in your shopping cart and content type to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the PurchaseCartEvent

The PurchaseCartEvent dispatches an event when a user makes a purchase. This event lets you capture information such as currency type, order number, and total purchase price. These properties must be represented somehow in your shopping cart to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the Rule Events

WebLogic Portal provides a Rule Event control that lets you generate a Behavior Tracking event whenever you fire a rule in a page flow using the Rules Executor control. The Rule Event control gets all necessary properties, including the names of the rule set and the rule that was fired.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

The Rule Event does not have a corresponding property set in a portal application. Rules are often used instead of Campaigns, because they provide more flexibility and power; so creating a rule event property set to trigger a Campaign when a rule is fired is not a likely scenario. However, if you want to create a rule property set to trigger a Campaign when a rule is fired, create an event property set called RuleEvent.evt and add the following single, unrestricted string properties: ruleset-name and rule-name. For instructions on creating property sets, see Creating a Property Set.

For more information on using rules, see the Rule Event Control and Creating Advanced Personalization with Rules.

Using the DisplayCampaignEvent

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, a DisplayCampaignEvent is automatically generated when a Campaign places a content item in a Placeholder. The event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the Display Content Event Control

Using the Display Content Event control with a <BehaviorTracking:displayContentEvent/> JSP tag let you generate a Behavior Tracking event when you display a piece of content in a JSP.

See Table 9-2 for details on how get the document-id and document-type properties.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

A Display Content Event does not have a corresponding property set in a portal application. By default, the Campaign service does not listen for these events, so they cannot be used to trigger Campaigns. For more information, see Triggering a Campaign.

Using the Display Product Events JSP Tag

The <productTracking:displayProductEvent> JSP tag lets you generate a Behavior Tracking event when you display a product from your catalog.

WARNING: Catalogs, shopping cart events, discounts, and so on are part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

See Table 9-2 for details on how get the application-name, category-id, document-id, document-type, and SKU properties.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

A Display Product Event does not have a corresponding property set in a portal application. By default, the Campaign service does not listen for these events, so they cannot be used to trigger Campaigns. For more information, see Triggering a Campaign.

Using the CampaignUserActivityEvent

The CampaignUserActivityEvent dispatches an event when a generic Campaign event occurs. This event creates a new DisplayCampaignEvent and associates users with specific Campaign and Scenario instances. These properties must be represented to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ClickCampaignEvent

Using the ClickCampaignEvent with the ClickThroughEventFilter generates an event when a user clicks a content item displayed by a Campaign.

Perform the following steps to enable content clicking:

  1. Include the appropriate entries in your portal web project's web.xml and weblogic.xml files, as described in Generating Events for Content Clicks.
  2. Configure your content items with specific properties, as described in Setting up Content.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ClickProductEvent

Use the ClickProductEvent with the ClickThroughEventFilter to generate an event when a user clicks a product content item. Product content items typically exist in a catalog or shopping cart.

WARNING: Shopping cart events, discounts, and catalogs are part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The ClickProductEvent lets you capture information such as product category and SKU. Both of those properties must be represented somehow in your content type to use this event.

To enable content clicking, include the appropriate entries in your portal web project's web.xml and weblogic.xml files, as described in Generating Events for Content Clicks.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ClickContentEvent

Use the ClickContentEvent with the ClickThroughEventFilter to generate an event when a user clicks any content item that was retrieved from the virtual content repository, but not as the result of a Campaign.

To enable event generation on content clicking, include the appropriate entries in your portal web project's web.xml and weblogic.xml files, as described in Generating Events for Content Clicks.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.


Generating Events for Content Clicks

WebLogic Portal provides predefined events that can be generated when a user clicks a content item in a portal. In particular, the <BehaviorTracking:clickContentEvent> and the <productTracking:clickProductEvent> JSP tags enable content click events. The ClickCampaignEvent also generates content click events. To enable content to be clicked so that an event is dispatched to the Event service, use the ClickThroughEventFilter, add the EventService to the web.xml file and the weblogic.xml file, and enable Campaign clickthroughs.

This section contains the following topics:

Using the ClickThroughEventFilter

Use the ClickThroughEventFilter whenever you use /ShowBinary pattern in a URL. ShowBinary (which is mapped to the ShowPropertyServlet) displays binary web content, such as graphics. Use /ShowBinary in the content URL in your JSPs. After you map the ClickThroughEventFilter to the /ShowBinary URL pattern, use /ShowBinary in your JSP as part of the URL with a click event JSP tag. Then, when a user clicks the content, a click content event is generated by the ClickThroughEventFilter.

To enable this capability, add the following filter and filter mapping to your portal web project's web.xml file:

JSP Example

Assuming you have added the filter mapping to your web.xml file, the following JSP code displays a content item from the virtual content repository (that has already been retrieved from an iterator, not shown) and provides the mechanism for click content event generation:

<!-- The JSP tag gets the documentId of a content item, which provides
the ClickThroughEventFilter with the parameters it needs to
generate an event. The id attribute stores the data retrieved
by the tag. This JSP tag alone does not generate the event. -->
<BehaviorTracking:clickContentEvent documentId="<%= node.getName() %>" id="eventInfo" />
<!-- A URL variable uses /ShowBinary to provide the clickable link,
which is mapped to the ClickThroughEventFilter. The eventInfo variable
provides the ClickThroughEventFilter with the required event parameters
when a user clicks the link. -->
<% String url = request.getContextPath() + "/ShowBinary"+node.getPath() + "?" + eventInfo;%>
<!-- Now if the user clicks the link, a ClickContentEvent is generated by
the ClickThroughEventFilter. The ShowBinary servlet displays the
content from the virtual content repository in its binary form
(such as a graphic). -->
<a href="<%= url %>"><img src="<%=request.getContextPath() + "/ShowBinary" + node.getPath()%>" ></a>

Enabling Campaign Clickthroughs

To enable Campaign clickthroughs that trigger the predefined ClickCampaign Event, you must configure your content items with specific properties, as described in Setting up Content.


Generating Content Events

Other predefined events track changes made to the virtual content repository or to the repository configuration. The events capture different attributes and use the Behavior Tracking listener and the Behavior Tracking Service to persist the attributes as XML in the BT_EVENT table when they are generated, or dispatched. You must enable Behavior Tracking to persist the event attributes (as described in Enabling Behavior Tracking).

The following events track repository changes: CampaignUserActivityEvent, ContentConfigEvent, ContentCreateEvent, ContentDeleteEvent, and ContentUpdateEvent.

If you want to perform custom event handling when any of the predefined events is dispatched, create a custom event listener, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.

Using the ContentConfigEvent

The ContentConfigEvent dispatches a new event when a user makes a configuration change to the virtual content repository. This event lets you capture information, such as the action that was performed on the repository. The properties must be represented to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ContentCreateEvent

The ContentCreateEvent dispatches an event when a user adds content to the virtual content repository. This event lets you capture information, such as the content type, the path where the new content was created, the content's status, and so on. The properties must be represented to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ContentDeleteEvent

The ContentDeleteEvent dispatches an event when a user removes content from the virtual content repository. This event lets you capture information, such as the content type, the path where the content existed before it was removed, the content's status, and so on. The properties must be represented to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Using the ContentUpdateEvent

The ContentDeleteEvent dispatches an event when a user changes content from the virtual content repository. This event lets you capture information, such as the content type, the path where the content existed before it was updated, the content's status, and so on. The properties must be represented to use this event.

If Behavior Tracking is enabled, the event property values are written to the BT_EVENT table in the database when the event is generated and the event is registered with the Behavior Tracking Service as a persisted event, as shown in Figure 9-3.


Providing Event Attribute Values

WebLogic Portal's predefined events set many of their attribute values automatically. However, there are attributes that you must set manually in your code. Table 9-2 describes the attributes needed by the predefined events and shows you the methods you can use to set the attributes in your code. You can also use these methods to set attributes in your custom events.

You can get some attributes from other generated events. For example, whenever a Campaign displays a piece of content, a DisplayCampaignEvent is generated. The DisplayCampaignEvent sets an attribute called placeholder-id. (It also sets other attributes.) If you want to set the placeholder-id for a custom event, you can get the attribute from the DisplayCampaignEvent using the getAttribute() method on that event. For example: DisplayCampaignEvent.getAttribute( "aPlaceholderId" );

Table 9-2 Getting Attributes for Predefined Events 
Event Attribute
How to Get the Attribute
The name of the enterprise application. All predefined events that use this attribute set it automatically. To set this attribute manually in a custom event, use the following method:
The unique ID of a Campaign. All predefined events that use this attribute set it automatically. To set this attribute manually in a custom event, use the following method: com.bea.campaign.CampaignInfo.getUniqueId().
The category that an item in the catalog belongs to. You must set this attribute manually. To get the category-id in the following way, your catalog must be built on the WebLogic Portal catalog API: com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness. catalog.service.category.CategoryManager. getItemCategories(). If your catalog is built in any other way, get the category-id attribute in the appropriate way.

Note: Catalog functionality was part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

Gets the type of currency on an item. You must set this attribute manually. To get the currency, your commerce application must be built on the WebLogic Portal Commerce API: com.beasys.commerce.axiom.units. Money.getCurrency(). If your currency is set in any other way, get the currency in the appropriate way.

Note: The Commerce API is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The unique virtual content repository ID of the retrieved content item. You could also get the unique document name. The Campaign events set this attribute automatically. You must set it manually for all other events. Content events that have corresponding JSP tags provide a tag attribute. After you have retrieved a content item from the virtual content repository with a Content Selector, a Campaign, a Placeholder, or by any other means, use one of the following to get the document-id:
com.bea.content.Node.getId() or getName()
Use the <cm:getProperty> JSP tag to get the cm_uid or cm_nodeName property.
Type is the name of the virtual content repository type, not the MIME type. The Campaign events set this attribute automatically. You must set it manually for all other events. Content events that have corresponding JSP tags provide a tag attribute. After you have retrieved a content item from the virtual content repository with a Content Selector, a Campaign, a Placeholder, or by any other means, use com.bea.content.Node.getType() to retrieve the content's type.
The unique ID of a customer's order. To get the order-id, your commerce application must use the WebLogic Portal order framework. Use the following method: com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.order. Order.getIdentifier(). If your commerce application is built in any other way, get the order-id in the appropriate way.

Note: The Commerce API is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The unique ID of the content Placeholder displaying the content. The predefined events that use this attribute set it automatically.
The number of a specific items in a shopping cart. To get the quantity, your commerce application must use the WebLogic Portal shopping cart framework. Use the following method: com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness. shoppingcart.ShoppingCartLine.getQuantity(). If your shopping cart is built in any other way, get the quantity in the appropriate way.

Note: Shopping cart functionality was part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The unique ID of a Campaign scenario that contains the action that was executed. The predefined events that use this attribute set it automatically. To set it manually in a custom event, use the following method: com.bea.campaign.action. Action.getScenarioId().
The unique ID of the current session. This is retrieved automatically by the predefined events, which extend the TrackingEvent class, which uses javax.servlet.http.HttpSession.getId() and assigns the return value to the session-id property.
The sku number of the catalog item. To get the sku, you must use the commerce framework to set SKU numbers. Use the following method: com.bea. commerce.ebusiness.tracking.tags.ProductEventTag.getSku(). If your catalog is built in any other way, get the sku in the appropriate way.

Note: Catalog functionality was part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The total price of an order in a shopping cart. To get total-price, your commerce application must use the WebLogic Portal shopping cart framework. Use the following method: com.beasys.commerce.ebusiness.shoppingcart. ShoppingCart.getTotalPrice(). If your shopping cart is built in any other way, get the total-price in the appropriate way.

Note: Shopping cart functionality was part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The unit price of an item in a shopping cart. To get unit-price or unit-list-price in the following way, your commerce application must use the WebLogic Portal shopping cart framework. Use the following method: com.beasys.commerce. business.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartLine.getUnitPrice(). If your shopping cart is built in any other way, get the unit-price or unit-list-price in the appropriate way.

Note: Shopping cart functionality was part of the Commerce API, which is deprecated with WebLogic Portal 10.0. The API is replaced by AquaLogic Commerce Services, which is available as a product separate from WebLogic Portal.

The ID of the authenticated user. This is retrieved automatically by the predefined events, which extend the TrackingEvent class, and the return value is assigned to the user-id property. You can also use the following method to get the user-id from the request: com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.SessionHelper. getUserId(request).


Enabling Behavior Tracking

The default PointBase database in a WebLogic Portal domain (and the SQL scripts used to build a portal database for other database types) include Behavior Tracking tables that are ready to use for storing Behavior Tracking data. However, you must manually activate Behavior Tracking to use Behavior Tracking events. You can use the Administration Console or WorkSpace Studio to enable Behavior Tracking. The tool you choose to enable Behavior Tracking depends on how you want to deploy your application.

Choose one of the following two ways to enable Behavior Tracking:

This section contains the following topics:

Enabling Behavior Tracking in the Administration Console

Use the Administration Console to update the plan.xml deployment file for your application at run-time. See the Production Operations Guide for more information on deployment plans.

If you are using a database other than PointBase, see the Database Administration Guide for instructions on creating a separate database for Behavior Tracking events.

Perform the following steps to activate Behavior Tracking by registering the BehaviorTrackingListener class with the Event service:

  1. Start the Administration Console and log in as a system administrator.
  2. Choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
  3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Event Service.
  4. In the Synchronous Listeners section, click Add Synchronous Listener.
  5. Enter the following class in the Class Name field:
  6. com.bea.p13n.tracking.listeners.BehaviorTrackingListener
    Note: Synchronous listeners receive events immediately. Asynchronous listeners use a thread scheduler to receive events.
  7. Click Update. The class appears in the Class Name list, and the plan.xml file is updated. Behavior Tracking is activated, as shown in Figure 9-2. You do not need to restart the server or redeploy your application.
  8. Figure 9-2 The New Class Appears in the Class Name Field

    The New Class Appears in the Class Name Field

Configuring Behavior Tracking

By default, Behavior Tracking data is not written to the database immediately when a Behavior Tracking event occurs. The events are stored in a buffer. You can determine how often Behavior Tracking data is moved to the database from the buffer.

Perform the following steps to determine how often Behavior Tracking data is moved to the database:

  1. Start the Administration Console and log in as a system administrator.
  2. Choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
  3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Behavior Tracking Service.
  4. Click Configuration Settings for: Behavior Tracking Service. Figure 9-3 shows the Configuration Setting dialog box.
  5. Modify the settings, as described in Table 9-3. Leave the default values for Data Source JNDI Name (the p13n.trackingDataSource) and Custom Persistence Classname (null). These fields provide the default behavior for moving event data from the buffer to the BT_EVENT table in the database. For alternative persistence, see Storing Behavior Tracking Data in Other Ways. For information on the Persisted Event Types field, see Creating a Behavior Tracking Event Class.
  6. Figure 9-3 Configuring Behavior Tracking

    Configuring Behavior Tracking

  7. Click Update.
  8. Restart the server for your changes to take effect.

Use Table 9-3 when you set your Behavior Tracking settings.

Table 9-3 Behavior Tracking Settings
Maximum Buffer Size
Determines the maximum number of events stored in the buffer before the event data is written to the database. The default value is 100 events.
All events are stored in the buffer, but only the events listed in the Persisted Event Types field are written to the database. All others are flushed from the buffer.
Buffer Sweep Interval
Determines how often the events buffer is checked to determine whether the events in the buffer should be persisted to the database. Two conditions trigger events to be moved from the buffer to the database: 1) The maximum buffer size has been reached, or 2) The maximum time allowed in the buffer (Buffer Sweep Maximum) has been exceeded. The default value is 10 seconds.
Buffer Sweep Maximum Time
Sets the maximum time in seconds before the events in the buffer are written to the database (and the non-persisted event types are flushed from the buffer). The default value is 120 seconds.

This section contains the following topics:

Adjusting Behavior Tracking for Optimal Performance

In your development or testing environment, start with a set of baseline values for Maximum Buffer Size, Buffer Sweep Interval, and Buffer Sweep Maximum. Try different values while testing peak site usage with your web application until you find the ideal balance between the number of database operations and the amount of data being stored.

Tip: If you do not use Behavior Tracking, you should disable Event services. See Disabling Behavior Tracking.

Storing Behavior Tracking Data in Other Ways

Behavior Tracking event data, by default, is stored in the database in the BT_EVENT table. If you want to persist your event data in a different place or in a different way, such as to a different database table or to a file, create a custom event listener that provides the alternative persistence logic. For information on creating custom listeners, see Creating Custom Event Listeners.

Creating a Separate Database for Behavior Tracking Events

If you are using Behavior Tracking, you can improve performance by storing Behavior Tracking data in a separate database. The Database Administration Guide contains instructions for creating a separate Behavior Tracking database for each type of database.

Enabling Behavior Tracking in WorkSpace Studio

If you plan to deploy your application to a new domain, you should enable Behavior Tracking in WorkSpace Studio. This Behavior Tracking configuration information is merged with other configuration files from other library modules. You can place the updated p13n-config.xml file in source control to use when you deploy other applications. See the Production Operations Guide for more information on deployment.

Perform the following steps to enable Behavior Tracking when deploying your application to a new domain:

  1. Start WorkSpace Studio and create a p13n-config.xml file in your <EAR>/META-INF directory or copy an existing file to your project.
  2. Enter your configuration details and save the file. Saving the p13n-config.xml file combines this information with your other library module configuration files. This appended configuration file can be used when you deploy other applications.
  3. If you want to redeploy to the same application, right-click the server in the Servers tab and choose Publish.

  4. Copy the p13n-config.xm.xml file into your source control system.
Tip: If you use WorkSpace Studio to remove an application from a domain, the deployment plan is also removed.


Creating Custom Events

If WebLogic Portal's predefined events do not capture the specific combinations of attributes you need, you can create your own custom events. You can create two types of custom events: Behavior Tracking events and regular events.

For guidance on custom events and what type to create, see Understanding When to Create a Custom Event and Understanding When to Use a Predefined Event. Creating a custom event involves creating the Event class and creating the XML Schema.

This section contains the following topics:

Creating the Event Class

WebLogic Portal provides the two base event objects that work with the Event Service: and These base classes provide the necessary methods required by the Event Service. You can use either of these classes as the superclass when creating your event class as described in step 2 .

When you create an event class you extend one of the base classes, declare the event attributes you want, and pass the event data (such as the event type) to the base class constructor.

This section provides instructions on creating custom regular events and custom Behavior Tracking events.

Creating a Regular Event Class

Create a custom regular event when none of WebLogic Portal's predefined events capture the event attributes you want, and you do not want to use the Behavior Tracking service for persisting event data as XML in the BT_EVENT table. You can trigger Campaigns with custom regular events and perform your own event handling if you create a custom event listener.

The steps involve creating am EJB or utility project, which is generally used to develop general-purpose Java code that is not directly part of special entities.

The steps in this chapter refer to the \src folder in the Package Explorer View. Your src directory might be named differently.

Perform the following steps to create a custom event class:

  1. Create an EJB or utility project in WorkSpace Studio by performing the following steps:
    1. In the Portal Perspective, choose File > New > Project.
    2. In the New Project - Select a Wizard window, expand the EJB folder and select WebLogic EJB Project or expand the J2EE folder and select Utility Project. Click Next.
    3. Enter a name for the EJB or utility project and ensure that the Use default check box is selected. Select the Add project to an EAR check box and click Next, as shown in Figure 9-4.
    4. Figure 9-4 Enter a Project Name

      Enter a Project Name

    5. Select the facets (including Portal Application Services) that you want to enable and click Finish.
    6. Your new EJB or utility project is automatically associated with your EAR project. For more information on EJB projects, see the Portal Development Guide.

  2. Make a new Java class by performing the following steps:
    1. Select your web project in Package Explorer View and choose File >New > Other.
    2. In the New - Select a Wizard dialog, expand the Java folder, select Class, and click Next.
    3. In the New Java Class - Java Class dialog, enter a Name for the new class and for the Superclass. Select the Constructors from superclass check box and the Inherited abstract methods check box and click Finish. See Figure 9-5.
    4. Figure 9-5 Enter the Class Name and Superclass

      Enter the Class Name and Superclass

      The new class appears in the \src directory of your portal web project.

  3. Perform the following steps to declare event attribute names and create the event object for the new Java class:
    1. Declare the event attribute names as keys that are passed back to the Event constructor. For example:
    2. public static final String FOO_ATTRIBUTE = "fooAttribute";
      public static final String SESSION_ID = "session-id";
      public static final String USER_ID = "user-id";
    3. Create the event object. For example:
    4. public MyEvent(
      String fooAttributeValue,
      String user_id,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpSession session
      Note: If you use events to trigger Campaigns, you must have a string called user-id that contains the User's Profile name. You must also have a request attribute of type com.bea.p13n.http.Request. The request attribute, however can be added at runtime with the following code:
      event.setAttribute("request", new Request(request, true));
    5. Add a constructor, such as the one below, and pass the event type back to it:
    6. super( TYPE );
    7. Declare the event attributes with the following code:
    8. setAttribute( FOO_ATTRIBUTE, fooAttributeValue );
      setAttribute( SESSION_ID, session_id );
      if( user_id != null )
      setAttribute( USER_ID, user_id );
      setAttribute( USER_ID, "unknown" );
      where fooAttributeValue is the variable that stores the value you retrieved in your code (not shown here).
  4. The Java files in the \src folder will be compiled the normal way and deployed as part of the application. You can dispatch the event from a JSP, Java code, or a Page Flow, as described in Dispatching Events. If you want to use the event in Campaign definitions, create an event property set for the event, as described in Registering Events for Campaigns. If you want to perform custom functionality when the event is generated, create a custom event listener that listens for the event, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.

Creating a Behavior Tracking Event Class

Create a custom Behavior Tracking event if none of WebLogic Portal's predefined events captures the event attributes you want, and you need to use WebLogic Portal's Behavior Tracking framework to persist event data as XML in the BT_EVENT table.

You can use these events in Campaigns and create a custom listener that performs special handling on the event, but unless you want to use the Behavior Tracking framework to store event data as XML, you do not need to create a custom Behavior Tracking event. If you do not want to use the Behavior Tracking service, create a custom regular event as described on Creating a Regular Event Class.

Your Behavior Tracking event works with its own XML schema to store the event data as XML in the BT_EVENT database table. Information about that schema must be included in your event class, as described in the following steps.

The steps involve creating a utility project, which is generally used to develop general-purpose Java code that is not directly part of special entities, such as web services, controls, or EJBs.

The steps in this chapter refer to the src folder in the Package Explorer View. Your src directory might be named differently.

Perform the following steps to create a Behavior Tracking event class:

  1. Create an EJB project in WorkSpace Studio by performing the following steps:
    1. In the Portal Perspective, choose File > New > Project.
    2. In the New Project - Select a Wizard window, expand the EJB folder and select WebLogic EJB Project. Click Next.
    3. In the New WebLogic EJB Project dialog, enter a name for the EJB project and ensure that the Use default check box is selected. Select the Add project to an EAR check box and click Next.
    4. In the New Java Utility Module - Select Project Facets dialog, select the facets that you want to enable and click Finish.
    5. Your new EJB project is automatically associated with your EAR project. For more information on EJB projects, see the Portal Development Guide.

  2. Make a new Java class by performing the following steps:
    1. Select your web project in Package Explorer View and choose File >New > Other.
    2. In the New - Select a Wizard dialog, expand the Java folder, select Class, and click Next.
    3. In the New Java Class - Java Class dialog, enter a Name for the new class and for the Superclass. Select the Constructors from superclass check box and the Inherited abstract methods check box and click Finish. See Figure 9-6.
    4. Figure 9-6 Enter the Class Name and Superclass

      Enter the Class Name and Superclass

      The new class appears in the \src directory of your portal web project.

  3. Perform the following steps to declare event attribute names and create the event object for the new Java class:
    1. Declare the XML_NAMESPACE key. This is the namespace URL used by your Behavior Tracking event's XML schema to uniquely identify it. For example:
    2. private static final String XML_NAMESPACE = "";
    3. Declare the name of the XML schema file. For example:
    4. private static final String XSD_FILE = "mytrackingschema.xsd";
    5. Declare the event attribute names as keys that are passed to the TrackingEvent constructor. For example:
    6. public static final String SESSION_ID = "session-id";
      public static final String USER_ID = "user-id";
      public static final String PAGE_LABEL = "pageLabel";
    7. Declare the XML schema keys as an array. The schema keys are strings that are passed to the base TrackingEvent constructor. These keys are used to get the Behavior Tracking data that is put into the database. List the keys as an array of string objects.
    8. private static final String localSchemaKeys[] =

      The localSchemaKeys order is important, because it corresponds to the order in which the XML schema needs the event properties for the XML output. An XML file will be invalid if elements are out of order.

      The SESSION_ID and the USER_ID are data elements in the localSchemaKeys array that are useful in implementing a tracking event. The SESSION_ID, which must not be null, is the WebLogic Server session ID that is created for every session object. The USER_ID is the username of the user who triggered the event.

    9. Create the event object. For example:
    10. public MyEvent(
      String fooAttributeValue,
      String user_id,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpSession session
      Note: If you use events to trigger Campaigns, you must have a string called user_id that contains the User's Profile name. You must also have a request attribute of type com.bea.p13n.http.Request. The request attribute, however can be added at runtime with the following code:
      event.setAttribute("request", new Request(request, true));
    11. Call the TrackingEvent constructor and pass the required arguments back to it in the required order. For example:
    12. {
      request );
    13. Declare the event attributes. For example:
    14. setAttribute( PAGE_LABEL,  pageLabelValue );
      setAttribute( SESSION_ID, session_id );
      if( user_id != null )
      setAttribute( USER_ID, user_id );
      setAttribute( USER_ID, "unknown" );

      The pageLabelValue is the variable storing the value you retrieved in your code (not shown here).

  4. Register the Behavior Tracking event with the Behavior Tracking service in the WebLogic Portal Administration Console. This event tells the Behavior Tracking listener to handle this type of event.
    1. Start the Administration Console.
    2. In the Administration Console, choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
    3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Behavior Tracking Service.
    4. In the Configure tab click Configure Settings for: Behavior Tracking Service.
    5. Enter the name of your Behavior Tracking class in the Custom Persistence Classname field (such as behtrackingclass).
    6. Click Update.
  5. Create an XML schema that determines the structure of the XML document generated by the Behavior Tracking event. See Creating an XML Schema for Behavior Tracking. If you want to use the event in Campaign definitions, create an event property set for the event, as described in Registering Events for Campaigns. If you want to perform custom functionality when the event is generated, create a custom event listener that listens for the event, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.
  6. The Java files in the \src folder will be compiled the normal way and deployed as part of the application. You can dispatch the event from a JSP, Java code, or a Page Flow, as described in Dispatching Events. If you want to use the Behavior Tracking event in Campaign definitions, create an event property set for the event, as described in Registering Events for Campaigns. If you want to perform custom functionality when the event is generated, create a custom event listener that listens for the event, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.

Creating an Event With a Scriptlet

You can create an event without writing an event class by using a scriptlet in a JSP. This technique is best suited for simple, Non-Behavior Tracking events that are used to trigger Campaigns. Using this technique for complex events clutters your JSP. You should use this technique in a JSP that has a form that can supply values to event properties.

Perform the following steps to create an event with a scriptlet:

  1. In the Portal Perspective in WorkSpace Studio, create an event property set. For instructions, see Registering Events for Campaigns.
  2. After you have created the event property set, open the JSP in which you want to create the event.
  3. Drag the event property set file into the JSP where you want the event to occur (for example, after the Submit button on a form). The scriptlet is generated automatically.
  4. For example, if you create an event property set called MyEvent.evt that contains a single, unrestricted attribute called fooAttribute, the following scriptlet is generated when you drag the property set file into a JSP:

    // Generate the Event object here.
    // If you have a custom Event subclass for your event type,
    // change this code to use it instead event = new"MyEvent");
    // fooProperty should be a String
    event.setAttribute("fooProperty", "");

    // These attributes are standard to all Events.
    event.setAttribute("request", new com.bea.p13n.http.Request(request, true));
    event.setAttribute("user-id", com.bea.p13n.usermgmt.SessionHelper.getUserId(request));

    // Dispatch the Event to the EventService.
    com.bea.p13n.tracking.TrackingEventHelper.dispatchEvent(request, event);

    The scriptlet automatically gets the request and the user-id, which are required for triggering Campaigns, and the code for dispatching the event. The dispatch code uses the Behavior Tracking API, but it also dispatches regular events.

    You must supply the value for fooProperty, which could come from the value of a form field.

  5. Save your work by choosing File > Save.

If you want to perform custom functionality when the event is generated, create a custom event listener that listens for the event, as described in Creating Custom Event Listeners.

Creating an XML Schema for Behavior Tracking

Behavior Tracking events, by default, store their property values in the database as XML. For each type of Behavior Tracking event, the Event service uses a specific XML schema to create the XML. When you create a custom Behavior Tracking event, you must also create an XML schema for the Behavior Tracking service to use.

When creating an XML schema for a custom Behavior Tracking event, consider the following connection points between the schema and your event class:

When you use XSD, you need to change only the targetNamespace and xmlns= attribute values to your namespace, and add your custom event attributes, in order.

You can view the XSDs for WebLogic Portal's predefined events at the following location: <BEA>\user_projects\workspaces\workshop\.metadata\.plugins\ com.bea.workshop.wls.core\libraries\p13n-app-lib_10.2.0_10.2.0\1\APP-INF\lib\p13n_app.jar.

A user might not be associated with an event. In such a case, use the minOccurs="0" attribute for the user-id attribute in the XSD file. For example:

<xsd:element ref="user-id" minOccurs="0"/>

Packaging the Schema

After you create the schema, add it to your portal application's p13n_app.jar file using the following steps.

  1. Back up your p13n_app.jar file by creating a copy of it and naming it p13n_ejb.orig, for example.
  2. In your application directory, temporarily add the <yourschema>.xsd file to the lib/schema/ directory.
  3. Add the schema to the p13n_app.jar file. In a command window (that has the JAR utility in the environment), switch to the application directory and run the following command:
  4. jar uvf p13n_app.jar lib\schema\<yourschema>.xsd

    The schema is added to the JAR file.

  5. Redeploy the p13n_app.jar file.


Creating Custom Event Listeners

An event listener serves one purpose: when an event occurs for which the listener is listening, the listener performs some type of programmatic functionality. WebLogic Portal provides the following two listeners that handle events in specific ways:

If you create and register a custom Behavior Tracking event, that event is handled by the BehaviorTrackingListener and the CampaignEventListener. If you create a custom regular event, that event is handled by the CampaignEventListener.

However, there may be times when you want to provide more programmatic functionality when events occur, whether the events are custom events or WebLogic Portal's predefined events. For example, you may want to persist event data to a file or another database table, show related products when a user clicks a product image, or modify a User's Profile when the user submits a form. For these additional types of functionality, you must create custom event listeners.

WebLogic Portal provides a base event listener object called EventListener. This base class, which you must implement in your custom listener, provides two methods for listening for and responding to events:

The steps to create a custom event listener involve creating a utility project, which is generally used to develop general-purpose Java code that is not directly part of special entities, such as web services, controls, or EJBs. Note that you can also use an EJB project (a new one or an existing one).

Note: If you try to access a local EJB with an EventListener, the attempt will fail in the JNDI lookup. For this scenario, use a Remote EJB interface instead.

The steps in this chapter refer to the \src folder in the Package Explorer View. Your src directory might be named differently.

Perform the following steps to create a custom event listener for regular events or Behavior Tracking events:

  1. Create a utility project in WorkSpace Studio by performing the following steps.
  2. Note: You can also use an EJB project. You can either create a new EJB project or use an existing one.
    1. In the Portal Perspective, choose File > New > Project.
    2. In the New Project - Select a Wizard window, expand the J2EE folder and select Utility Project. Click Next.
    3. In the New Java Utility Module - Utility Module dialog, enter a name for the utility project and ensure that the Use default check box is selected. Select the Add project to an EAR check box and click Next.
    4. In the New Java Utility Module - Select Project Facets dialog, select the facets that you want to enable and click Finish. (If you select the Portal Application Services and/or Portal Customizations Framework facet, you can skip Step 2 and proceed to Step 3.)
    5. Your new utility project is automatically associated with your EAR project. For more information on utility projects, see the Portal Development Guide.

  3. To ensure that the project sees the p13n classes as the server will see them, add the WebLogic Portal Server and the p13n-app-lib library module CLASSPATH containers to the project. Perform the following steps:
  4. Note: It is unneceessary to perform Step 2 if you chose the Portal Application Services and/or Portal Customizations Framework facet in Step 1-d.
    1. In Package Explorer, right-click the portal utility project you created and choose Properties.
    2. In the Properties dialog, select Java Build Path and select the Libraries tab.
    3. Click Add Library.
    4. In the Add Library dialog, select BEA WebLogic Portal Server as the library type and click Next.
    5. In the Add Library - BEA WebLogic Portal Server dialog, configure the server CLASSPATH entries by selecting All Configured entries and clicking Finish.
    6. In the Properties dialog, click Add Library in the Libraries tab.
    7. In the Add Library dialog, select WebLogic Library Module and click Next.
    8. In the Add Library - Library Module dialog, click Browse and select p13n-app-lib and click OK. The Specification Version, and Implementation Version fields are populated. Select the Allow newer versions check box and click Finish.
    9. In the Properties dialog, click OK.
  5. Make a new Java class by performing the following steps:
    1. Select your web project in Package Explorer View and choose File >New > Other.
    2. In the New - Select a Wizard dialog, expand the Java folder, select Class, and click Next.
    3. In the New Java Class - Java Class dialog, enter a Name for the new class and for the Superclass. For example, a class name could be MyEventListener. Select the Constructors from superclass check box and the Inherited abstract methods check box and click Finish.
    4. The new class appears in the \src directory of your portal web project.

  6. Perform the following steps to define the events for which the listener will listen, declare event attribute names, and create the event object for the new Java class:
    1. Your custom event listener must implement EventListener. For example:
    2. public class MyEventListener
      implements EventListener

    3. Define the events for which the listener will listen. For example:
    4. private String[] eventTypes = {"MyEvent, ClickContentEvent"};

    5. Pass the type of events listened for back to the base constructor. This tells the Event service which events to send to this listener when the events occur:
    6. public String[] getTypes()
      return eventTypes;

    7. Override the handleEvent() method to provide the programmatic functionality you want the listener to perform when the listened-for events occur:
    8. public void handleEvent( Event ev )
      //Put your custom code here.
      //This code is executed when the events occur.

  7. The Java files in the \src folder will be compiled the normal way and deployed as part of the application. You can dispatch the event listener from a JSP, Java code, or a Page Flow, as described in Dispatching Events. If you want to use the event listener in Campaign definitions, create an event property set for the event, as described in Registering Events for Campaigns.
  8. Register the listener with the Event service by performing the following steps.
    1. In the Administration Console, choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
    2. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Event Service.
    3. In the Browse tab, click Add Synchronous Listener or Add Asynchronous Listener.
    4. Enter the fully qualified class name. For example:
      Note: Synchronous listeners receive events immediately. Asynchronous listeners use a thread scheduler to receive events.
    6. Click Update. The listener is registered with the Event service. You do not need to restart the server.


Dispatching Events

With events and listeners in place, you can dispatch those events in your JSPs, Java code, and Page Flows. Dispatching an event means that the Event service sends an event object to any listeners interested in the event. Those listeners, in turn, handle the events in their own ways.

For example, a sample event called ResourceDisplayedEventBT, is dispatched from two portal framework skeleton JSP files: book.jsp and page.jsp. The book.jsp skeleton is responsible for rendering portal book and page navigation (such as tabs), and the page.jsp skeleton provides the area for portlets to be displayed.

The code shown in Listing 9-1 is inserted in each of the book.jsp and page.jsp. files. This example uses code from the page.jsp file. The code dispatches a ResourceDisplayEventBT event when portlets are viewed on a page.

Listing 9-1 Dispatching an Event from a JSP Page
<%@ page import="com.bea.p13n.tracking.TrackingEventHelper," %>
ResourceDisplayedEventBT rde;
ResourceDisplayedEvent rde = new ResourceDisplayedEvent(
"true", // portlet is being displayed
session );
// New mechanism for dispatching an event in 9.2:
EventService es = TrackingEventHelper.getEventService();
TrackingEventHelper.dispatchEvent(es, rde);

The code performs the following actions:

The event is then sent to the listeners registered to receive it, and the listeners handle the event in their own ways. Figure 9-1 illustrates the event life cycle, and in this example, the skeleton JSP is Item 2 in the diagram.

Creating an Event With a Scriptlet also describes how to dispatch an event for which you have created no event class. Dispatching events when content is clicked requires special instructions, as described in Generating Events for Content Clicks. Some predefined events have their own dispatch methods. See Using Predefined Events.


Using Events in Campaigns

You can use events to activate the Campaign Service and to make your Campaigns more powerful by triggering Campaign actions based on events and their attribute values.

When you use an event in a Campaign, you do not have to explicitly tell the Campaign service about your events. The Campaign listener listens for all events that are not explicitly excluded in the file in the wps.jar file.

When an event occurs for which the Campaign listener is listening, the listener calls the Campaign service. The Campaign service takes a snapshot of the current request and evaluates the request data against all the Campaign rules you have defined to see if any actions need to be performed.

In addition, you can use events in Campaigns in another way: as part of a Campaign action. For example, you can define a Campaign action that displays personalized content only if the user clicks the Home page in a portal (triggered by some sort of click page event). To use events as part of a Campaign definition, you must create an event property set, as described in Registering Events for Campaigns.

An example of using an event in a Campaign definition is illustrated in Figure 9-7, where a Campaign scenario is triggered if an event has specific property values (characteristics). When you add An event has specific characteristics to your Campaign scenario and click the characteristics link in the Campaign Editor, you can select the event properties and determine which property values will trigger the Campaign Action to occur. The event property set you created enabled the property selection.

Figure 9-7 Using an Event to Trigger a Campaign Scenario

Using an Event to Trigger a Campaign Scenario

To control your Campaign, especially when you want personalized content to display, create events that trigger Campaign actions at the key places in your application. For more information on controlling personalized content, see Managing Placeholders for Optimal Performance. For instructions on creating a Campaign, see Building a Campaign.

This section contains the following topic:

Registering Events for Campaigns

If you want to use a custom event to trigger a Campaign, you must create an event property set. The properties you create for the event match the attribute names defined in your event class.

For example, the sample ResourceDisplayedEvent class uses the following properties: resourceId, resourceLabel, resourceType, session-id, user-id, and resourceSelected. In your event property set, you can define properties for any or all of those attributes, but the property names must exactly match the event attribute names.

For instructions on creating event property sets, see Creating Custom Events. For instructions on registering event property sets, see Enabling Behavior Tracking.

Changing Event Properties

If you create, modify, or delete event property sets after an application is deployed, you must update those property set definitions in the database using the BEA Propagation Utility. For more information, see the Production Operations Guide.


Debugging the Event Service

You can debug the Event service and review the console output.

Perform the following steps to debug the event service:

  1. To debug the Event service, create in a directory similar to the following: <BEA>\user_projects\domains\<myDomain>.
  2. Add the following to the file and modify the settings accordingly. These settings provide server console output for you to review:
  3. usePackageNames: on
    com.bea.p13n.cache: on
    # Turns on debug for all classes under events on
    # on
    # Turns on debug for all classes under
    # com.bea.p13n.tracking: on
    com.bea.p13n.tracking.internal persistence: on
    # Selectively turn on classes
    com.bea.p13n.mbeans.BehaviorTrackingListener: on
    com.bea.p13n.tracking.listeners.BehaviorTrackingListener: on
    com.bea.p13n.tracking.SessionEventListener: on
  4. In WorkSpace Studio, double-click the server in the Servers tab and uncheck the Launch WebLogic server in Eclipse console check box. Close the Server Overview tab and click Yes to save your changes. Right-click the server name and choose Restart to start the server and run debugging from a command prompt.
Tip: Events will fire for a content repository that was upgraded to 10.2 (unless you turned event tracking turned off at the repository level). Events can include repository configuration changes, as well as content updates, additions, and deletions to the repository. See the Upgrade Guide for more information on performing an upgrade.


Tracking Content Changes

You can use content events to track content changes to your virtual content repository and modifications to the repository's configuration. Content changes include who added, updated, or deleted content or content properties and the date and time the change was made in the repository. You can also track who performed the changes (including the date and time the changes were made) to the repository's configuration, its content types, or content workflow. For more information on these events, see Generating Content Events.

You could also configure a content event to watch for content changes and then perform an action. For example, when a user adds a resume document to the content repository, an e-mail is sent to the HR Director.

These content events are saved in the Behavior Tracking database for historical tracking. For more information on content management, see the Content Management Guide.

Perform the following steps to track content changes:

  1. Start the Administration Console.
  2. Choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
  3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Event Service.
  4. Click Add Synchronous Listener.
  5. Enter the listener name in the Class Name field. To capture content repository changes, enter com.bea.p13n.tracking.listeners.BehaviorTrackingListener. See Figure 9-8.
  6. Figure 9-8 Identify the Behavior Tracking Listener

    Identify the Behavior Tracking Listener

  7. Click Update.
  8. In the Resource Tree, select Behavior Tracking Service.
  9. In the Configure tab, click Add Event Type, as shown in Figure 9-9.
  10. Figure 9-9 Click Add Event Type

    Click Add Event Type

  11. In the Persisted Event Type field, enter the events for the content change you want to track. For example, you could add the ContentCreateEvent to determine new content that was added to the content repository, who added it, and when.
  12. Click Update.
  13. Refresh the display by clicking Refresh Tree in the Resource Tree.
Tip: To view the tracked changes to the content repository, you can create a log file of the repository content changes that are contained in the Behavior Tracking database tables, or you could enable listeners to provide specific logged output.


Disabling Behavior Tracking

You can disable the persistence of Behavior Tracking events by unregistering the Behavior Tracking listener or removing individual events.

This section contains the following topics:

Unregistering the Behavior Tracking Listener

Perform the following steps to unregister the Behavior Tracking listener:

  1. Start the Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console, choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
  3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Event Service.
  4. In the Configure tab, locate the Behavior Tracking listener and select the Delete check box next to it.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Refresh the display by clicking Refresh Tree in the Resource Tree.
Note: Events could still be triggered to fire by the application, but they are not persisted to the database table.

Removing an Individual Event

Perform the following steps to remove default events:

  1. Start the Administration Console.
  2. In the Administration Console, choose Configuration & Monitoring > Service Administration.
  3. In the Resource Tree, expand the Personalization folder and select Behavior Tracking Service.
  4. In the Configure tab, select the Delete check box for each event in the Persisted Event Types section that you want to remove, as shown in Figure 9-10.
  5. Figure 9-10 Select the Delete Check Box

    Select the Delete Check Box

  6. Click Delete.
  7. You must redeploy your application for the changes to take effect.

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