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Domino Service
Setup Guide

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This chapter describes how to install the Domino Service on the various supported platforms.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Note: The %COMPOZE_HOME% directory refers to the directory where products are installed and the %COMPOZE_DOMINO_SERVICE_HOME% directory refers to the directory where the Domino Service is installed.


Installing on Windows

Perform the following steps to install the Domino Service on Windows:

  1. Start the installer by double-clicking the setup.exe file. The installation screen opens and begins preparing the installation.
  2. Read through the introduction and click Next. You will be able to exit the installation at anytime by clicking Cancel. You will also be able to go back a step by clicking Previous when available.
  3. Read through the license agreement and select an option:
  4. Selecting I accept the terms of the License Agreement will allow you to continue with the installation.

    Selecting I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement will terminate the installation.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the directory where Domino Service will be installed. By default, the %COMPOZE_HOME% directory is chosen. You can change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose the Lotus Domino program directory. On a Domino server, the program directory is typically the C:\Lotus\Domino directory, unless you installed the program files to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  9. Click Next. If the specified directory does not contain the Lotus Domino program files, an information screen appears stating such. Click Next to continue or Previous to go back and enter a valid Domino program directory.
  10. Choose the Lotus Domino data directory. On a Domino server, the Domino data directory is typically the C:\Lotus\Domino\Data directory, unless you installed the data directory to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  11. Click Next. If the specified directory is not a valid Domino data directory (for example, it does not contain the names.nsf database), an information screen appears stating such. Click Next to continue or Previous to go back and enter a valid Domino data directory.
  12. Read the installation summary information before clicking Install. The summary will contain information such as the installation directory and the amount of disk space required.
  13. Click Install to install the service.
  14. After the installation is complete, click Done.

This section contains the following topic:

Verifying the Installation

Check the following items to verify that the Domino Service was installed:


Installing on Linux

You can install the Domino Service on Linux in GUI mode or Console mode.

This section contains the following topics:

Note: It is critical you be root or have write permission for the directory where you plan to install the Domino Service. You must also have write permissions for the Domino server directories.

GUI Mode

The installer running in GUI mode will utilize GUI panels and will ask for all necessary configuration questions through the graphical panel. You must have the X-Window server running on the machine where you are installing the Domino Service.

Perform the following steps to install the Domino Service on Linux using the GUI mode:

  1. Start the installer. To start the installer, enter the following at the command prompt:
  2. prompt> chmod 755 setup.bin
    prompt> ./setup.bin

  3. Read through the license agreement and select an option:
  4. Selecting I accept the terms of the License Agreement will allow you to continue with the installation.

    Selecting I do NOT accept the terms of the License Agreement will terminate the installation.

  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the directory where Domino Service will be installed. By default, the %COMPOZE_HOME% directory is chosen. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Choose the Lotus Domino program directory. On a Domino server the program directory is typically /opt/lotus/notes/{version}/{platform} (or $Notes_ExecDirectory), unless you installed the program files to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  9. Click Next. If the specified directory does not contain the Lotus Domino program files, an information screen appears stating such. Click Next to continue or Previous to go back and enter a valid Domino program directory.
  10. Choose the Lotus Domino data directory. On a Domino server the Domino data directory is typically the /local/notesdata directory, unless you installed the data directory to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting the directory.
  11. Click Next. If the specified directory is not a valid Domino data directory (for example, does not contain the names.nsf database), an information screen appears stating such. Click Next to continue or Previous to go back and enter a valid Domino data directory.
  12. Read the installation summary information before clicking Install. The summary contains information, such as the installation directory and the amount of disk space required.
  13. Click Install to install the service.
  14. After the installation is complete, click Done.

Console Mode

The installer running in console mode will not utilize GUI panels (X-Window Server), but instead will ask all necessary configuration questions through the command prompt. This is best for machines running Lotus Domino server without an X-Server.

Perform the following steps to install the Domino Service on Linux using the Console mode:

  1. Start the installer. To start the installer, enter the following at the command prompt:
  2. prompt> chmod 755 setup.bin
    prompt> ./setup.bin -i console

  3. Read through the BEA license agreement and select an option:
  4. Enter Y to accept the license agreement and allow you to continue with the installation.

    Enter N to decline the license agreement and terminate the installation.

  5. Press Enter.
  6. Select the directory where Domino Service will be installed. By default, the %COMPOZE_HOME% directory is chosen. You can change this by entering the absolute path of the directory.
  7. Press Enter.
  8. You will be prompted if the selected directory is the correct directory to install the service.
  9. Enter Y to accept the directory and continue with the installation.

    Enter N to return you to the previous step to select the directory where Domino Service will be installed.

  10. Press Enter.
  11. Choose the Lotus Domino program directory. On a Domino server the program directory is typically the /opt/lotus/notes/{version}/{platform} directory (or the $Notes_ExecDirectory directory), unless you installed the program files to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory.
  12. Press Enter. If the specified directory does not contain the Lotus Domino program files, the console will display information stating such. Press Enter to continue or enter Back to go back and enter a valid Domino program directory.
  13. Choose the Lotus Domino data directory. On a Domino server the Domino data directory is typically the/local/notesdata directory, unless you installed the data directory to a different location. You may change this by entering the absolute path of the directory.
  14. Press Enter. If the specified directory is not a valid Domino data directory (for example, it does not contain the names.nsf database), the console will display information stating such. Press Enter to continue or enter Back to go back and enter a valid Domino data directory.
  15. Read the installation summary information before pressing Enter. The summary contains information, such as the installation directory and the amount of disk space required.
  16. Press Enter to install the service.
  17. After the installation is complete, press Enter to exit.

Verifying the Installation

Check the following items to verify that the Domino Service was installed:


Configuring the Lotus Domino Server

Perform the following steps to configure the Lotus Domino server that will host the Domino Service:

  1. Open the Lotus Administrator client application and open the server where the Domino Service is installed.
  2. Edit the server document for the server where the Domino Service is installed.
  3. Select Internet Protocols > HTTP tab.
  4. Under the DSAPI section, add Domino Service to the DSAPI filter file names field.
  5. For Windows, add czdo_service.dll.
    For Linux, add

    Note: If entries exist in this field, append Domino Service to the end, separated by a semicolon (;), with no carriage returns or whitespaces. For example, ndolextn.dll;czdo_service.dll .

  6. Save the server document.
  7. If the Domino server is started, enter the following tell commands from the Domino server console to restart the HTTP task:
  8. tell http quit
    load http

    If the Domino server is not started, start the server.

    Note: Replication of server document to the Lotus Domino server might be needed to ensure that the Domino Service is installed correctly.

  9. To verify the Domino Service service was installed and configured correctly, you should see the following message from within the Lotus Domino server console:
  10. 10/09/2003 04:19:27 PM JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized
    10/09/2003 04:19:28 PM HTTP Server: Java Virtual machine loaded
    10/09/2003 04:19:28 PM BEA Domino Service (version x.x.x): loaded
    10/09/2003 04:19:28 PM HTTP Server: DSAPI BEA Domino Service Loaded successfully
    10/09/2003 04:19:29 PM HTTP Server: Started


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