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Installation Guide

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BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API can be installed manually or with an installer. This chapter explains the necessary procedures to successfully install this product on the various supported platforms:

This chapter contains the following sections:


Installing on Windows

You can install on Windows with the Graphical Installer or manually.

This section contains the following topics:

Using the Graphical Installer

Perform the following steps to install the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API on Windows with the Graphical Installer:

  1. Obtain the Windows install version of the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API (
  2. Uncompress and extract the contents of the zip bundle into a temporary directory. You will extract the following files:
  3. Start the installer by double-clicking the setup.exe file. The installer screen opens and begins preparing the installation.
  4. Read through the introduction, and click Next. You will be able to exit the installation at anytime by clicking Cancel. You will also be able to go back a screen by clicking Previous when available.
  5. Read through the license agreement, and select an option:
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the directory where BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API will be installed. You may change the default location by entering in the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting a different directory. This directory will be known as %COMPOZE_HOME%.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the Pre-Installation summary for correctness, then click Install on the installation screen.
  10. When installation is complete, your default web browser opens the Start Here! page, which provides links to the included documentation.
  11. Place the license.bea file in the license folder as follows:
  12. %COMPOZE_HOME%\license\license.bea

Note: If a problem occurs during the installation, hold down the control key while starting the installer until a console appears. You will see some output that explains the problem in more detail. If you are still having problems with the installer, send this output along with a description of the problem to support.

Performing a Manual Installation

Perform the following steps to manually install the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API on Windows:

  1. Obtain the noinstall (generic) version of the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API (
  2. Uncompress and extract the contents of the zip bundle into a directory. This is the %COMPOZE_HOME% directory. The directory collab-4.2 under %COMPOZE_HOME% is %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%.
  3. Edit the .bat files found in the %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%\scripts directory and replace the variables with the appropriate values, as shown in Table1-1.

    Table 1-1 Variables and Values




    Product install directory (for example, %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%). For example: c:\compoze\collab-4.2.


    Product install directory (for example, %COMPOZE_HOME%). For example: c:\compoze.


    The JDK directory. For example, c:\jdk1.3.1_03.

  4. Place the license.bea file in the license folder as follows:
  5. %COMPOZE_HOME%\license\license.bea


Installing on UNIX

You can install on UNIX with the Graphical Installer or manually.

This sections contains the following topics:

Using the Graphical Installer

Perform the following steps to install the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API on UNIX with the Graphical Installer:

  1. Obtain the UNIX install version of the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API (
  2. Uncompress and extract the contents of the zip bundle into a temporary directory. You will extract the following files:
  3. The installer screen opens and begins preparing the installation.

  4. Read the introduction, and click Next. You will be able to exit the installation at anytime by clicking Cancel. You will also be able to go back a screen by clicking Previous when available.
  5. Read through the license agreement, and select an option:
  6. Click Next.
  7. Select the directory where BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API will be installed. You may change the default location by entering in the directory or by clicking Choose and selecting a different directory. This directory will be known as %COMPOZE_HOME%.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the Pre-Installation summary, then click Install on the installation screen.
  10. When installation is complete, your default web browser opens the Start Here! page, which provides links to the included documentation.
  11. Place the license.bea file in the license folder as follows:
  12. %COMPOZE_HOME%/license/license.bea

Note: If a problem occurs during the installation, hold down the control key while starting the installer until a console appears. You will see some output that explains the problem in more detail. If you are still having problems with the installer, send this output along with a description of the problem to support.

Performing a Manual Installation

Perform the following steps to manually install the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API on UNIX:

  1. Obtain the noinstall version of the BEA WebLogic Personal Messaging API (
  2. Uncompress and extract the contents of the zip bundle into a directory. This is the %COMPOZE_HOME% directory. The directory collab-4.2 under %COMPOZE_HOME% is %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%.
  3. Edit the .sh files found in %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%/scripts directory and replace the variables with the appropriate values, as shown in Table1-2.

    Table 1-2 Variables and Values




    Product install directory (for example, %COMPOZE_COLLAB_HOME%). For example, /compoze/collab-4.2.


    Product install directory (for example,. %COMPOZE_HOME%). For example,


    The JDK directory. For example: /usr/java1.3.

  4. Place the license.bea file in the license folder as follows:
  5. %COMPOZE_HOME%/license/license.bea


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