BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TargetMBean   

Uses of TargetMBean in

Subinterfaces of TargetMBean in
 interface ClusterMBean
          This bean represents a cluster in the domain.
 interface JMSServerMBean
          This class represents a JMS server.
 interface JTAMigratableTargetMBean
          The target that is used internally to register the JTA recovery manager to the Migration Manager.
 interface MigratableTargetMBean
          A target that is suitable for services that shall be active on at most one server of a cluster at a time.
 interface ServerMBean
          This class represents a WebLogic Server.
 interface VirtualHostMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a WebLogic Server instance.

Methods in that return TargetMBean
 TargetMBean[] ComponentMBean.getActivatedTargets()
          Deprecated. List of servers and clusters where this module is currently active.
 TargetMBean[] TargetInfoMBean.getTargets()
          You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.
 TargetMBean[] JMSServerMBean.getTargets()
 TargetMBean[] JMSInteropModuleMBean.getTargets()
          You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.
 TargetMBean[] DomainMBean.getTargets()
          Define targets for this Domain
 TargetMBean[] DeploymentMBean.getTargets()
          You must select a target on which an MBean will be deployed from this list of the targets in the current domain on which this item can be deployed.
 TargetMBean DomainMBean.lookupTarget(String name)

Methods in with parameters of type TargetMBean
 boolean ComponentMBean.activated(TargetMBean target)
          Deprecated. Indicates whether component has been activated on a server
 void TargetInfoMBean.addTarget(TargetMBean target)
          You can add a target to specify additional servers on which the deployment can be deployed.
 boolean JMSServerMBean.addTarget(TargetMBean target)
 void JMSInteropModuleMBean.addTarget(TargetMBean target)
          You can add a target to specify additional servers on which the deployment can be deployed.
 boolean DeploymentMBean.addTarget(TargetMBean target)
          You can add a target to specify additional servers on which the deployment can be deployed.
 void TargetInfoMBean.removeTarget(TargetMBean target)
          Removes the value of the Target attribute.
 boolean JMSServerMBean.removeTarget(TargetMBean target)
 void JMSInteropModuleMBean.removeTarget(TargetMBean target)
          Removes the value of the Target attribute.
 boolean DeploymentMBean.removeTarget(TargetMBean target)
          Removes the value of the addTarget attribute.
 void TargetInfoMBean.setTargets(TargetMBean[] targets)
          Sets the value of the Targets attribute.
 void JMSServerMBean.setTargets(TargetMBean[] Targets)
 void JMSInteropModuleMBean.setTargets(TargetMBean[] targets)
          Sets the value of the Targets attribute.
 void DeploymentMBean.setTargets(TargetMBean[] Targets)
          Sets the value of the getTargets attribute.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.