
Interface WLCachedRowSet

All Superinterfaces:
CachedRowSet, FilteredRowSet, Joinable, ResultSet, RowSet, Serializable, SortedRowSet, WebRowSet, Wrapper
All Known Implementing Classes:
CachedRowSetImpl, FilteredRowSetImpl, JoinRowSetImpl, WebRowSetImpl

public interface WLCachedRowSet
extends RowSet, CachedRowSet, WebRowSet, FilteredRowSet, SortedRowSet, Serializable

WLCachedRowSet is an extension to the javax.sql.RowSet interface.

WLCachedRowSet is a disconnected RowSet. Data is read into the RowSet from a JDBC query, an existing java.sql.ResultSet, or an XML document. The RowSet then has the data in memory and does not maintain any open connections or transactions in the database.

All reads, writes, deletes, and inserts occur in memory. When the acceptChanges method is called, the WLCachedRowSet writes any inserts, updates, or deletes to the database.

Since the WLCachedRowSet does not hold open any transactions between reading and updating the data, it uses optimistic concurrency control to verify the state of the underlying database row has not changed.

The WLCachedRowSet interface extends so a WLCachedRowSet may be serialized and sent across a network connection to a client.

The WLCachedRowSet may be written as an XML instance document. This XML document captures the row(s) currently cached in the WLCachedRowSet

A WLCachedRowSet is created from the RowSetFactory class.

 RowSetFactory factory = RowSetFactory.newInstance();
 WLCachedRowSet rowSet = factory.newCachedRowSet(); 

A detailed discussion of the WLCachedRowSet's optimistic concurrency control options can be found in the WLRowSetMetaData javadocs.

See Also:

Field Summary
static int ALL_ROWS
          XML Document includes all rows with both their changed and original values
static int CHANGED_ALL
          XML Document includes the current and original values for all changed rows.
          XML Document includes only changed rows with their current values.
          XML Document includes only changed rows with their original values.
static int CURRENT_ALL
          XML Document includes the current values for all rows.
          XML Document includes only unchanged rows.
Method Summary
 String executeAndGuessTableName()
          Executes the command, parses it, and sets the table name as the first word following the SQL keyword "from".
 boolean executeAndGuessTableNameAndPrimaryKeys()
          Executes the command, parses it, sets the table name as the first word following the SQL keyword "from", and then looks up the table in DatabaseMetaData to determine the primary keys.
 Map getCurrentRow()
          Returns a Map representing the current row in the RowSet.
 DataSource getDataSource()
          Returns the current javax.sql.DataSource for this RowSet.
 Map getRow(int index)
          Returns a Map representing the row at the specified index.
 Map[] getRows()
          Returns an array of Maps representing all rows in the rowset
 Map[] getRows(int startIndex, int endIndex)
          Returns an array of Maps representing the rows in the rowset from [startIndex...endIndex-1]
 boolean isComplete()
          Returns whether the populating query read all matching rows, or it hit the maxRows limit.
 void loadXML(XMLInputStream xis)
          Populates the RowSet from an XML document in the XMLInputStream.
 void moveToUpdateRow()
          Mark the current row as updated even it has no original value.
 void populate(ResultSetMetaData md)
          Loads a ResultSet from an existing java.sql.ResultSetMetaData.
 void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
          Sets the javax.sql.DataSource used for establishing JDBC Connections.
 void setRowSetSynced()
          Mark the whole RowSet object as it has been synced with backend DataSource.
 void setRowSynced()
          Mark current row as it has been synced with backend DataSource.
 void writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos)
          Writes the RowSet to the XMLOutputStream as an XML document.
 void writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos, int rowStates)
          Writes the RowSet as an XML document.
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, execute, getKeyColumns, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRowSetWarnings, getShowDeleted, getSyncProvider, getTableName, nextPage, populate, populate, previousPage, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setKeyColumns, setMetaData, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setShowDeleted, setSyncProvider, setTableName, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
readXml, readXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, execute, getKeyColumns, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRowSetWarnings, getShowDeleted, getSyncProvider, getTableName, nextPage, populate, populate, previousPage, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setKeyColumns, setMetaData, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setShowDeleted, setSyncProvider, setTableName, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.FilteredRowSet
getFilter, setFilter
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.WebRowSet
readXml, readXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml, writeXml
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet
acceptChanges, acceptChanges, columnUpdated, columnUpdated, commit, createCopy, createCopyNoConstraints, createCopySchema, createShared, execute, getKeyColumns, getOriginal, getOriginalRow, getPageSize, getRowSetWarnings, getShowDeleted, getSyncProvider, getTableName, nextPage, populate, populate, previousPage, release, restoreOriginal, rollback, rollback, rowSetPopulated, setKeyColumns, setMetaData, setOriginalRow, setPageSize, setShowDeleted, setSyncProvider, setTableName, size, toCollection, toCollection, toCollection, undoDelete, undoInsert, undoUpdate
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.RowSet
addRowSetListener, clearParameters, execute, getCommand, getDataSourceName, getEscapeProcessing, getMaxFieldSize, getMaxRows, getPassword, getQueryTimeout, getTransactionIsolation, getTypeMap, getUrl, getUsername, isReadOnly, removeRowSetListener, setArray, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setAsciiStream, setBigDecimal, setBigDecimal, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBinaryStream, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBlob, setBoolean, setBoolean, setByte, setByte, setBytes, setBytes, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setCharacterStream, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setClob, setCommand, setConcurrency, setDataSourceName, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDate, setDouble, setDouble, setEscapeProcessing, setFloat, setFloat, setInt, setInt, setLong, setLong, setMaxFieldSize, setMaxRows, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNCharacterStream, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNClob, setNString, setNString, setNull, setNull, setNull, setNull, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setObject, setPassword, setQueryTimeout, setReadOnly, setRef, setRowId, setRowId, setShort, setShort, setSQLXML, setSQLXML, setString, setString, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTime, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTimestamp, setTransactionIsolation, setType, setTypeMap, setURL, setUrl, setUsername
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSet
absolute, afterLast, beforeFirst, cancelRowUpdates, clearWarnings, close, deleteRow, findColumn, first, getArray, getArray, getAsciiStream, getAsciiStream, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBigDecimal, getBinaryStream, getBinaryStream, getBlob, getBlob, getBoolean, getBoolean, getByte, getByte, getBytes, getBytes, getCharacterStream, getCharacterStream, getClob, getClob, getConcurrency, getCursorName, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDate, getDouble, getDouble, getFetchDirection, getFetchSize, getFloat, getFloat, getHoldability, getInt, getInt, getLong, getLong, getMetaData, getNCharacterStream, getNCharacterStream, getNClob, getNClob, getNString, getNString, getObject, getObject, getObject, getObject, getRef, getRef, getRow, getRowId, getRowId, getShort, getShort, getSQLXML, getSQLXML, getStatement, getString, getString, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTime, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getTimestamp, getType, getUnicodeStream, getUnicodeStream, getURL, getURL, getWarnings, insertRow, isAfterLast, isBeforeFirst, isClosed, isFirst, isLast, last, moveToCurrentRow, moveToInsertRow, next, previous, refreshRow, relative, rowDeleted, rowInserted, rowUpdated, setFetchDirection, setFetchSize, updateArray, updateArray, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateAsciiStream, updateBigDecimal, updateBigDecimal, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBinaryStream, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBlob, updateBoolean, updateBoolean, updateByte, updateByte, updateBytes, updateBytes, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateCharacterStream, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateClob, updateDate, updateDate, updateDouble, updateDouble, updateFloat, updateFloat, updateInt, updateInt, updateLong, updateLong, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNCharacterStream, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNClob, updateNString, updateNString, updateNull, updateNull, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateObject, updateRef, updateRef, updateRow, updateRowId, updateRowId, updateShort, updateShort, updateSQLXML, updateSQLXML, updateString, updateString, updateTime, updateTime, updateTimestamp, updateTimestamp, wasNull
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.Wrapper
isWrapperFor, unwrap
Methods inherited from interface javax.sql.rowset.Joinable
getMatchColumnIndexes, getMatchColumnNames, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, setMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn, unsetMatchColumn
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.jdbc.rowset.SortedRowSet
getSorter, setSorter

Field Detail


static final int UNCHANGED_CURRENT
XML Document includes only unchanged rows. A row is unchanged if it has not been inserted, updated, or deleted in the rowset.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHANGED_CURRENT
XML Document includes only changed rows with their current values. A changed row has been inserted, updated, or deleted in the rowset.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHANGED_ORIGINAL
XML Document includes only changed rows with their original values. A changed row has been inserted, updated, or deleted in the rowset.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CURRENT_ALL
XML Document includes the current values for all rows.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int CHANGED_ALL
XML Document includes the current and original values for all changed rows. A changed row has been inserted, updated, or deleted in the rowset.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ALL_ROWS
XML Document includes all rows with both their changed and original values

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void populate(ResultSetMetaData md)
              throws SQLException
Loads a ResultSet from an existing java.sql.ResultSetMetaData. This method produces an empty RowSet that can be used to insert new rows.

SQLException - if there is an error processing the ResultSetMetaData


String executeAndGuessTableName()
                                throws SQLException
Executes the command, parses it, and sets the table name as the first word following the SQL keyword "from".

Returns the guessed table name or null, if unsuccessful.
SQLException - if a database access error occurs or any of the properties necessary for making a connection and creating a statement have not been set


boolean executeAndGuessTableNameAndPrimaryKeys()
                                               throws SQLException
Executes the command, parses it, sets the table name as the first word following the SQL keyword "from", and then looks up the table in DatabaseMetaData to determine the primary keys.

SQLException - if a database access error occurs or any of the properties necessary for making a connection and creating a statement have not been set


boolean isComplete()
Returns whether the populating query read all matching rows, or it hit the maxRows limit.

When execute is called, it runs the query specified by the setCommand method. The user may optionally specify a maximum number of rows to return from the query with the setMaxRows method.

Returns true if the setMaxRows has been set, and the query returned all rows. It also returns true if maxRows has not been set, or the rowset was not populated via the execute method.

Returns false if MaxRows has been set, and the query hit the maxRows limit without returning all matching rows


Map getCurrentRow()
                  throws SQLException
Returns a Map representing the current row in the RowSet.

Like java.sql.ResultSet, a RowSet acts like a cursor or Iterator with next() and previous() methods. This method returns a java.util.Map instance representing the row at the current position.

The returned Map has keys of the column names and values of the column values. The column values may be read with the get(Object key) method and updated with put(Object key, Object value) method. The user must call updateRow() after updating the Map for the RowSet to accept the updated values.

a Map representing the current row in the RowSet.
SQLException - if the current RowSet position is not a valid row


Map getRow(int index)
           throws SQLException
Returns a Map representing the row at the specified index.

Note: For this method, the starting index number is 0, which is different than the starting index for the getRow() method inherited from java.sql.ResultSet. The starting index for that method is 1.

index - row index into the row set. Valid values are [0 ... row.size() -1]
a Map representing the row at the specified index
SQLException - if the index is not a valid row


Map[] getRows(int startIndex,
              int endIndex)
              throws SQLException
Returns an array of Maps representing the rows in the rowset from [startIndex...endIndex-1]

startIndex - the starting rowset index
endIndex - the end rowset index
an array of Maps representing the Rows in the specified range
SQLException - if startIndex or endIndex out of bounds or if startIndex > endIndex


Map[] getRows()
              throws SQLException
Returns an array of Maps representing all rows in the rowset

an array of Maps representing all rows in the rowset
SQLException - if there is an error creating the Map array


void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
                   throws SQLException
Sets the javax.sql.DataSource used for establishing JDBC Connections. This method is prefered to setDataSourceName when the caller already has a DataSource instance.

javax.sql.DataSource - a DataSource


DataSource getDataSource()
                         throws SQLException
Returns the current javax.sql.DataSource for this RowSet. If setDataSourceName or setDataSource have been called, a DataSource is returned. If no DataSource has been set, null is returned.

javax.sql.DataSource the current DataSource
SQLException - if the DataSource name given to setDataSourceName cannot be found or is invalid.


void loadXML(XMLInputStream xis)
             throws IOException,
Populates the RowSet from an XML document in the XMLInputStream.

XMLInputStream - an XMLInputStream containing a XML document with the RowSet data.


void writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos)
              throws IOException,
Writes the RowSet to the XMLOutputStream as an XML document. This call is equivalent to calling writeXML(XMLOutputStream,ALL_ROWS)

XMLOutputStream - an XMLOutputStream where the RowSet will be written
IOException - if there is an error writing to the XMLOutputStream
SQLException - if there is an error retrieving data from the RowSet


void writeXML(XMLOutputStream xos,
              int rowStates)
              throws IOException,
Writes the RowSet as an XML document.



void setRowSynced()
                  throws SQLException
Mark current row as it has been synced with backend DataSource.



void setRowSetSynced()
                     throws SQLException
Mark the whole RowSet object as it has been synced with backend DataSource.



void moveToUpdateRow()
                     throws SQLException
Mark the current row as updated even it has no original value. When synced with backend DataSource, we will use VERIFY_NONE policy for this row.


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