
Interface WLSession

All Known Subinterfaces:
WLQueueSession, WLTopicSession

public interface WLSession

A WLSession provides fields and methods that are not supported by javax.jms.Session.

WLSession provides methods for the following:

WLSession also supports NO_ACKNOWLEDGE and MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledge modes.

See Also:
Session, QueueSession, TopicSession

Field Summary
static int KEEP_NEW
          Multicast overrun policy specifying that the most recent messages should be saved and the oldest ones discarded, as needed, so as not to exceed the message maximum.
static int KEEP_OLD
          Multicast overrun policy specifying that the oldest messages should be saved and the most recent ones discarded, as needed, so as not to exceed the message maximum.
          Multicast mode with no acknowledge required.
          No acknowledge is required.
Method Summary
 void acknowledge()
          Acknowledge all the messages received by this session.
 void acknowledge(Message message)
          Acknowledge all the messages received by this session.
 XMLMessage createXMLMessage()
          Create an XMLMessage.
 XMLMessage createXMLMessage(Document doc)
          Create an initialized XMLMessage from a DOM Document containing XML.
 XMLMessage createXMLMessage(String xml)
          Create an initialized XMLMessage from a String containing XML.
 int getMessagesMaximum()
          Get the maximum number of messages that may exist for an asynchronous session, which have not yet been passed to the message listener.
 int getOverrunPolicy()
          Get overrun policy for multicast sessions.
 long getRedeliveryDelay()
          Get the redelivery delay for this session; this defines the delay in milliseconds before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered.
 void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener exceptionListener)
          Set an exception listener for this session.
 void setMessagesMaximum(int messagesMaximum)
          Set the maximum number of messages that may exist for an asynchronous session, which have not yet been passed to the message listener.
 void setOverrunPolicy(int policy)
          Set overrun policy for multicast sessions.
 void setRedeliveryDelay(long redeliveryDelay)
          Set the redelivery delay for this consumer; this defines the delay in milliseconds before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered.

Field Detail


static final int NO_ACKNOWLEDGE
No acknowledge is required.

Messages sent to a NO_ACKNOWLEDGE session are immediately deleted from the server. Messages received in this mode are not recovered, and as a result messages may be lost and/or a duplicate message may be delivered if an initial attempt to deliver a message fails.

This mode is supported for applications that do not require the quality of service provided by session acknowledge, and that do not want to incur the associated overhead.

You should avoid using this mode if your application cannot handle duplicate messages.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


Multicast mode with no acknowledge required.

Messages sent to a MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE session share the same characteristics as NO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode.

This mode is supported for applications that want to support multicasting, and that do not require the quality of service provided by session acknowledge.

You should avoid using this mode if your application is unable to handle duplicate messages, which can occur if a message fails to be delivered during the first attempt.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int KEEP_OLD
Multicast overrun policy specifying that the oldest messages should be saved and the most recent ones discarded, as needed, so as not to exceed the message maximum.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int KEEP_NEW
Multicast overrun policy specifying that the most recent messages should be saved and the oldest ones discarded, as needed, so as not to exceed the message maximum.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


XMLMessage createXMLMessage()
                            throws JMSException
Create an XMLMessage. An XMLMessage is used to send a message containing XML content.

javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


XMLMessage createXMLMessage(String xml)
                            throws JMSException
Create an initialized XMLMessage from a String containing XML. An XMLMessage is used to send a message containing XML content.

xml - The XML content represented as a string
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


XMLMessage createXMLMessage(Document doc)
                            throws JMSException
Create an initialized XMLMessage from a DOM Document containing XML. An XMLMessage is used to send a message containing XML content.

xml - The XML content represented as a DOM Document
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener exceptionListener)
                          throws JMSException
Set an exception listener for this session.

If a JMS provider detects a serious problem with a session, it will inform the session's exception listener, if one has been registered. It informs the exception listener by calling the listener's onException() method and passing a JMSException describing the problem.

The exception listener allows a client to be asynchronously notified of a problem. Some sessions only consume messages, so they would have no other way to learn that the session has failed.

A session serializes execution of its exception listener.

A JMS provider should attempt to resolve session problems prior to notifying the client.

exceptionListener - The exception listener.
javax.jms.JMSException - general exception if JMS implementation fails to set the exception listener for this session.


int getMessagesMaximum()
                       throws JMSException
Get the maximum number of messages that may exist for an asynchronous session, which have not yet been passed to the message listener.

A value of -1 indicates that there is no limit on the number of messages. In this case, however, the limit is set to the amount of remaining virtual memory.

The message maximum set for this session.
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


void setMessagesMaximum(int messagesMaximum)
                        throws JMSException
Set the maximum number of messages that may exist for an asynchronous session, which have not yet been passed to the message listener.

A value of -1 indicates that there is no limit on the number of messages. In this case, however, the limit is set to the amount of remaining virtual memory.

When the number of messages reaches the specified value, the following occurs:

For multicast sessions, when a connection is stopped, messages will continue to be accumulated, but only until the specified maximum value is reached. Once this value is reached, messages will be discarded based on the overrun policy.

messagesMaximum - The maximum number of messages allowed, valid values are -1, and 1 through 2^63-1 (default is 10).
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


int getOverrunPolicy()
                     throws JMSException
Get overrun policy for multicast sessions.

The overrun policy set for this session.
javax.jms.JMSException - general exception if the JMS implementation fails to set the exception listener for this session.
See Also:


void setOverrunPolicy(int policy)
                      throws JMSException
Set overrun policy for multicast sessions.

When the number of messages reaches the message maximum, messages are discarded based on the specified policy, as follows:

Message age is defined by the order of receipt, not by the JMSTimestamp value.

policy - The overrun policy.
javax.jms.JMSException - general exception if JMS implementation fails to set the exception listener for this session.
See Also:


long getRedeliveryDelay()
                        throws JMSException
Get the redelivery delay for this session; this defines the delay in milliseconds before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered. The default redelivery delay is obtained from the configuration of the connection factory used to create this consumer. If the time to deliver on the session is explicitly set to -1 via WLSession.setRedliveryDelay(), then this method will return the connection factory setting; if it is set to any other value, then this method will return that value.

Redelivery delay for this session.
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


void setRedeliveryDelay(long redeliveryDelay)
                        throws JMSException
Set the redelivery delay for this consumer; this defines the delay in milliseconds before rolled back or recovered messages are redelivered. The default redeliver delay is 0; this default may be changed by modifying the configuration of the connection factory used to create this consumer. Setting the redelivery delay to -1 forces the use of this default. Setting it to anything greater than or equal to 0 overrides this default. If this method is not called, then the connection factory setting is used.

Performance Note: If any consumers for remote destinations already exist on this session, calling this method results in a network call(s) in order to disseminate the changed delay value to them.

redeliveryDelay - Redelivery delay for this session.
javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs.
See Also:


void acknowledge()
                 throws JMSException
Acknowledge all the messages received by this session. This is similar to the method Message.acknowledge(), except it can be called from the session. This is for users who set their connection factory AcknowledgePolicy to "Previous" so they may acknowledge "All" messages received by this session.

javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs


void acknowledge(Message message)
                 throws JMSException
Acknowledge all the messages received by this session. This is similar to the method Message.acknowledge(), except it can be called from the session. This is for users who set their connection factory AcknowledgePolicy to "Previous" so they may acknowledge "All" messages received by this session.

javax.jms.JMSException - if a JMS error occurs

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