
Class Trigger

  extended by weblogic.common.internal.RemoteEntryPoint
      extended by weblogic.time.common.Trigger
All Implemented Interfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable

Deprecated. As of WebLogic Server 7.0, replaced by Timer.

public final class Trigger
extends weblogic.common.internal.RemoteEntryPoint

The Trigger class is a wrapper for user-defined classes that implement Triggerable or TriggerDef. A Trigger can be used in calls to TimeServicesDef.getScheduledTrigger(). When a Trigger is constructed using a fully qualified class name -- rather than an actual instance -- an instance of the class is created on the WebLogic Server, using its default constructor.

If the user-supplied class implements TriggerDef, then the TriggerDef's setServices() and triggerInit() methods are called in that order, enabling access to WebLogic services and setting up initialization parameters.

See Also:
Triggerable, TriggerDef, TimeServicesDef, Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class weblogic.common.internal.RemoteEntryPoint
className, params, theObject
Constructor Summary
          Deprecated. Constructs a default Trigger object.
Trigger(String entry)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
Trigger(String entry, ParamSet ps)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
Trigger(Triggerable o)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
Trigger(Triggerable o, ParamSet ps)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
Method Summary
 void private_initialize(T3ServicesDef services)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
 void private_initialize(T3ServicesDef services, Triggerable object)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
 void private_set_instance(Triggerable object)
          Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1
Methods inherited from class weblogic.common.internal.RemoteEntryPoint
className, destroy, equals, getName, getParamSet, getT3, hashCode, initialize, newInstance, params, readExternal, theObject, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Trigger()
Constructs a default Trigger object. Internal use only.


public Trigger(Triggerable o,
               ParamSet ps)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1

Constructs a Trigger with the specified Object and set of parameters.

o - Triggerable or TriggerDef
ps - ParamSet object


public Trigger(Triggerable o)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1

Constructs a Trigger with the specified Object and set of parameters.

o - Triggerable or TriggerDef


public Trigger(String entry,
               ParamSet ps)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1

Constructs a Trigger with the fully qualified package name of a user-written class and set of parameters. The user-written class must implement Triggerable or TriggerDef.

entry - Name of user-written class
ps - ParamSet object


public Trigger(String entry)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1

Constructs a Trigger with the fully qualified package name of a user-written class. The user-written class must implement Triggerable or TriggerDef.

entry - Name of user-written class implementing Triggerable or TriggerDef
Method Detail


public void private_set_instance(Triggerable object)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1


public void private_initialize(T3ServicesDef services)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1


public void private_initialize(T3ServicesDef services,
                               Triggerable object)
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 6.1

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