
Interface AsyncSOAPInvokeState

All Superinterfaces:
Externalizable, Serializable

public interface AsyncSOAPInvokeState
extends Externalizable

Represents an asynchronous SOAP operation invocation. Objects implementing this interface are placed on the buffering (WS-RM or just async) queue during processing. This is done to maintain the state of the invocation while decoupling the caller from the actual work for the invocation.

Method Summary
 SOAPMessage getClonedSOAPMessage()
          Get a clone of the request SOAPMessage for this invocation.
 Map getMessageContextProperties()
          Get a map of property name to property value representing the properties stored in the JAX-RPC message context at the time this invocation was transferred/stored to the buffer queue.
 String getServiceURI()
          Get the URI for the service that stored this async SOAP invocation state
 SOAPMessage getSOAPMessage()
          Get the SOAPMessage that acts as the request for the current operation invocation.
 boolean isSoap12()
          Is this invocation using the SOAP 1.2 protocol.
Methods inherited from interface
readExternal, writeExternal

Method Detail


SOAPMessage getSOAPMessage()
Get the SOAPMessage that acts as the request for the current operation invocation.


SOAPMessage getClonedSOAPMessage()
Get a clone of the request SOAPMessage for this invocation.


boolean isSoap12()
Is this invocation using the SOAP 1.2 protocol.


Map getMessageContextProperties()
Get a map of property name to property value representing the properties stored in the JAX-RPC message context at the time this invocation was transferred/stored to the buffer queue.


String getServiceURI()
Get the URI for the service that stored this async SOAP invocation state

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