
Interface ServiceHandle

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ServiceHandle
extends Serializable

The ServiceHandle interface provides a persistable reference to a JWS service object. A ServiceHandle can refer to both a JWS service instance or to a JWS control instance that is associated with a JWS service instance.

Field Summary
static int SCHEME_FILE
static int SCHEME_FTP
static int SCHEME_HTTP
static int SCHEME_JMS
static int SCHEME_SMTP
Method Summary
 String getContextURI()
          Returns the base context URI that references the root of the application containing this component.
 String getControlID()
          Returns the identity of a control instance that the handle refers to.
 String getConversationID()
          Returns the identity of a JWS conversation instance that the handle refers to.
 String getJNDIBaseName()
          Returns a period-separated string based on the URI, which uniquely identifies this service on this server and is used to generate unique JNDI names for objects associated with this service.
 int getScheme()
          Returns the protocol scheme that was used to construct the ServiceHandle.
 String getURI()
          Returns a protocol-indendent URI which can be used to refer to this service.
 URL getURL()
          Returns a URL which defines a reference to this service using the same scheme that was used to construct the service handle.
 URL getURL(int scheme)
          Returns a URL which defines a reference to this service using the specified scheme.

Field Detail


static final int SCHEME_DEFAULT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SCHEME_HTTP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SCHEME_JMS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SCHEME_SMTP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SCHEME_FTP
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int SCHEME_FILE
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int getScheme()
Returns the protocol scheme that was used to construct the ServiceHandle.


String getJNDIBaseName()
Returns a period-separated string based on the URI, which uniquely identifies this service on this server and is used to generate unique JNDI names for objects associated with this service.


String getURI()
Returns a protocol-indendent URI which can be used to refer to this service.


String getContextURI()
Returns the base context URI that references the root of the application containing this component.


URL getURL(int scheme)
Returns a URL which defines a reference to this service using the specified scheme.


URL getURL()
Returns a URL which defines a reference to this service using the same scheme that was used to construct the service handle.


String getConversationID()
Returns the identity of a JWS conversation instance that the handle refers to. This may be null if referring to stateless service or constructed as a result of processing a stateless operation on a service.


String getControlID()
Returns the identity of a control instance that the handle refers to. This may be null if the handle is associated with a service instance instead of a control instance.

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