
Interface ReliabilityErrorContext

public interface ReliabilityErrorContext

Provides details of a reliability failure.

Method Summary
 AsyncPostCallContext getAsyncPostCallContext()
 ReliableDeliveryException getFault()
          Deprecated. Use getFaults() instead
 List<Throwable> getFaults()
          Returns a list of Throwables that describe all the errors that caused the reliable delivery to fail.
 String getFaultSummaryMessage()
          Returns a summary message containing a summary of all the errors the caused this reliable delivery to fail.
 String getOperationName()
 SOAPMessage getSOAPMessage()
 String getTargetName()

Method Detail


String getOperationName()
The operation that caused the failure


String getTargetName()
The stub that caused the failure


SOAPMessage getSOAPMessage()
The SOAP message that was being sent when the failure happened.


ReliableDeliveryException getFault()
Deprecated. Use getFaults() instead

Returns a single ReliableDeliveryException containing a message that describes the fault that caused this context to be created and delivered. The returned exception is not the 'original' exception that caused the reliable delivery to fail, but rather a manufactured exception with the error message in it. For this reason, you should use getFaults() instead, as this method returns the actual exceptions that caused the failure.

A description of the failure


List<Throwable> getFaults()
Returns a list of Throwables that describe all the errors that caused the reliable delivery to fail. If you'd like to have a summary message instead of a list of Throwables, use the getFaultSummaryMessage() method. This method will never return null, but may be empty if no original exception is available.


String getFaultSummaryMessage()
Returns a summary message containing a summary of all the errors the caused this reliable delivery to fail. This method will never return null and will always return some descriptive information about the error.


AsyncPostCallContext getAsyncPostCallContext()
The user-defined context properties passed in as AsyncPreCallContext to the original async invoke that sent the message being sent when the failure happened.

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