BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
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JAXP_PROPERTY_PREFIX - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.Constants
JAXP property prefix ("").
JAXP_SCHEMA_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.JAXPConstants
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLSchemaValidator
Property identifier: JAXP schema source.
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in class weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XMLSchemaLoader
Property identifier: JAXP schema source.
JAXP_SCHEMA_SOURCE - Static variable in interface weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.JAXPConstants
JAXPConstants - interface weblogic.apache.xerces.jaxp.JAXPConstants.
This interface holds JAXP constant property/attribute names and values.
jdbc() - Method in interface weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef
Returns access to JDBC services in WebLogic.
jdbcCompliant() - Method in class weblogic.jdbc.pool.Driver
JDBCConnectionLeakProfile - interface
This interface provides information about a connection leak.
JDBCConnectionPoolMBean - interface
This bean defines a JDBC connection pool.
JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC component
JDBCDataSourceFactoryMBean - interface
This MBean represents the object used to create DataSources that applications use to access application-scoped JDBC connection pools.
JDBCDataSourceMBean - interface
This MBean defines a non-transactional JDBC DataSource.
JdbcExpandedSqlParser - class weblogic.jdbc.oci.JdbcExpandedSqlParser.
JdbcExpandedSqlParser() - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.oci.JdbcExpandedSqlParser
JdbcExpandedSqlParser(JdbcSqlExpander) - Constructor for class weblogic.jdbc.oci.JdbcExpandedSqlParser
JDBCMultiPoolMBean - interface
This MBean represents a JDBC Multipool, which is a pool of JDBC connection pools.
JDBCResource - class
The JDBCResource class is used by a container to specify the JDBC resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JDBCResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JDBCResource with a target name composed from the application, module, category, resource, and action parameters.
JdbcSqlExpander - interface weblogic.jdbc.oci.JdbcSqlExpander.
JDBCStatementProfile - interface
This interface provides execution profile of SQL statement.
JDBCTxDataSourceMBean - interface
This MBean defines a transaction-enabled JDBC DataSource.
jdk_codeset - Variable in class weblogic.jdbc.oci.Statement
JDK11Certificate - class
Deprecated. Deprecated in WebLogic Server 7.0.
JDK11Certificate(X509) - Constructor for class
JMS_XA_ADAPTER_JNDI - Static variable in interface
JMSBridgeDestinationMBean - interface
This class represents a messaging bridge destination for a JMS messaging product.
JMSConnectionConsumerMBean - interface
This class defines a JMS connection consumer, which is a JMS destination (queue or topic) that retrieves server sessions and processes messages.
JMSConnectionFactoryMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS connection factory.
JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS connection.
JMSConstants - interface
This class holds the JMS constant property/attribute names and values.
JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS consumer.
JMSDestCommonMBean - interface
This class represents common JMS destination and JMS template methods.
JMSDestinationKeyMBean - interface
This class represents a key value for a destination, which is used to define the sort order of messages as they arrive on a destination.
JMSDestinationMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS destination, which identifies a queue (Point-To-Point) or a topic (Pub/Sub) for a JMS server.
JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS destination (topic or queue).
JMSDistributedDestinationMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed destination, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS destinations (topics or queues) as members of a single distributed set of destinations that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDistributedDestinationMemberMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed destination member, which represents a physical JMS destination (topic or queue) as a member of a single distributed set of destinations that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDistributedQueueMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed queue, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS queues as members of a single distributed set of queues that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDistributedQueueMemberMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed queue member, which represents a physical JMS queue as a member of a single distributed set of queues that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDistributedTopicMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed topic, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS topics as members of a single distributed set of topics that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDistributedTopicMemberMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS distributed topic member, which represents a physical JMS topic as a member of single distributed set of topics that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
JMSDurableSubscriberRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS durable subscriber.
JMSFileStoreMBean - interface
This class represents a disk-based JMS file store that stores persistent messages and durable subscribers in a file-system directory.
JMSHelper - class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper.
This class contains JMS helper methods for locating JMS runtime (i.e., monitoring) and configuration JMX MBeans.
JMSHelper() - Constructor for class weblogic.jms.extensions.JMSHelper
JMSJDBCStoreMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS JDBC store for storing persistent messages and durable subscribers in a JDBC-accessible database.
JMSPooledConnectionRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring pooled JMS connections.
JMSProducerRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS producer.
JMSQueueMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS queue (Point-To-Point) destination for a JMS server.
JMSResource - class
The JMSResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JMSResource(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JMSResource with a target name composed from the application, destType, resource, and action parameters.
JMSRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS service.
JMSServerMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS server.
JMSServerRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS server.
JMSSessionPoolMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS session pool, a server-managed pool of server sessions that enables an application to process messages concurrently.
JMSSessionPoolRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session pool.
JMSSessionRuntimeMBean - interface
This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session.
JMSStoreMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS persistent store, which is a physical repository for storing persistent message data.
JMSTemplateMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS template, which provides an efficient means of defining multiple destinations (queues and topics) with similar attribute settings.
JMSTopicMBean - interface
This class represents a JMS topic (Pub/Sub) destination for a JMS server.
JMSVirtualDestinationMBean - interface
This class represents a virtual destination.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface
The JNDI name for this interface.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in interface
Part of a string that represents the JNDI name of a server's local MBeanHome as registered in the Administration Server's JNDI tree.
JNDI_NAME - Static variable in class
JNDIResource - class
The JNDIResource class is used by a container to specify the JMS resource (and method related to the resource) that a caller is attempting to access.
JNDIResource() - Constructor for class
Deprecated. As of 04/01/02.

JNDIResource(String, String[], String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new JNDIResource with a target name composed from the application, path, and actionName parameters.
joinContext() - Method in interface weblogic.webservice.extensions.WLService
If the current thread is already associated with a context (i.e., the client is called within a WebLogic Web service implementation, such as an EJB or Java class method), the parent context is used for this service proxy.
JRockitRuntimeMBean - interface
Exposes runtime data about the JRockit Virtual Machine (VM) that is running the current WebLogic Server instance.
JSSEAdapter - class weblogic.webservice.client.JSSEAdapter.
JSSEAdapter for WLS Webservices support of the JSSE bundled with JDK 1.4
JSSEAdapter() - Constructor for class weblogic.webservice.client.JSSEAdapter
Returns an instance of the this class.
JSSEAdapter(boolean) - Constructor for class weblogic.webservice.client.JSSEAdapter
JTAMBean - interface
This interface provides access to the JTA configuration attributes.
JTARecoveryRuntimeMBean - interface
This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics for recovered transactions that are associated with a particular Transaction Recovery Service.
JTARuntimeMBean - interface
This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.
JTAStatisticsRuntimeMBean - interface
This interface contains general JTA runtime statistics.
JTATransaction - interface
This class represents information about a live transaction.
JTATransactionStatisticsRuntimeMBean - interface
This interface contains general JTA transaction runtime statistics.
JVMRuntimeMBean - interface
Provides methods for retrieving information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) within with the current server instance is running.

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