BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Class DOMLocatorImpl


public class DOMLocatorImpl
extends java.lang.Object
implements org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator

DOMLocatorImpl is an implementaion that describes a location (e.g. where an error occured).

See also the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification.

Field Summary
 int fColumnNumber
          The column number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no column number available.
 org.w3c.dom.Node fErrorNode
          The DOM Node where the error occured, or null if there is no Node available.
 int fLineNumber
          The line number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no line number available.
 int fOffset
          The byte or character offset into the input source, if we're parsing a file or a byte stream then this will be the byte offset into that stream, but if a character media is parsed then the offset will be the character offset
 java.lang.String fUri
          The URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.
Constructor Summary
DOMLocatorImpl(int lineNumber, int columnNumber, int offset, org.w3c.dom.Node errorNode, java.lang.String uri)
DOMLocatorImpl(int lineNumber, int columnNumber, java.lang.String uri)
Method Summary
 int getColumnNumber()
          The column number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no column number available.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getErrorNode()
          The DOM Node where the error occured, or null if there is no Node available.
 int getLineNumber()
          The line number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no line number available.
 int getOffset()
          The byte or character offset into the input source, if we're parsing a file or a byte stream then this will be the byte offset into that stream, but if a character media is parsed then the offset will be the character offset.
 java.lang.String getUri()
          The URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int fColumnNumber
The column number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no column number available.


public org.w3c.dom.Node fErrorNode
The DOM Node where the error occured, or null if there is no Node available.


public int fLineNumber
The line number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no line number available.


public int fOffset
The byte or character offset into the input source, if we're parsing a file or a byte stream then this will be the byte offset into that stream, but if a character media is parsed then the offset will be the character offset


public java.lang.String fUri
The URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.
Constructor Detail


public DOMLocatorImpl()


public DOMLocatorImpl(int lineNumber,
                      int columnNumber,
                      java.lang.String uri)


public DOMLocatorImpl(int lineNumber,
                      int columnNumber,
                      int offset,
                      org.w3c.dom.Node errorNode,
                      java.lang.String uri)
Method Detail


public int getLineNumber()
The line number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no line number available.
Specified by:
getLineNumber in interface org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator


public int getColumnNumber()
The column number where the error occured, or -1 if there is no column number available.
Specified by:
getColumnNumber in interface org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator


public int getOffset()
The byte or character offset into the input source, if we're parsing a file or a byte stream then this will be the byte offset into that stream, but if a character media is parsed then the offset will be the character offset.
Specified by:
getOffset in interface org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator


public org.w3c.dom.Node getErrorNode()
The DOM Node where the error occured, or null if there is no Node available.
Specified by:
getErrorNode in interface org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator


public java.lang.String getUri()
The URI where the error occured, or null if there is no URI available.
Specified by:
getUri in interface org.apache.xerces.dom3.DOMLocator

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