BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Class ValidatedInfo


public class ValidatedInfo
extends java.lang.Object

Class to get the information back after content is validated. This info would be filled by validate().

Field Summary
 java.lang.Object actualValue
          The actual value from a string value (QName, Boolean, etc.) An array of Objects if the type is a list.
 XSSimpleType memberType
          If the type is a union type, then the member type which actually validated the string value.
 XSSimpleType[] memberTypes
          If 1.
 java.lang.String normalizedValue
          The normalized value of a string value
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public java.lang.String normalizedValue
The normalized value of a string value


public java.lang.Object actualValue
The actual value from a string value (QName, Boolean, etc.) An array of Objects if the type is a list.


public XSSimpleType memberType
If the type is a union type, then the member type which actually validated the string value.


public XSSimpleType[] memberTypes
If 1. the type is a union type where one of the member types is a list, or if the type is a list; and 2. the item type of the list is a union type then an array of member types used to validate the values.
Constructor Detail


public ValidatedInfo()

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