BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Interface Summary
XSTypeDecl The XML representation for a type declaration schema component is a or element information item

Class Summary
AttributePSVImpl Attribute PSV infoset augmentations implementation.
ElementPSVImpl Element PSV infoset augmentations implementation.
SchemaGrammar This class is to hold all schema component declaration that are declared within one namespace.
SchemaNamespaceSupport This class customizes the behaviour of the util.NamespaceSupport class in order to easily implement some features that we need for efficient schema handling.
SchemaSymbols Collection of symbols used to parse a Schema Grammar.
SubstitutionGroupHandler To store and validate information about substitutionGroup
XMLSchemaLoader This class implements XMLGrammarLoader.
XMLSchemaValidator The XML Schema validator.
XMLSchemaValidator.OrderedHashtable.Entry Hashtable entry.
XMLSchemaValidator.XPathMatcherStack Stack of XPath matchers for identity constraints.
XSAttributeDecl The XML representation for an attribute declaration schema component is an element information item
XSAttributeGroupDecl The XML representation for an attribute group declaration schema component is a global element information item
XSAttributeUseImpl The XML representation for an attribute use schema component is a local element information item
XSComplexTypeDecl The XML representation for a complexType schema component is a element information item
XSConstraints Constaints shared by traversers and validator
XSDeclarationPool This class is pool that enables caching of XML Schema declaration objects.
XSElementDecl The XML representation for an element declaration schema component is an element information item
XSGrammarBucket A class used to hold the internal schema grammar set for the current instance
XSGroupDecl The XML representation for a group declaration schema component is a global element information item
XSMessageFormatter SchemaMessageProvider implements an XMLMessageProvider that provides localizable error messages for the W3C XML Schema Language
XSModelGroupImpl Store schema model group declaration.
XSModelImpl Implements XSModel: a read-only interface that represents an XML Schema, which could be components from different namespaces.
XSNotationDecl The XML representation for a NOTATION declaration schema component is a global element information item
XSParticleDecl Store schema particle declaration.
XSWildcardDecl The XML representation for a wildcard declaration schema component is an or element information item

Exception Summary
XMLSchemaException This exception might be thrown by any constraint checking method.

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