BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Interface WLContext

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface WLContext
extends javax.naming.Context

Interface for a WebLogic naming context. This extends javax.naming.Context with several WebLogic-specific environment properties, and methods for deleting one of several objects stored in a pool under one name.

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Field Summary
          Specifies how to handle non-existent intermediate contexts.
static java.lang.String DELEGATE_ENVIRONMENT
          Specifies the JNDI environment to use for connecting to a third-party naming service through the WebLogic Server.
static java.lang.String ENABLE_SERVER_AFFINITY
          Cluster-specific: Specifies if multiple context creation's from the same VM should reuse existing connections or round-robin across all servers in the cluster.
static java.lang.String PIN_TO_PRIMARY_SERVER
          Cluster-specific: If true, this property forces the context stub to connect to the primary naming server only (i.e., the server currently running at host specified by Context.PROVIDER_URL).
static java.lang.String PROVIDER_RJVM
          Specifies the RJVM to use as the naming server.
static java.lang.String REPLICATE_BINDINGS
          Cluster-specific: Specifies whether tree modifications are replicated and is only applicable when connecting to WebLogic Servers that are running in a cluster.
static java.lang.String SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE
          Specifies an RSA private key and a chain of certificates for client authentication.
static java.lang.String SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD
          Specifies the pasword for an encrypted PKCS5/PKCS8 RSA private key.
static java.lang.String SSL_ROOT_CA_FINGERPRINTS
          Specifies which certificate authorities to trust.
static java.lang.String SSL_SERVER_NAME
          Specifies an expected name of an SSL server as a String.
Fields inherited from class javax.naming.Context
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getNameInNamespace(java.lang.String relativeName)
          Returns the full name of a property, relative to the root of this namespace.
 void unbind(javax.naming.Name name, java.lang.Object service)
          Unbinds the specified service from the specified name.
 void unbind(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object service)
          Unbinds the specified service from the specified name.
Methods inherited from interface javax.naming.Context
addToEnvironment, bind, bind, close, composeName, composeName, createSubcontext, createSubcontext, destroySubcontext, destroySubcontext, getEnvironment, getNameInNamespace, getNameParser, getNameParser, list, list, listBindings, listBindings, lookup, lookup, lookupLink, lookupLink, rebind, rebind, removeFromEnvironment, rename, rename, unbind, unbind

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CREATE_INTERMEDIATE_CONTEXTS
Specifies how to handle non-existent intermediate contexts. If this property is true, performing a bind, rebind, or createSubcontext with a name that specifies non- existent intermediate contexts will cause those contexts to be created.


public static final java.lang.String DELEGATE_ENVIRONMENT
Specifies the JNDI environment to use for connecting to a third-party naming service through the WebLogic Server. When this property is specified, WLInitialContextFactory uses the WebLogic Server to create a three-tier connection to a third-party naming service. The properties contained in the Hashtable specified by this property are used to create an initial context for the third-party naming service, upon which the original initial context delegates its work to the third-party's initial context.


public static final java.lang.String PROVIDER_RJVM
Specifies the RJVM to use as the naming server. This can be used as an alternative to Context.PROVIDER_URL. Instead of a URL, this property must specify an RJVM representing the desired server.


public static final java.lang.String REPLICATE_BINDINGS
Cluster-specific: Specifies whether tree modifications are replicated and is only applicable when connecting to WebLogic Servers that are running in a cluster. By default, any modification to the naming tree is replicated across the cluster, which ensures that any server can act as a naming server for the entire cluster. Setting this property to false changes this behavior and should be done with extreme caution: a false setting means that modifications to the tree caused by bind, unbind, createSubcontext, and destroySubcontext will not be replicated.

Understand the implications of this property before changing its default (true).


public static final java.lang.String PIN_TO_PRIMARY_SERVER
Cluster-specific: If true, this property forces the context stub to connect to the primary naming server only (i.e., the server currently running at host specified by Context.PROVIDER_URL). This disables fail-over for the context. By default this property is false.

This setting should be used when a connection to a specific server is required. Note that this setting will only have the desired effect if Context.PROVIDER_URL specifes a host name that maps only to a single server address. It will not work, for example, if the host name maps to multiple server addresses in DNS.


public static final java.lang.String SSL_ROOT_CA_FINGERPRINTS
Specifies which certificate authorities to trust. The value for this property should be a set of fingerprints (MD5) of the authorities' certificates encoded either as an array of byte arrays, or a comma-separated string of hex values. If specified, the SSL connection can only be established to a server that presents a certificate chain in which the fingerprint of the root matches one of the fingerprints specified by the value of this property.


public static final java.lang.String SSL_SERVER_NAME
Specifies an expected name of an SSL server as a String. It must match the common name field in the certificate presented by the server. This is typically also the WebLogic Server's DNS name, e.g.,


public static final java.lang.String SSL_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE
Specifies an RSA private key and a chain of certificates for client authentication. In a server, it can be set to the special string SERVER to refer to the server's private key and certificate chain. In general, it can be set to an array of InputStreams, the first element of which is a DER-encoded RSA private key, followed by DER-encoded X.509 certificates. All but the first certificate must be an issuer certificate of the preceding certificate.

If your key and certificates are encoded using PEM, you can obtain the DER encoding using PEMInputStream.

See Also:


public static final java.lang.String SSL_CLIENT_KEY_PASSWORD
Specifies the pasword for an encrypted PKCS5/PKCS8 RSA private key. Using an encrypted private key is optional.


public static final java.lang.String ENABLE_SERVER_AFFINITY
Cluster-specific: Specifies if multiple context creation's from the same VM should reuse existing connections or round-robin across all servers in the cluster. By default, context creation's would round-robin across all servers in a cluster. This property takes affect only when a cluster url is specified. If a specific server url is used, context creation would always connect to that server.

Understand the implications of this property before changing its default (false).

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getNameInNamespace(java.lang.String relativeName)
                                    throws javax.naming.NamingException
Returns the full name of a property, relative to the root of this namespace.

relativeName - Property name relative to this context
Full name of property
javax.naming.NamingException - if a failure occurs


public void unbind(javax.naming.Name name,
                   java.lang.Object service)
            throws javax.naming.NamingException
Unbinds the specified service from the specified name.

name - Name of service to unbind (as a Name object)
service - Service object to be unbound
javax.naming.NamingException - if the service is not available


public void unbind(java.lang.String name,
                   java.lang.Object service)
            throws javax.naming.NamingException
Unbinds the specified service from the specified name.

name - Name of service to unbind (as a String)
service - Service object to be unbound
javax.naming.NamingException - if the service is not available

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