BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use DeploymentMBean Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of DeploymentMBean in

Subinterfaces of DeploymentMBean in
 interface ComponentMBean
          A component is a specific type deployment that is part of a J2EE application (see ApplicationMBean).
 interface ConnectorComponentMBean
          This bean defines a Resource Adapter.
 interface EJBComponentMBean
          The top level interface for all configuration information that WebLogic Server maintains for an EJB module.
 interface ForeignJMSServerMBean
          This class represents a JNDI provider that is outside the WebLogic JMS server.
 interface JDBCConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a JDBC connection pool.
 interface JDBCDataSourceMBean
          This MBean defines a non-transactional JDBC DataSource.
 interface JDBCMultiPoolMBean
          This MBean represents a JDBC Multipool, which is a pool of JDBC connection pools.
 interface JDBCTxDataSourceMBean
          This MBean defines a transaction-enabled JDBC DataSource.
 interface JMSConnectionFactoryMBean
          This class represents a JMS connection factory.
 interface JMSDistributedDestinationMBean
          This class represents a JMS distributed destination, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS destinations (topics or queues) as members of a single distributed set of destinations that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
 interface JMSDistributedQueueMBean
          This class represents a JMS distributed queue, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS queues as members of a single distributed set of queues that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
 interface JMSDistributedTopicMBean
          This class represents a JMS distributed topic, which is comprised of multiple physical JMS topics as members of a single distributed set of topics that can be served by multiple WebLogic Server instances within a cluster.
 interface JMSServerMBean
          This class represents a JMS server.
 interface JMSVirtualDestinationMBean
          This class represents a virtual destination.
 interface MailSessionMBean
          The MBean for a MailSession resource manager connection factory.
 interface MessagingBridgeMBean
          This class represents a WebLogic messaging bridge, which enables you to configure a forwarding mechanism between any two messaging products--thereby, providing interoperability between separate implementations of WebLogic JMS or between WebLogic JMS and another messaging product.
 interface NetworkChannelMBean
 interface RMCFactoryMBean
          An RMCFactoryMBean represents a J2EE resource manager connection factory in a J2EE app.
 interface ShutdownClassMBean
          Provides methods for configuring a shutdown class.
 interface StartupClassMBean
          Provides methods that configure startup classes.
 interface VirtualDestinationMBean
          This class represents a virtual destination.
 interface VirtualHostMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
 interface WebAppComponentMBean
          Provides methods for configuring a J2EE web application that is deployed on a WebLogic Server instance.
 interface WebDeploymentMBean
          A Web Deployment is any MBean that may be deployed on one or more target or WebServers.
 interface WebServerMBean
          This bean represents the configuration of virtual web server within a weblogic server.
 interface WebServiceComponentMBean
          Provides the interface used to configure a Web service that is deployed on a WebLogic Server instance.
 interface WLECConnectionPoolMBean
          This bean defines a WLEC connection pool.
 interface WTCServerMBean
          This MBean defines a WTC Server.

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