BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Interface SecurityExtensionV2

public interface SecurityExtensionV2
extends SecurityExtension

The SecurityExtensionV2 interface should be implemented by developers who want to create a console extension to configure and manage a custom security provider. The SecurityExtensionV2 interface can be implemented in place of, or in addition to, extending the Extension class.

The SecurityExtensionV2 differs from SecurityExtension in that it provides the ability to replace pages for Credential Maps. Each of the methods in this interface should return a URI (including a query string, if desired) that is relative to the console extension's Web application root (for example: /custom/pages/User?user=myuser).

Copyright © 2004 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getExtensionForUserPasswordCredential( realm, provider, java.lang.String resource, java.lang.String RemoteUserName)
          Called when an Administration Console user wants to create or edit a Credential Map.
 java.lang.String getExtentionForUserPasswordCredentialMapping( realm, provider, java.lang.String resource, java.lang.String WLSUserName)
          Called when an Administration Console user wants to create or edit a Credential Map.
Methods inherited from interface
getExtensionForGroup, getExtensionForPolicy, getExtensionForProvider, getExtensionForRole, getExtensionForUser

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getExtensionForUserPasswordCredential( realm,
                                                              java.lang.String resource,
                                                              java.lang.String RemoteUserName)
Called when an Administration Console user wants to create or edit a Credential Map. This method is likely to be used with a custom Credential Mapping provider.

This method intends to replace pages which configure the Remote User Name password.

realm - the JMX object name of the current security realm MBean.

provider - the JMX object name of the custom security provider that is associated with this Credential Map.

resource - the resource ID for the WebLogic resource to which this Credential Map applies.

RemoteUserName - the remote user name with which this Credential Map is associated.

String a path to a JSP (relative to the console extension Web application's root) that should be used in place of the standard Administration Console page to configure this security policy. A return value of null indicates that the console extension has no page to configure this Credential Map.


public java.lang.String getExtentionForUserPasswordCredentialMapping( realm,
                                                                     java.lang.String resource,
                                                                     java.lang.String WLSUserName)
Called when an Administration Console user wants to create or edit a Credential Map. This method is likely to be used with a custom Credential Mapping provider.

This method intends to replace pages which determine the Resource ID & WebLogic User Name to Remote User Name Mapping.

realm - the JMX object name of the current security realm MBean.

provider - the JMX object name of the custom security provider that is associated with this Credential Map.

resource - the resource ID for the WebLogic resource to which this Credential Map applies.

WLSUserName - the name of the WebLogic User to which this Credential Map applies.

String a path to a JSP (relative to the console extension Web application's root) that should be used in place of the standard Administration Console page to configure this security policy. A return value of null indicates that the console extension has no page to configure this Credential Map.

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