BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference
Interface AuditChannel

public interface AuditChannel

The AuditChannel interface defines the security service provider interface (SSPI) for objects capable of logging security-related events for auditing purposes.

An implementation of the AuditChannel interface is the part of an Auditing provider that actually writes out the auditing information. As such, components in the WebLogic Security Framework are instrumented to call the method in this interface when "interesting" events occur.

An implementation of the AuditChannel interface should not maintain the objects passed in beyond the length of the call.

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Method Summary
 void writeEvent(AuditEvent event)
          Writes an audit record based on event information.

Method Detail


public void writeEvent(AuditEvent event)
Writes an audit record based on event information.

event - an AuditEvent object containing audit criteria, such as the severity level determined by the AuditSeverity class, and the audit data of interest to record.

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