BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 8.1 API Reference


Interface Summary
Attribute An interface that contains information about an attribute
AttributeIterator This interface specifies methods for iterating over attributes.
BufferedXMLInputStream Extends the XMLInputStream to allow marking and reseting of the stream.
ChangePrefixMapping This event signals that a prefix mapping has changed from OldNamespaceName to the NewNamespaceName
CharacterData A marker interface for character data
Comment A marker interface for comment data
ElementFilter This interface defines a filter on elements
EndDocument A marker interface for the end of a document
EndElement A marker interface for the end element event.
EndPrefixMapping This event signals that a prefix mapping has gone out of scope
EntityReference An interface for handling Entity Declarations
Location Returns the document location of the event.
ProcessingInstruction A marker interface for processing instructions
ReferenceResolver This interface can be implemented to allow resolution of references on a stream.
Space This element returns whitespace characters to allow separate handling by the application
StartDocument An interface for the start document event
StartElement The StartElement interface provides access to information about start elements
StartPrefixMapping This event signals that a prefix mapping has begun scope
XMLEvent This is the base element interface for handling markup events.
XMLInputOutputStream This is a utility for reading from an output stream.
XMLInputStream This is the top level interface for iterating over XML Events in an XML document.
XMLInputStreamFilter This is the top level interface for creating Filters on XMLInputStreams
XMLName Encapsulates information about the Qualified Name of an XML event.
XMLOutputStream This is the top level interface for writing XML documents.

Class Summary
ElementFactory Defines a utility to create the interfaces in the stream package
XMLInputStreamFactory Defines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting streams
XMLOutputStreamFactory Defines an abstract implementation of a factory for getting output streams
XMLStream This is the main to parse an XML document with the stream

Exception Summary
XMLStreamException The base exception for unexpected input during XML handling

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