BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference
Class SSLContext


public final class SSLContext
extends Object

SSLContext holds all of the state information shared across all sockets created under that context.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Constructor Summary
SSLContext(String secureProtocol)
Method Summary
static SSLContext getInstance(String secureProtocol)
          Generates a new SSLContext object that implements the specified secure socket protocol.
 String getProtocol()
 String getProvider()
 SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactory()
          Returns an SSLSocketFactory object for this context.
 SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactoryJSSE()
          Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by getSocketFactory()
 void loadLocalIdentity(Certificate[] certs, PrivateKey privateKey)
          Load local identity certificate chain and key for client.
 void loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[] streams)
          Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication.
 void loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[] streams, String password)
          Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication.
 void setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hv)
          Sets the HostnameVerifier for this instance of this class.
 void setHostnameVerifierJSSE(HostnameVerifierJSSE hv)
          Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier)
 void setTrustManager(TrustManager tm)
          Sets the TrustManager for this instance of this class.
 void setTrustManagerJSSE(TrustManagerJSSE tm)
          Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by setTrustManager(TrustManager)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SSLContext()


public SSLContext(String secureProtocol)
Method Detail


public static SSLContext getInstance(String secureProtocol)
Generates a new SSLContext object that implements the specified secure socket protocol.

secureProtocol - The handshake protocol name.


public String getProtocol()


public String getProvider()


public SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactory()
Returns an SSLSocketFactory object for this context.

SSLSocketFactory object for this context.


public SSLSocketFactory getSocketFactoryJSSE()
Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by getSocketFactory()

Returns an SSLSocketFactory object for this context.


public void loadLocalIdentity(Certificate[] certs,
                              PrivateKey privateKey)
Load local identity certificate chain and key for client.

certs - Array of certificates. All but the first of the certificates are issuer certificates for the previous certificate.
privateKey - Private key.


public void loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[] streams)
Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication. The array of input streams passed as an argument are DER encoded values, the first of which is a private key, followed by X.509 certificates. All but the first of the certificates are issuer certificates for the previous certificate.

The InputStreams you use must support mark and reset. If you have PEM-encoded data, you can wrap your InputStreams in PEMInputStream classes before passing them in here.

streams - Array of InputStreams of DER encoded values
See Also:
PEMInputStream, BufferedInputStream


public void loadLocalIdentity(InputStream[] streams,
                              String password)
Sets an RSA private key and chain of X.509 certificates for SSL client authentication. The array of input streams passed as an argument are DER encoded values, the first of which is a private key, followed by X.509 certificates. All but the first of the certificates are issuer certificates for the previous certificate.

The InputStreams you use must support mark and reset. If you have PEM-encoded data, you can wrap your InputStreams in PEMInputStream classes before passing them in here.

streams - Array of InputStreams of DER encoded values
password - Password for private key
See Also:
PEMInputStream, BufferedInputStream


public void setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hv)
Sets the HostnameVerifier for this instance of this class.


public void setHostnameVerifierJSSE(HostnameVerifierJSSE hv)
Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier)

Sets the HostnameVerifierJSSE for this instance of this class.


public void setTrustManager(TrustManager tm)
Sets the TrustManager for this instance of this class.


public void setTrustManagerJSSE(TrustManagerJSSE tm)
Deprecated. WLS 9.0 (04/2003) Replaced by setTrustManager(TrustManager)

Sets the TrustManager for this instance of this class.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.