BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use IdentityAssertionException

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions that support security providers.

This package includes interfaces, classes, and exceptions you use to develop security providers. 


Uses of IdentityAssertionException in

Methods in that throw IdentityAssertionException
 CallbackHandler NegotiateIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertIdentity(String tokenType, Object token)
          Assert identity based on token identity information
 CallbackHandler NegotiateIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertIdentity(String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Assert identity based on token identity information
 ProviderChallengeContext NegotiateIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertChallengeIdentity(String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
 void NegotiateIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.continueChallengeIdentity(ProviderChallengeContext context, String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
 CallbackHandler LDAPX509IdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertIdentity(String tokenType, Object token)
          Assert identity based on token identity information
 String LDAPIdnAstnDelegate.assertIdentity(Object token)
          Assert the user identity based on an X.509 Certificate Returns the WebLogic username
 CallbackHandler DefaultIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertIdentity(String tokenType, Object token)
          Assert identity based on token identity information

Uses of IdentityAssertionException in

Methods in that throw IdentityAssertionException
 CallbackHandler SAMLIdentityAsserterProviderImpl.assertIdentity(String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Assert Identity based on token identity information.
 CallbackHandler SAMLAssert.assertToken(String type, Object token, ContextHandler handler)

Uses of IdentityAssertionException in

Methods in that throw IdentityAssertionException
 Object PrincipalAuthenticator.getChallengeToken(String tokenType, ContextHandler handler)
          If the security provider's identity assertion mapped types includes the type requested and the provider's identity asserter implements the ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2 interface this method returns the identity challenge token associated with the specified token type name.
 Object PrincipalAuthenticator.getChallengeToken(String tokenType)
          If the security provider's identity assertion mapped types includes the type requested and the provider's identity asserter implements the ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2 interface this method returns the identity challenge token associated with the specified token type name.

Uses of IdentityAssertionException in

Methods in that throw IdentityAssertionException
 CallbackHandler IdentityAsserterV2.assertIdentity(String type, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Asserts an identity based on token identity information.
 CallbackHandler IdentityAsserter.assertIdentity(String type, Object token)
          Asserts an identity based on token identity information.
 ProviderChallengeContext ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2.assertChallengeIdentity(String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Use the supplied client token to establish client identity, possibly with multiple challenges.
 void ChallengeIdentityAsserterV2.continueChallengeIdentity(ProviderChallengeContext context, String tokenType, Object token, ContextHandler handler)
          Use the supplied provider context and client token to continue establishing client identity

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