BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

(Methods marked with @since are not available through the deprecated MBeanHome interface.)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JMSServerMBean   

Uses of JMSServerMBean in

Methods in that return JMSServerMBean
 JMSServerMBean WSReliableDeliveryPolicyMBean.getJMSServer()
          The JMS server used by WebLogic Server, in its role as a sender, to persist the reliable messages that it sends, or the JMS server used by the receiver WebLogic Server to persist the history of a reliable message sent by a sender.
 JMSServerMBean JMSStoreMBean.getJMSServer()
          Deprecated. The JMS server for this JMS store.
 JMSServerMBean JMSFileStoreMBean.getDelegatedJMSServer()
 JMSServerMBean[] DomainMBean.getJMSServers()
          Define JMSServers for this Domain
 JMSServerMBean DomainMBean.createJMSServer(String name)
          Factory method to create JMSServer object
 JMSServerMBean DomainMBean.lookupJMSServer(String name)

Methods in with parameters of type JMSServerMBean
 void WSReliableDeliveryPolicyMBean.setJMSServer(JMSServerMBean server)
          The JMS server used by WebLogic Server, in its role as a sender, to persist the reliable messages that it sends, or the JMS server used by the receiver WebLogic Server to persist the history of a reliable message sent by a sender.
static void JMSLegalHelper.validateJMSServer(JMSServerMBean bean)
          Verify a whole JMSServerMBean in ways that can't be done a little bit at a time.
static void JMSLegalHelper.validateServerBytesValues(JMSServerMBean bean)
          Verify that the bytes threshold and bytes quota values are all valid.
static void JMSLegalHelper.validateServerMessagesValues(JMSServerMBean bean)
          Verify that the messages threshold and messages quota values are all valid.
 void JMSFileStoreMBean.setDelegatedJMSServer(JMSServerMBean serverDelegate)
          Deprecated. This method is used internally to implement backward compatibility.
 void DomainMBean.destroyJMSServer(JMSServerMBean jmsServer)
          Removes a JMSServer from this domain

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.