BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use PersistentStoreMBean Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of PersistentStoreMBean in

Methods in that return PersistentStoreMBean
 PersistentStoreMBean SAFAgentMBean.getStore()
          The persistent disk-based file store or JDBC-accessible database for the SAF agent.
 PersistentStoreMBean PathServiceMBean.getPersistentStore()
          The name of the persistent store used to store the routing path for this path service instance.
 PersistentStoreMBean JMSServerMBean.getPersistentStore()
          The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages.

Methods in with parameters of type PersistentStoreMBean
 void SAFAgentMBean.setStore(PersistentStoreMBean store)
          Sets the value of the Store attribute.
 void PathServiceMBean.setPersistentStore(PersistentStoreMBean store)
          Sets the value of the PersistentStore attribute.
 void JMSServerMBean.setPersistentStore(PersistentStoreMBean store)
          Sets the value of the PersistentStore attribute.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.