BEA Systems, Inc.

BEA WebLogic Server 9.1 API Reference
Interface WSPasswordDigest

public interface WSPasswordDigest

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 byte[] getDerivedKey(String username, byte[] salt, int iteration)
          Returns the derived key.
 byte[] getPasswordDigest(String username, byte[] nonce, String created)
          This method returns a digest based on the nonce, created date string and the corresponding password for the specified user.

Method Detail


public byte[] getDerivedKey(String username,
                            byte[] salt,
                            int iteration)
                     throws DigestNotAvailableException
Returns the derived key. The derived key is generated based on the user's password and the salt. The iteration count decides how many times the derived key value is successively encrypted to generate the final derived key value.

username - String containing the user name.
salt - Byte array to be used as a seed
iteration - int number of times the derived key value is successively encrypted to generate the final derived key value.
byte[] the final derived key value based on the password and salt


public byte[] getPasswordDigest(String username,
                                byte[] nonce,
                                String created)
                         throws DigestNotAvailableException
This method returns a digest based on the nonce, created date string and the corresponding password for the specified user. If the provider can not calculate the digest for a user because the provider has no knowledge of the user and/or the password for this user, then the provider should throw the DigestNotAvailableException exception

username - String containing the user name
nonce - Byte array to be used as a seed
created - String used to create the digest
byte[] the digest created based on the users's password, nonce and the created string.
DigestNotAvailableException - if the password digest could not be created

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.