BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MBeanHome   

Uses of MBeanHome in

Methods in that return MBeanHome
 MBeanHome RemoteMBeanServer.getMBeanHome()
          Deprecated. Returns the local MBeanHome interface.
static MBeanHome Helper.getAdminMBeanHome(String user, String password, String adminServerURL)
          Deprecated. Returns the MBeanHome for the entire administrative domain.
static MBeanHome Helper.getMBeanHome(String user, String password, String serverURL, String serverName)
          Deprecated. Returns the regular MBeanHome of the server specified.
 MBeanHome Admin.getMBeanHome(String serverName)
          Deprecated. Gets the mBeanHome for a particular server.
 MBeanHome Admin.getMBeanHome()
          Deprecated. Get the MBeanHome for the JMX server that contains the localized configuration for this server instances.
 MBeanHome Admin.getAdminMBeanHome()
          Deprecated. Returns a reference to the MBeanHome that is on the Adminstration Server.

Methods in with parameters of type MBeanHome
 void MBeanHome.addManagedHome(MBeanHome managedHome, String managedServerName, String managedURL)
          Deprecated. Adds managed MBeanHome to the admin mbean server.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.