BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)

Uses of Class

Packages that use ManagementException Contains classes and interfaces for configuring a WebLogic Server domain. Contains classes and interfaces for monitoring a WebLogic Server domain.   

Uses of ManagementException in

Subclasses of ManagementException in
 class DeferredDeploymentException
 class DeploymentException
          Exceptions thrown during the deployment process.
 class DistributedManagementException
          This exception wraps a set of exceptions thrown when trying to update attributes over multiple managed servers in a WebLogic Domain.
 class MBeanCreationException
          Exception generated during the creation of an MBean.
 class UndeploymentException
          Top-level exception for application undeployment exception.

Methods in that throw ManagementException
 void WebLogicMBean.setName(String name)
          The name of this configuration.

Uses of ManagementException in

Subclasses of ManagementException in
 class ConfigurationException
 class OutOfDateConfigurationException

Methods in that throw ManagementException
 void TargetInfoMBean.setName(String name)
          Sets the value of the Name attribute.
 void ServerMBean.setName(String name)
          Set the value of the Name attribute.
 void NetworkChannelMBean.setName(String name)
          Deprecated. Sets the name attribute of the NetworkChannelMBean object
 void ConfigurationMBean.setName(String name)
          Sets the value of the Name attribute.
 void ApplicationMBean.setPath(String path)
          Deprecated. Sets the value of the Path attribute.
 void ApplicationMBean.setStagingMode(String mode)
          Deprecated. Sets the value of the Staging Mode attribute.
 void AdminServerMBean.setName(String name)
          Deprecated. Sets the value of the Name attribute.

Uses of ManagementException in

Methods in that throw ManagementException
 String[] WLDFWatchNotificationRuntimeMBean.getActiveAlarmWatches()
          The names of active alarm watches.
 void WLDFWatchNotificationRuntimeMBean.resetWatchAlarm(String watchName)
          Resets a watch alarm.
 WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean WLDFImageRuntimeMBean.captureImage()
          Creates a diagnostic image in the configured destination directory.
 WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean WLDFImageRuntimeMBean.captureImage(String destination)
          Creates a diagnostic image in the specified destination directory, which can be specified either as a relative or absolute pathname.
 WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean WLDFImageRuntimeMBean.captureImage(int lockoutMinutes)
          Creates a diagnostic image in the configured destination directory.
 WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean WLDFImageRuntimeMBean.captureImage(String destination, int lockoutMinutes)
          Creates a diagnostic image in the specified destination directory, which can be specified either as a relative or absolute pathname.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(String query)
          Opens a cursor on the server side for the query.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(String query, long cursorTimeout)
          Opens a cursor with the specified timeout value, in milliseconds.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(long beginTimestamp, long endTimestamp, String query)
          Opens a cursor with the specified query and time range.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(long beginTimestamp, long endTimestamp, String query, long cusorTimeout)
          Opens a cursor for records that meet the specified time range and query condition.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(long beginRecordId, long endRecordId, long endTimestamp, String query)
          Opens a cursor with a given query and a record-id range.
 String WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.openCursor(long beginRecordId, long endRecordId, long endTimestamp, String query, long cusorTimeout)
          Opens a cursor using the specified record-ID range, end timestamp, and query.
 int WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getDataRecordCount(String query)
          The number of records that match the specified query.
 int WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getDataRecordCount(long startTime, long endTime, String query)
          The number of records that match the specified query and time range.
 int WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getDataRecordCount(long startRecordId, long endRecordId, long endTime, String query)
          The number that match the specified query and record-ID range, and whose timestamp (if it is available) is earlier than the specified end time.
 boolean WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.hasMoreData(String cursorName)
          Determines whether the specified cursor has more data to be fetched.
 Object[] WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.fetch(String cursorName)
          Fetches a maximum of 100 items from the specified cursor.
 Object[] WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.fetch(String cursorName, int maxItems)
          Fetches items from the open cursor.
 void WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.closeCursor(String cursorName)
          Disposes of the cursor once the client has fetched all the records.
 Map WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getColumnTypeMap()
          Diagnostic data is logically organized as tabular data.
 Map WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getColumnIndexMap()
          Diagnostic data is logically organized as tabular data.
 long WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getEarliestAvailableTimestamp()
          The timestamp, in milliseconds, since Jan 1, 1970 AD, 00:00:00 GMT for the earliest record in the diagnostic data log.
 long WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getLatestAvailableTimestamp()
          The timestamp, in milliseconds, since Jan 1, 1970 AD, 00:00:00 GMT for the newest record in the diagnostic data log.
 int WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.deleteDataRecords(long startTime, long endTime, String queryString)
          Delete records within the specified time range that match the specified query.
 long WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean.getLatestRecordId()
          The latest known record ID for the underlying archive.
 String[] WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean.getAvailableDiagnosticDataAccessorNames()
          The logical names of the available diagnostic data access runtime instances.
 WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean.lookupWLDFDataAccessRuntime(String logicalName)
          An instance of a WLDFDataAccessMBean defined by its logical name.
 WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean[] WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean.getWLDFDataAccessRuntimes()
          An array containing all known instances of the WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean MBeans on this server.
 LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean ServerRuntimeMBean.getLogBroadcasterRuntime()
          The object which generates notifications on behalf of the logging subystem.
 String SAFRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean.getMessages(String selector, Integer timeout)
          Queries messages on the queue according to the message selector and returns a message cursor representing the result set.
 Long SAFMessageCursorRuntimeMBean.sort(String cursorHandle, Long start, String[] fields, Boolean[] ascending)
          Sorts the entire message result set managed by the cursor according to the SAF header attributes specified.
 void RuntimeMBeanDelegate.unregister()
 void RuntimeMBeanDelegate.register()
 Void PSEntryCursorRuntimeMBean.remove(String cursorHandle, Integer itemHandle)
          Remove the path service entry referenced by this object.
 Void PSEntryCursorRuntimeMBean.update(String cursorHandle, Integer itemHandle, CompositeData newMember)
          Update the path service entry referenced by this object.
 CompositeData PSEntryCursorRuntimeMBean.getMember(String cursorHandle, Integer itemHandle)
          Get the member of path service entry referenced by this object.
 String PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean.getMapEntries()
          Returns all entries in a persistent map's assembly.
 String PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean.getMapEntries(int timeout)
          Returns all entries in a persistent map's assembly.
 PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean[] PathServiceRuntimeMBean.getAssemblies()
          Returns all maps accessible to a path service.
 CompositeData MessageCursorRuntimeMBean.getMessage(String cursorHandle, String messageID)
          Given a JMS message ID this method returns the corresponding message from the queue.
 CompositeData MessageCursorRuntimeMBean.getMessage(String cursorHandle, Long messageHandle)
          Returns the message associated with the specified cursor handle.
 void LogRuntimeMBean.forceLogRotation()
          Forces the rotation of the underlying log immediately.
 String JMSServerRuntimeMBean.getMessages(String xid, Integer timeoutSeconds)
          Returns a set of messages that are associated with a JMS transaction branch.
 Void JMSServerRuntimeMBean.forceCommit(String xid)
          Causes the work associated with the specified transaction branch to be committed.
 Void JMSServerRuntimeMBean.forceRollback(String xid)
          Causes the work associated with the specified transaction branch to be rolled back.
 String JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.getMessages(String selector, Integer timeout)
          Queries messages on the queue according to the provided message selector and returns a message cursor representing the result set.
 String JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.getMessages(String selector, Integer timeout, Integer state)
          Queries messages on the queue according to the provided message selector and state bitmask and returns a message cursor representing the result set.
 CompositeData JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.getMessage(String messageID)
          Given a JMS message ID this method returns the corresponding message from the queue.
 Integer JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.moveMessages(String selector, CompositeData targetDestination)
          Moves the set of messages that match the specified selector to the target destination.
 Integer JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.moveMessages(String selector, CompositeData targetDestination, Integer timeout)
 Integer JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.deleteMessages(String selector)
          Deletes the set of messages from the destination that are qualified by the specified JMS message selector.
 Void JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean.importMessages(CompositeData[] messages, Boolean replaceOnly)
          Imports an array of messages into the destination.
 Long JMSMessageCursorRuntimeMBean.sort(String cursorHandle, Long start, String[] fields, Boolean[] ascending)
          Sorts the entire message result set managed by the cursor according to the JMS header attributes specified.
 void DomainRuntimeMBean.restartSystemResource(SystemResourceMBean resource)
          Restarts a system resource on all nodes it is deployed to.
 void DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean.start()
          Deprecated. Initiates the request.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.activate(String source, String name, String stagingMode, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Replaced by or redeploy()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.activate(String source, String name, String stagingMode, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Replaced by or redeploy()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.deactivate(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Replaced by stop()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.deactivate(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Replaced by stop()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.remove(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Replaced by undeploy()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.remove(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Replaced by undeploy()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.unprepare(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Replaced by stop()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.unprepare(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Replaced by stop()
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.distribute(String source, String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Distributes application files on targets.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.distribute(String source, String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.distribute(String source, String, DeploymentData, String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.start(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Starts an already distributed application on target(s).
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.start(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.start(String, DeploymentData, String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.stop(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Stops application on target(s).
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.stop(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.stop(String, DeploymentData, String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.deploy(String source, String name, String stagingMode, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Deploys application on target(s).
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.deploy(String source, String name, String stagingMode, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.deploy(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.redeploy(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. Redeploys application on target(s).
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.redeploy(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.redeploy(String, DeploymentData, String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.undeploy(String name, info, String id)
          Deprecated. undeploys application on target(s).
 DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean DeployerRuntimeMBean.undeploy(String name, info, String id, boolean startTask)
          Deprecated. Same functionality as DeployerRuntimeMBean.undeploy(String, DeploymentData, String) except that control is given back to caller without actually initiating the task, when startTask is false.
 Long CursorRuntimeMBean.getCursorStartPosition(String cursorHandle)
          Returns the cursor start position in the result set.
 Long CursorRuntimeMBean.getCursorEndPosition(String cursorHandle)
          Returns the cursor end position in the result set.
 CompositeData[] CursorRuntimeMBean.getItems(String cursorHandle, Long start, Integer count)
          Returns an array of items from the specified cursor location.
 CompositeData[] CursorRuntimeMBean.getNext(String cursorHandle, Integer count)
          Returns an array of items starting from the current cursor end position.
 CompositeData[] CursorRuntimeMBean.getPrevious(String cursorHandle, Integer count)
          Returns an array of items up to the current cursor start position.
 Long CursorRuntimeMBean.getCursorSize(String cursorHandle)
          Returns the number of items in the result set.
 Void CursorRuntimeMBean.closeCursor(String cursorHandle)
          Releases the server-side resources associated with the cursor and removes the runtime MBean instance.
 void ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean.delete()
          Provides a way to manually close a connection through the console.
 void ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl.unregister()

Constructors in that throw ManagementException
TaskRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parentArg)
          Construct a runtime mbean and register it
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, boolean registerNow, String parentAttribute)
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, boolean registerNow)
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow, String parentAttribute)
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean descriptor)
RuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean descriptor, String parentAttribute)
JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, parentArg, boolean registerNow)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg)
DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parent)
DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, boolean registerNow)
DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parent, boolean registerNow)
DomainRuntimeMBeanDelegate(String nameArg, parent, boolean registerNow, String parentAttribute)
ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, String moduleId, boolean registerNow)
ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, String moduleId, parentArg, boolean registerNow)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, String moduleId, parentArg, boolean registerNow, weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean descriptor)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object
ComponentRuntimeMBeanImpl(String nameArg, String moduleId, parentArg)
          Constructor for the RuntimeMBeanDelegate object

Uses of ManagementException in

Methods in that throw ManagementException
 void GenericBeanListener.initialize()
          This method runs down the entire list of getters/setters and invokes all of them.
 void GenericBeanListener.initialize(boolean setAll)
          This method runs down the entire list of getters/setters and invokes all of them.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.