BEA Systems, Inc.

Type-Safe Access to BEA WebLogic Server 9.0 MBeans (Deprecated)
Interface GenericAdminHandler

public interface GenericAdminHandler

Subsystems that wish to take advantage of the GenericServiceManager must implement this interface. The manager will create one object of the class that implements this interface for each DeploymentMBean that's deployed on a server.

Copyright © 2005 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void activate(DeploymentMBean bean)
          If "prepare" succeeds, then this call will be made to activate the service.
 void deactivate(DeploymentMBean bean)
          If "activate" was called, then this method is called when it's time to shut down.
 void prepare(DeploymentMBean bean)
          This is the first call that is made to the service.
 void unprepare(DeploymentMBean bean)
          This method is called to clean everything up if "activate" fails, or after a successful "deactivate".

Method Detail


public void activate(DeploymentMBean bean)
              throws DeploymentException
If "prepare" succeeds, then this call will be made to activate the service. Here it must complete initialization and throw DeploymentException if anything fails.



public void deactivate(DeploymentMBean bean)
                throws UndeploymentException
If "activate" was called, then this method is called when it's time to shut down.



public void prepare(DeploymentMBean bean)
             throws DeploymentException
This is the first call that is made to the service. In here, the service may check its configuration and pre-requisites, but it must not open any files, connect to any databases, register with JNDI, and the like. It may throw DeploymentException if it sees anything it doesn't like.

Because many instances of an MBean may be created and destroyed in the lifetime of a server, implementations of this class should not cache their DeploymentMBean in a local variable.



public void unprepare(DeploymentMBean bean)
               throws UndeploymentException
This method is called to clean everything up if "activate" fails, or after a successful "deactivate".


Documentation is available at
Copyright 2005 BEA Systems Inc.