BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TimerListener

Uses of TimerListener in commonj.timers

Subinterfaces of TimerListener in commonj.timers
 interface CancelTimerListener
          This is implemented by developers that require a cancel event.
 interface StopTimerListener
          Applications requiring timer stop events should have their timers implement this interface.

Methods in commonj.timers that return TimerListener
 TimerListener Timer.getTimerListener()
          Returns the application-supplied TimerListener associated with this Timer.

Methods in commonj.timers with parameters of type TimerListener
 Timer TimerManager.schedule(TimerListener listener, Date time)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute at a specified time.
 Timer TimerManager.schedule(TimerListener listener, Date firstTime, long period)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute repeatedly using fixed-delay execution after the firstTime elapses.
 Timer TimerManager.schedule(TimerListener listener, long delay)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute once after the specified delay.
 Timer TimerManager.schedule(TimerListener listener, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute repeatedly using fixed-delay execution after the specified delay.
 Timer TimerManager.scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerListener listener, Date firstTime, long period)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute repeatedly using fixed-rate execution after the firstTime elapses.
 Timer TimerManager.scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerListener listener, long delay, long period)
          Schedules a TimerListener to execute repeatedly using fixed-rate execution after the specified delay.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.