BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use StandardTypes Provides JATMI primitives used to begin and end transactions, allocate and free buffers, and provide the communication between clients and servers. 

Uses of StandardTypes in

Subclasses of StandardTypes in
 class MBStringTypes
          This class implements the common methods all of the TUXEDO standard Typed Buffers which supports MBSTRING data require.
 class TypedCArray
          This is the jatmi analogue to the CARRAY Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedFML
          This implements FML in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
 class TypedFML32
          This implements TypedFML32 in JAVA as a TypedBuffer.
 class TypedMBString
          This is the jatmi analogue to the MBSTRING Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedString
          This is the jatmi analogue to the STRING Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedXML
          This is the jatmi analogue to the XML Tuxedo buffer type
 class TypedXOctet
          This is the jatmi analogue to the X_OCTET Tuxedo buffer type.

Documentation is available at
Copyright 2006 BEA Systems Inc.