BEA Systems, Inc.

Uses of Class

Packages that use StreamXPath
weblogic.xml.xpath This package contains all of the classes required to perform XPath matching against a document represented as a DOM, XMLNode, or against an XMLInputStream. 

Uses of StreamXPath in weblogic.xml.xpath

Methods in weblogic.xml.xpath with parameters of type StreamXPath
 void XPathStreamFactory.install(StreamXPath xpath, XPathStreamObserver observer)
          Installs an observer that receives notifications of all events in the stream which match the given xpath.

Constructors in weblogic.xml.xpath with parameters of type StreamXPath
XPathStreamFactory(StreamXPath xpath, XPathStreamObserver observer)
          Convenience constructor; equivalent to calling

(new XPathStreamFactory()).install(xpath,observer) .

Documentation is available at
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