BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use AVT

Uses of AVT in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates

Fields in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates declared as AVT
protected  AVT ElemElement.m_name_avt
          The name attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template.
protected  AVT ElemElement.m_namespace_avt
          If the namespace attribute is present, then it also is interpreted as an attribute value template.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates that return AVT
 AVT ElemSort.getLang()
          Get the "lang" attribute.
 AVT ElemSort.getDataType()
          Get the "data-type" attribute.
 AVT ElemSort.getOrder()
          Get the "order" attribute.
 AVT ElemSort.getCaseOrder()
          Get the "case-order" attribute.
 AVT ElemElement.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.
 AVT ElemElement.getNamespace()
          Get the "namespace" attribute.
 AVT ElemLiteralResult.getLiteralResultAttribute(java.lang.String name)
          Get a literal result attribute by name.
 AVT ElemNumber.getFormat()
          Get the "format" attribute.
 AVT ElemNumber.getLang()
          Get the "lang" attribute.
 AVT ElemNumber.getLetterValue()
          Get the "letter-value" attribute.
 AVT ElemNumber.getGroupingSeparator()
          Get the "grouping-separator" attribute.
 AVT ElemNumber.getGroupingSize()
          Get the "grouping-size" attribute.
 AVT ElemPI.getName()
          Get the "name" attribute.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type AVT
 void ElemSort.setLang(AVT v)
          Set the "lang" attribute.
 void ElemSort.setDataType(AVT v)
          Set the "data-type" attribute.
 void ElemSort.setOrder(AVT v)
          Set the "order" attribute.
 void ElemSort.setCaseOrder(AVT v)
          Set the "case-order" attribute.
 void ElemElement.setName(AVT v)
          Set the "name" attribute.
 void ElemElement.setNamespace(AVT v)
          Set the "namespace" attribute.
 void ElemLiteralResult.addLiteralResultAttribute(AVT avt)
          Set a literal result attribute (AVTs only).
 void ElemLiteralResult.setXmlSpace(AVT avt)
          Set the "xml:space" attribute.
 void ElemNumber.setFormat(AVT v)
          Set the "format" attribute.
 void ElemNumber.setLang(AVT v)
          Set the "lang" attribute.
 void ElemNumber.setLetterValue(AVT v)
          Set the "letter-value" attribute.
 void ElemNumber.setGroupingSeparator(AVT v)
          Set the "grouping-separator" attribute.
 void ElemNumber.setGroupingSize(AVT v)
          Set the "grouping-size" attribute.
 void ElemPI.setName(AVT v)
          Set the "name" attribute.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.