BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use ElemVariable

Uses of ElemVariable in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates

Subclasses of ElemVariable in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates
 class ElemParam
           Implement xsl:param.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates that return ElemVariable
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariableOrParam(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" or "xsl:param" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariable(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 ElemVariable Stylesheet.getVariableOrParam(int i)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.
 ElemVariable StylesheetRoot.getVariableOrParamComposed(QName qname)
          Get an "xsl:variable" property.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemVariable
 void Stylesheet.setVariable(ElemVariable v)
          Set the "xsl:variable" property.

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xalan.templates with parameters of type ElemVariable
ElemVariable.ElemVariable(ElemVariable param)
          Copy constructor.
XUnresolvedVariable.XUnresolvedVariable(ElemVariable obj, org.w3c.dom.Node sourceNode, TransformerImpl transformer, int varStackPos, int varStackContext, boolean isGlobal)
          Create an XUnresolvedVariable, that may be executed at a later time.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.