BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class PrintTraceListener


public class PrintTraceListener
extends java.lang.Object
implements TraceListener

Implementation of the TraceListener interface that prints each event to standard out as it occurs.

Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:

Field Summary
 boolean m_traceElements
          Set to true if the listener is to print events that occur as each node is 'executed' in the stylesheet.
 boolean m_traceGeneration
          Set to true if the listener is to print information after each result-tree generation event.
 boolean m_traceSelection
          Set to true if the listener is to print information after each selection event.
 boolean m_traceTemplates
          This needs to be set to true if the listener is to print an event whenever a template is invoked.
Constructor Summary
PrintTraceListener( pw)
          Construct a trace listener.
Method Summary
 void generated(GenerateEvent ev)
          Print information about a Generate event.
 void selected(SelectionEvent ev)
          Method that is called just after a select attribute has been evaluated.
 void trace(TracerEvent ev)
          Print information about a TracerEvent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean m_traceTemplates
This needs to be set to true if the listener is to print an event whenever a template is invoked.


public boolean m_traceElements
Set to true if the listener is to print events that occur as each node is 'executed' in the stylesheet.


public boolean m_traceGeneration
Set to true if the listener is to print information after each result-tree generation event.


public boolean m_traceSelection
Set to true if the listener is to print information after each selection event.
Constructor Detail


public PrintTraceListener( pw)
Construct a trace listener.

pw - PrintWriter to use for tracing events
Method Detail


public void trace(TracerEvent ev)
Print information about a TracerEvent.
Specified by:
trace in interface TraceListener

ev - the trace event.


public void selected(SelectionEvent ev)
              throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException
Method that is called just after a select attribute has been evaluated.
Specified by:
selected in interface TraceListener

ev - the generate event.
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException -  


public void generated(GenerateEvent ev)
Print information about a Generate event.
Specified by:
generated in interface TraceListener

ev - the trace event.

Documentation is available at

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