BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.apache.xalan.transformer

Interface Summary
TransformerClient A content handler can get a reference to a TransformState by implementing the TransformerClient interface.
TransformState This interface is meant to be used by a consumer of SAX2 events produced by Xalan, and enables the consumer to get information about the state of the transform.

Class Summary
ClonerToResultTree Class used to clone a node, possibly including its children to a result tree.
Counter A class that does incremental counting for support of xsl:number.
CountersTable This is a table of counters, keyed by ElemNumber objects, each of which has a list of Counter objects.
DecimalToRoman Structure to help in converting integers to roman numerals
KeyIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for "key()" patterns.
KeyManager This class manages the key tables.
KeyRefIterator This class implements an optimized iterator for "key()" patterns.
KeyTable Table of element keys, keyed by document node.
KeyWalker Walker for a Key() function.
MsgMgr This class will manage error messages, warning messages, and other types of message events.
NodeSorter This class can sort vectors of DOM nodes according to a select pattern.
QueuedSAXEvent Acts as a base class for queued SAX events.
QueuedStartDocument Tracks the state of a queued document event.
QueuedStartElement Tracks the state of a queued element event.
ResultNameSpace A representation of a result namespace.
ResultTreeHandler This class is a layer between the direct calls to the result tree content handler, and the transformer.
SerializerSwitcher This is a helper class that decides if Xalan needs to switch serializers, based on the first output element.
StackGuard Class to guard against recursion getting too deep.
TransformerIdentityImpl This class implements an identity transformer for and {@link javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory#newTransformer().
TransformerImpl This class implements the Transformer interface, and is the core representation of the transformation execution.
TreeWalker2Result Handle a walk of a tree, but screen out attributes for the result tree.

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