BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Interface XSLTProcessor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface XSLTProcessor
extends org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler, org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler

The transformation processor -- use XSLTProcessorFactory to instantiate an implementation of this interface. It's the responsibility of the implementation (XSLTEngineImpl), collaborating with a XMLParserLiaison, the DOM, and the XPath engine, to transform a source tree of nodes into a result tree according to instructions and templates specified by a stylesheet tree. Use the process(...) are the primary public entry points. Look at the Process class main() method for for an advanced usage example.

If you reuse the processor instance, you should call reset() between transformations.

Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Method Summary
 void addTraceListener(TraceListener tl)
          Add a trace listener for the purposes of debugging and diagnosis.
 XBoolean createXBoolean(boolean b)
          Convenience function to create an XBoolean.
 XNodeSet createXNodeSet(org.w3c.dom.Node n)
          Convenience function to create an XNodeSet from a node.
 XNodeSet createXNodeSet(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
          Convenience function to create an XNodeSet.
 XNull createXNull()
          Convenience function to create an XNull.
 XNumber createXNumber(double d)
          Convenience function to create an XNumber.
 XObject createXObject(java.lang.Object o)
          Convenience function to create an XObject.
 XString createXString(java.lang.String s)
          Convenience function to create an XString.
 StylesheetSpec getAssociatedStylesheet(XSLTInputSource source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String charset)
          Get the preferred stylesheet for the XSLTInputSource XML document, as identified by the xml-stylesheet PI, and matching the media and charset criteria.
 java.util.Vector getAssociatedStylesheets(XSLTInputSource source, java.lang.String media, java.lang.String charset)
          Get a list of stylesheet specifications for the XSLTInputSource XML document, as identified by the xml-stylesheet PI, and matching the media and charset criteria.
 org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler getDocumentHandler()
          Get the current SAX DocumentHandler (the same object as the FormatterListener), or null if none has been set.
 org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler getFormatterListener()
          Get the current FormatterListener (SAX DocumentHandler), or null if none has been set.
 ProblemListener getProblemListener()
          Get the problem listener property.
 org.w3c.dom.Node getSourceTreeFromInput(XSLTInputSource inputSource)
          Get the DOM Node from the XSLTInputSource object.
 StylesheetRoot getStylesheet()
          Get the current Stylesheet setting for this XSLTProcessor.
 XMLParserLiaison getXMLProcessorLiaison()
          Get the XMLParserLiaison that this processor uses.
 void process(XSLTInputSource xmlSource, XSLTInputSource xslStylesheet, XSLTResultTarget resultTree)
          Use the XSL stylesheet to transform the XML input, placing the result in the result tree.
 StylesheetRoot processStylesheet(java.lang.String xsldocURLString)
          Given a URL to (or file name of) an XSL stylesheet, Compile the stylesheet into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property.
 StylesheetRoot processStylesheet(XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource)
          Compile the XSL stylesheet represented by an XSLTInputSource object into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property.
 void removeTraceListener(TraceListener tl)
          Remove a trace listener.
 void reset()
          Reset the XSLTProcessor state.
 void setDiagnosticsOutput( out)
          If set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.
 void setDiagnosticsOutput( pw)
          If set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.
 void setDocumentHandler(org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler listener)
          Set the current SAX DocumentHandler (the same object as the FormatterListener).
 void setFormatterListener(org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler flistener)
          Set the FormatterListener (the SAX DocumentHandler).
 void setOutputStream( os)
          Set the output stream.
 void setProblemListener(ProblemListener l)
          Set the problem listener property.
 void setQuietConflictWarnings(boolean b)
          If set to true (the default), pattern conflict warnings are not printed to the diagnostics stream.
 void setStylesheet(StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot)
          Use a compiled stylesheet to set the Stylesheet property for this processor.
 void setStylesheetParam(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String expression)
          Set a top-level stylesheet parameter.
 void setStylesheetParam(java.lang.String key, XObject value)
          Submit a top-level stylesheet parameter.
 void setTraceSelect(boolean b)
          If set to true, selection events are traced.
 void setTraceTemplateChildren(boolean b)
          If set to true (the default is false), as template children are being constructed, debug diagnostics are written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.
 void setTraceTemplates(boolean b)
          If set to true, template calls are traced.
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler
characters, endDocument, endElement, ignorableWhitespace, processingInstruction, setDocumentLocator, startDocument, startElement
Methods inherited from interface org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler
comment, endCDATA, endDTD, endEntity, startCDATA, startDTD, startEntity

Method Detail


public void process(XSLTInputSource xmlSource,
                    XSLTInputSource xslStylesheet,
                    XSLTResultTarget resultTree)
             throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Use the XSL stylesheet to transform the XML input, placing the result in the result tree.

xmlSource - The XML input to be transformed.
xslStylesheet - The XSL stylesheet to be used for the transformation. May be null if XML input has an XSL stylesheet PI.
resultTree - The tree where the result of the transformation is placed.
XSLProcessorException - thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.


public StylesheetRoot processStylesheet(XSLTInputSource stylesheetSource)
                                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Compile the XSL stylesheet represented by an XSLTInputSource object into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property. This operation is required if the XSLTProcessor is to function as a SAX DocumentHandler. If the Stylesheet property has already been set to non-null, this operation calls reset() before a transformation is performed.

stylesheetSource - The XSL stylesheet.
The compiled stylesheet object.
XSLProcessorException - thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.


public StylesheetRoot processStylesheet(java.lang.String xsldocURLString)
                                 throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Given a URL to (or file name of) an XSL stylesheet, Compile the stylesheet into an internal representation, and use it to set the XSLTProcessor Stylesheet property. This operation is required if the XSLTProcessor is to function as a SAX DocumentHandler. If the Stylesheet property has already been set to non-null, this operation calls reset() before a transformation is performed.

xsldocURLString - The URL to the XSL stylesheet.
The compiled stylesheet object.
XSLProcessorException - thrown if the active ProblemListener and XMLParserLiaison decide the error condition is severe enough to halt processing.


public void setOutputStream( os)
Set the output stream. Required when the XSLTProcessor is being used as a SAX DocumentHandler.


public void reset()
Reset the XSLTProcessor state. Must be used after a process() call if the XSLTProcessor instance is to be used again.


public org.w3c.dom.Node getSourceTreeFromInput(XSLTInputSource inputSource)
                                        throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Get the DOM Node from the XSLTInputSource object. Returns null if the XSLTInputSource object does not contain a Node (it may, for example, contain an input stream).


public void setStylesheet(StylesheetRoot stylesheetRoot)
Use a compiled stylesheet to set the Stylesheet property for this processor. When this property is set, the process method uses this stylesheet rather than looking for a stylesheet PI if the stylesheet parameter is null. Also required if you are going to use the XSLTProcessor as a SAX DocumentHandler.


public StylesheetRoot getStylesheet()
Get the current Stylesheet setting for this XSLTProcessor.


public XMLParserLiaison getXMLProcessorLiaison()
Get the XMLParserLiaison that this processor uses.


public StylesheetSpec getAssociatedStylesheet(XSLTInputSource source,
                                              java.lang.String media,
                                              java.lang.String charset)
                                       throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Get the preferred stylesheet for the XSLTInputSource XML document, as identified by the xml-stylesheet PI, and matching the media and charset criteria. See Associating Style Sheets with XML documents. Does not yet handle the LINK REL="stylesheet" syntax.

media - The media attribute to be matched. May be null, in which case the prefered stylesheet will be used (i.e., alternate = no).
title - The value of the title attribute to match. May be null.
charset - The value of the charset attribute to match. May be null.


public java.util.Vector getAssociatedStylesheets(XSLTInputSource source,
                                                 java.lang.String media,
                                                 java.lang.String charset)
                                          throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
Get a list of stylesheet specifications for the XSLTInputSource XML document, as identified by the xml-stylesheet PI, and matching the media and charset criteria. See Associating Style Sheets with XML documents. Does not yet handle the LINK REL="stylesheet" syntax.

media - The media attribute to be matched. May be null, in which case the prefered stylesheet will be used (i.e., alternate = no).
title - The value of the title attribute to match. May be null.
charset - The value of the charset attribute to match. May be null.


public XString createXString(java.lang.String s)
Convenience function to create an XString.

s - A valid string.
An XString object.


public XObject createXObject(java.lang.Object o)
Convenience function to create an XObject.

o - Any java object.
An XObject object.


public XNumber createXNumber(double d)
Convenience function to create an XNumber.

d - Any double number.
An XNumber object.


public XBoolean createXBoolean(boolean b)
Convenience function to create an XBoolean.

b - boolean value.
An XBoolean object.


public XNodeSet createXNodeSet(org.w3c.dom.NodeList nl)
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet.

nl - A NodeList object.
An XNodeSet object.


public XNodeSet createXNodeSet(org.w3c.dom.Node n)
Convenience function to create an XNodeSet from a node.

n - A DOM node.
An XNodeSet object.


public XNull createXNull()
Convenience function to create an XNull.

An XNull object.


public void setStylesheetParam(java.lang.String key,
                               XObject value)
Submit a top-level stylesheet parameter. This value can be evaluated in the stylesheet via xsl:param-variable.

key - The name of the param.
value - An XObject that will be used.


public void setStylesheetParam(java.lang.String key,
                               java.lang.String expression)
Set a top-level stylesheet parameter. This value can be evaluated via xsl:param-variable. Note that the value passed is an expression, and not a string. This means that setStylesheetParam("foo", "hello"); will look for the element "hello". If you want to pass a string, you'll need to put quotes around it: setStylesheetParam("foo", "'hello'"); will look for the

key - The name of the param.
expression - An expression that will be evaluated.


public org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler getFormatterListener()
Get the current FormatterListener (SAX DocumentHandler), or null if none has been set.


public void setFormatterListener(org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler flistener)
Set the FormatterListener (the SAX DocumentHandler).


public org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler getDocumentHandler()
Get the current SAX DocumentHandler (the same object as the FormatterListener), or null if none has been set.


public void setDocumentHandler(org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler listener)
Set the current SAX DocumentHandler (the same object as the FormatterListener).


public void addTraceListener(TraceListener tl)
                      throws java.util.TooManyListenersException
Add a trace listener for the purposes of debugging and diagnosis.

tl - Trace listener to be added.


public void setTraceTemplates(boolean b)
If set to true, template calls are traced.


public void setTraceSelect(boolean b)
If set to true, selection events are traced.


public void setTraceTemplateChildren(boolean b)
If set to true (the default is false), as template children are being constructed, debug diagnostics are written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream.


public void setQuietConflictWarnings(boolean b)
If set to true (the default), pattern conflict warnings are not printed to the diagnostics stream.

b - true if conflict warnings should be suppressed.


public void removeTraceListener(TraceListener tl)
Remove a trace listener.

tl - Trace listener to be removed.


public void setDiagnosticsOutput( out)
If set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream. If null, diagnostics are turned off. This convenience method calls setDiagnosticsOutput(


public void setDiagnosticsOutput( pw)
If set, diagnostics will be written to the m_diagnosticsPrintWriter stream. If null, diagnostics are turned off.


public void setProblemListener(ProblemListener l)
Set the problem listener property. The XSL class can have a single listener to be informed of errors and warnings. The problem listener normally controls whether an exception is thrown or not (or the problem listeners can throw its own RuntimeException).

l - A ProblemListener interface.


public ProblemListener getProblemListener()
Get the problem listener property. The XSL class can have a single listener to be informed of errors and warnings. The problem listener normally controls whether an exception is thrown or not (or the problem listener can throw its own RuntimeException).

A ProblemListener interface.

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