BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use OutputFormat

Uses of OutputFormat in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt that return OutputFormat
 OutputFormat StylesheetRoot.getOutputFormat()
          Get a new OutputFormat object according to the xsl:output attributes.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xalan.xslt with parameters of type OutputFormat
 org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler StylesheetRoot.makeSAXSerializer( writer, OutputFormat format)
          Creates a compatible SAX serializer for the specified writer and output format.
 org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler StylesheetRoot.makeSAXSerializer( ostream, OutputFormat format)
          Creates a compatible SAX serializer for the specified output stream and output format.

Uses of OutputFormat in weblogic.apache.xml.serialize

Fields in weblogic.apache.xml.serialize declared as OutputFormat
protected  OutputFormat BaseMarkupSerializer._format
          The output format associated with this serializer.
protected  OutputFormat Printer._format
          The output format associated with this serializer.

Methods in weblogic.apache.xml.serialize with parameters of type OutputFormat
 void Serializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
          Specifies an output format for this serializer.
 void BaseMarkupSerializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
 void HTMLSerializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
abstract  Serializer SerializerFactory.makeSerializer(OutputFormat format)
          Create a new serializer based on the OutputFormat.
abstract  Serializer SerializerFactory.makeSerializer( writer, OutputFormat format)
          Create a new serializer, based on the OutputFormat and using the writer as the output character stream.
abstract  Serializer SerializerFactory.makeSerializer( output, OutputFormat format)
          Create a new serializer, based on the OutputFormat and using the output byte stream and the encoding specified in the output format.
 void XHTMLSerializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
 void XMLSerializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)
 void TextSerializer.setOutputFormat(OutputFormat format)

Constructors in weblogic.apache.xml.serialize with parameters of type OutputFormat
BaseMarkupSerializer.BaseMarkupSerializer(OutputFormat format)
          Protected constructor can only be used by derived class.
HTMLSerializer.HTMLSerializer(boolean xhtml, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new HTML/XHTML serializer depending on the value of xhtml.
HTMLSerializer.HTMLSerializer(OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer.
HTMLSerializer.HTMLSerializer( writer, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified writer using the specified output format.
HTMLSerializer.HTMLSerializer( output, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified output stream using the specified output format.
Printer.Printer( writer, OutputFormat format)
XHTMLSerializer.XHTMLSerializer(OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer.
XHTMLSerializer.XHTMLSerializer( writer, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified writer using the specified output format.
XHTMLSerializer.XHTMLSerializer( output, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified output stream using the specified output format.
XMLSerializer.XMLSerializer(OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer.
XMLSerializer.XMLSerializer( writer, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified writer using the specified output format.
XMLSerializer.XMLSerializer( output, OutputFormat format)
          Constructs a new serializer that writes to the specified output stream using the specified output format.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.