BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use FunctionDef1Arg

Uses of FunctionDef1Arg in weblogic.apache.xpath.functions

Subclasses of FunctionDef1Arg in weblogic.apache.xpath.functions
 class FuncDoclocation
           Execute the proprietary document-location() function, which returns a node set of documents.
 class FuncGenerateId
           Execute the GenerateId() function.
 class FuncLocalPart
          Execute the LocalPart() function.
 class FuncNamespace
           Execute the Namespace() function.
 class FuncNormalizeSpace
           Execute the normalize-space() function.
 class FuncNumber
           Execute the Number() function.
 class FuncQname
           Execute the Qname() function.
 class FuncString
           Execute the String() function.
 class FuncStringLength
           Execute the StringLength() function.

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WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.