BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Package weblogic.common

Common classes that provide access to WebLogic Server services, rarely used in J2EE-compliant applications.


Interface Summary
AdminServicesDef The AdminServicesDef defines the interface for administrative services in WebLogic.
Destroyable Objects that implement this interface -- Destroyable objects -- can be monitored before and after the destroy action using DestroyMonitors.
DestroyMonitor Used to monitor modifications to a Destroyable object in the WebLogic Server.
DisconnectListener Interface for specifying operations to be carried out after a client asks to be disconnected from the WebLogic Server, or a WebLogic Server disconnects a client.
Getable Objects that implement the Getable interface can be monitored in the WebLogic Server with GetMonitors.
GetMonitor Monitors access to a Getable object in the WebLogic Server.
LogServicesDef The LogServicesDef interface defines application logging services for the WebLogic Server.
MonitorDef Implement this interface to create the class that will be constructed as a Monitor object in the WebLogic Server.
NameServicesDef The NameServicesDef interface defines name services for the WebLogic Server.
ProxyAuthenticator This interface allows an application to provide user authentication information required when tunneling WebLogic HTTP and SSL protocols through a proxy server that requires user authentication.
Sequenced An object that is to be added to a Sequencer must implement the Sequenced interface.
SequenceListener An object that acts as a listener for Sequence failures must extend the SequenceListener interface.
Setable Implement this interface to make WebLogic Workspace objects setable.
SetMonitor Used to monitor modifications to a Setable object in the WebLogic Server.
T3Executable Interface for T3Executable objects.
T3ExecutableLazy Internal use only.
T3ResourceDef A T3ResourceDef defines scarce resource allocation within the WebLogic Server.
T3ResourceFactory T3ResourceFactory is an interface that specifies how to manufacture new resources that are associated with objects.
T3ServicesDef The T3ServicesDef interface defines WebLogic Services.
T3ServicesFinderDef Interface for finder services in WebLogic.
T3ShutdownDef T3ShutdownDef defines the interface for user-written shutdown objects.
T3StartupDef T3StartupDef defines the interface for user-written startup objects.
WLSerializable Deprecated. Use instead.
WorkspaceServicesDef The WorkspaceServicesDef defines the Workspace services of WebLogic.

Class Summary
DisconnectEvent Defines a DisconnectEvent that a T3Client can act upon by implementing the DisconnectListener interface.
Monitor The Monitor class provides constructors for Monitor objects.
ParamSet A ParamSet object is used to set parameters for events and remote procedures.
ParamTypes Class for WebLogic type constants.
ParamValue A ParamValue is the value part of a name/value pair used for events and remote procedures.
SequenceEvent Is an indication of operations that take place as an out-of-order stream of objects is reordered in a sequence using the "push" flow model (Lea 1997, p.
Sequencer This class takes an out-of-order stream of objects and reorders them using a "push" flow model.
T3Client Class for creating and managing T3Clients.
T3Connection A T3Connection object is used to establish communication between a T3Client and a WebLogic Server on a TCP/IP hostname and port number.
T3Services Provides a mechanism for retrieving the server-side services stub in the WebLogic framework.
T3User The T3User object is an implementation of that is backward compatible with WebLogic versions before 2.6.

Exception Summary
ConnectDeadException Class for ConnectDeadException
ConnectDisabledException Class for ConnectDisabledException
LicenseCorruptException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseInvalidException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseKeyExpiredException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseKeyInvalidException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseKeyIpException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseKeyNotFoundException Class for verifying licensing information.
LicenseNotFoundException Class for verifying licensing information.
MonitorException A MonitorException is thrown when a task involving a Monitor object (a Monitored operation) wishes to abort the operation.
ParamSetException Class for exceptions thrown by errors in ParamSets and ParamValues.
ResourceException Class for ResourceExceptions.
T3Exception A T3Exception is thrown whenever an error occurs between a T3Client and a WebLogic Server.
T3ExecuteException A T3ExecuteException is thrown whenever an error occurs in the execute() method of a class that implements either the T3Executable or T3ExecutableLazy interface.

Package weblogic.common Description

Common classes that provide access to WebLogic Server services, rarely used in J2EE-compliant applications.

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