BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class QueryDataSet


public class QueryDataSet
extends DataSet

A QueryDataSet holds the results of an arbitrary SQL query. The results are available as a collection of Records accessible by an integer index. You can add new records and modify existing records of a QueryDataSet, but the additions and changes cannot be saved to the database. If you wish to save such changes, use a TableDataSet instead.

A QueryDataSet is constructed in the context of a Connection or a ResultSet.

The following example retrieves the query results into ds.

    QueryDataSet ds = new QueryDataSet(conn, "select * from tableA where f1 = 34");
    ds.close()  // This must be called
Pass an argument to fetchRecords() to set the size of the fetch. This example retrieves no more than the first 20 records of the query into ds and discards the remaining records by closing the DataSet.
    QueryDataSet ds = new QueryDataSet(conn, "select * from tableA where f1 = 34");
    ds.close()  // This must be called
The last example retrieves 100 records at a time into ds, does something, and then removes the records from the DataSet. This approach is useful for dealing with large query results.
    QueryDataSet ds = new QueryDataSet(conn, "select * from tableA, tableB where "
                                       + "tableA.f1 = tableB.f1");
    while (!ds.allRecordsRetrieved()) {
      // Do something with the 100 records...
    ds.close()  // This must be called

For more implementation and usage, see the Developers Guide.

Copyright (c) 1995-1998 by WebLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved., Copyright (c) 1998-1999 by BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
DataSet, SelectStmt, TableDataSet, Serialized Form

Fields inherited from class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
cached, resetable, resultval, stmt
Constructor Summary
          Private - used for serialization
QueryDataSet(java.sql.Connection conn, SelectStmt stmt)
          QueryDataSet constructor.
QueryDataSet(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String sqlstr)
          QueryDataSet constructor.
QueryDataSet(java.sql.ResultSet results)
          QueryDataSet constructor.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getSelectString()
          Returns the SQL SELECT statement used to populate a QueryDataSet.
 java.sql.ResultSet resultSet()
          Returns the JDBC ResultSet associated with a QueryDataSet.
Methods inherited from class weblogic.db.jdbc.DataSet
addRecord, allRecordsRetrieved, clearRecords, close, connection, containsRecord, destroy, fetchRecords, fetchRecords, fetchRecords, getRecord, getResultSet, initialize, lastFetchSize, maxColumnWidths, readExternal, releaseRecords, removeRecord, reset, schema, size, toString, writeExternal
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueryDataSet(java.sql.ResultSet results)
             throws java.sql.SQLException,
QueryDataSet constructor. The reset() method is unavailable on a QueryDataSet created with this constructor. Also, QueryDataSet.close() will not close the ResultSet argument of this constructor.

results - JDBC ResultSet
sqlstr - SQL query string to specify data
java.sql.SQLException - if there is a SQL error
DataSetException - if there is an error creating the DataSet


public QueryDataSet(java.sql.Connection conn,
                    java.lang.String sqlstr)
             throws java.sql.SQLException,
QueryDataSet constructor. This constructor takes as an argument a string that is an arbitrary SQL statement.

conn - Connection object
sqlstr - SQL query string to specify data
java.sql.SQLException - if there is a SQL error
DataSetException - if there is an error creating the DataSet


public QueryDataSet(java.sql.Connection conn,
                    SelectStmt stmt)
             throws java.sql.SQLException,
QueryDataSet constructor. Use a SelectStmt as an argument to set a SQL statement for this constructor. The SelectStmt class has methods for automatic SQL generation.

db - Connection object
stmt - SelectStmt object to specify data
java.sql.SQLException - if there is a SQL error
DataSetException - if there is an error creating the DataSet


public QueryDataSet()
Private - used for serialization
Method Detail


public java.lang.String getSelectString()
Returns the SQL SELECT statement used to populate a QueryDataSet.

SQL SELECT statement
getSelectString in class DataSet


public java.sql.ResultSet resultSet()
                             throws java.sql.SQLException,
Returns the JDBC ResultSet associated with a QueryDataSet.

JDBC ResultSet
java.sql.SQLException - if there is a SQL error
DataSetException - if there is an error creating the DataSet
resultSet in class DataSet

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.