BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use Record
weblogic.db.jdbc WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases. 
weblogic.html The HtmlKona package is deprecated. 

Uses of Record in weblogic.db.jdbc

Subclasses of Record in weblogic.db.jdbc
 class EventfulRecord
          Deprecated. the weblogic events are deprecated

Methods in weblogic.db.jdbc that return Record
 Record Record.unmarkToBeDeleted()
          Unmarks a Record that has been marked for deletion.
 Record Record.markToBeDeleted()
          Marks a Record object for deletion.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, Value val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a Value.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, Value val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a Value.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.util.Date val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a java.util.Date.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, boolean val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a boolean.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.lang.String val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a String.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, int val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a int.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, long val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a long.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, float val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a float.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, double val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a double.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Time val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to java.sql.Time.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Date val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to java.sql.Date.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.sql.Timestamp val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to java.sql.Timestamp.
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, byte[] val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a byte[].
 Record Record.setValue(int pos, java.math.BigDecimal val)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to a java.math.BigDecimal.
 Record Record.setValueNull(int pos)
          Sets the Value at the specified index position to NULL.
 Record Record.setValueNull(java.lang.String colname)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to NULL.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, boolean val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a boolean.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.lang.String val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a String.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, int val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a int.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, long val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a long.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, float val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a float.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, double val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a double.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.sql.Time val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to java.sql.Time.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.sql.Date val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to java.sql.Date.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.sql.Timestamp val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to java.sql.Timestamp.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.util.Date dateval)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to java.util.Date.
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, byte[] val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a byte[].
 Record Record.setValue(java.lang.String colname, java.math.BigDecimal val)
          Sets the Value at the specified column name to a BigDecimal.
protected  Record EventfulRecord.internal_fetch()
 Record DataSet.getRecord(int pos)
          Gets a Record at the specified 0-based index position in a DataSet.
 Record DataSet.addRecord()
          Adds a new Record to a DataSet.
 Record DataSet.removeRecord(Record rec)
          Removes the specified Record object from a DataSet.
 Record EventfulTableDataSet.addRecord()
          Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.
 Record EventfulTableDataSet.lookupRecord(java.lang.String uniqueKey)
          Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.

Methods in weblogic.db.jdbc with parameters of type Record
 void EventfulRecord.setRecord(Record newValues)
          Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.
 Record DataSet.removeRecord(Record rec)
          Removes the specified Record object from a DataSet.
 void EventfulTableDataSet.addToRecords(java.lang.String uniqueKey, Record record)

Uses of Record in weblogic.html

Constructors in weblogic.html with parameters of type Record
TableRowElement.TableRowElement(Record rec)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TableRowElement with the specified dbKona Record.
StringElement.StringElement(Record rec, int[] maxwidths)
          Deprecated. Constructs a StringElement with the specified Record from a DataSet.
StringElement.StringElement(Record rec)
          Deprecated. Constructs a StringElement with the specified Record from a DataSet.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.