BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use EventRegistrationException
weblogic.db.jdbc WebLogic dbKona is a set of high-level database connectivity objects that give Java applications and applets access to databases. 
weblogic.event.common Deprecated; Instead, use JMS events with NO_ACKNOWLEDGE or MULTICAST_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE delivery modes. 

Uses of EventRegistrationException in weblogic.db.jdbc

Constructors in weblogic.db.jdbc that throw EventRegistrationException
EventfulTableDataSet.EventfulTableDataSet(T3Client t3, java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String tablename, KeyDef key)
          Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.
EventfulTableDataSet.EventfulTableDataSet(T3Client t3, java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String tablename, java.lang.String attributes, KeyDef key)
          Deprecated. The WebLogic Event api is deprecated.

Uses of EventRegistrationException in weblogic.event.common

Methods in weblogic.event.common that throw EventRegistrationException
 EventRegistrationDef EventTopicDef.register(Evaluate evaluate, Action action)
          Registers interest in an events corresponding to a topic.
 EventRegistrationDef EventTopicDef.register(Evaluate evaluate, Action action, boolean sink, boolean phase, int count)
          Registers interest in an events corresponding to a topic.
 int EventTopicDef.getRegistrationCount()
          Returns the number of registrations that are associated with this EventTopic.
 EventRegistrationDef EventServicesDef.getEventRegistration(java.lang.String topic, Evaluate evaluate, Action action)
          Gets a new EventRegistration object from the event services factory with the specified topic, Evaluate, and Action classes.
 EventRegistrationDef EventServicesDef.getEventRegistration(java.lang.String topic, Evaluate evaluator, Action action, boolean sink, boolean phase, int count)
          Gets a new EventRegistration object from the event services factory with the specified topic, Evaluate, and Action classes.
 EventRegistrationDef EventServicesDef.getEventRegistration(java.lang.String topic, Evaluate evaluator, Action action, boolean ownThread, boolean sink, boolean phase, int count)
          Deprecated. ownThread parameter no longer supported
 boolean EventServicesDef.unregister(int regID)
          Unregisters the EventRegistration corresponding to the registration ID.
 int EventRegistrationDef.register()
          Registers interest in an an event with the event server.
 boolean EventRegistrationDef.unregister()
          Unregisters an EventRegistration.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.