BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Class WindowName


public class WindowName
extends MarkupElement

The WindowName class is used to set the attribute to direct a link to display in a targeted window. The variables in this class correspond to the magic target names used in the TARGET attribute.

Copyright (c) 1995-97, WebLogic, Inc.
Copyright © 2001 BEA Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See Also:
AreaElement, AnchorElement, FormElement, FrameElement

Field Summary
static WindowName blank
          Deprecated. Causes the link to always be loaded in a new blank, unnamed window.
static WindowName parent
          Deprecated. Causes the link to be loaded in the immediate FRAMESET parent.
static WindowName self
          Deprecated. Causes the link to always be loaded in the same window as the originating link.
static WindowName top
          Deprecated. Causes the link to load at the top of the document in the same window.
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginAddress, BeginAddressStr, BeginBlockquote, BeginBlockquoteStr, BeginBody, BeginBodyStr, BeginBold, BeginBoldStr, BeginCenter, BeginCenterStr, BeginComment, BeginCommentStr, BeginDiv, BeginDivStr, BeginHeadStr, BeginHtml, BeginHtmlStr, BeginItalic, BeginItalicStr, BeginLiteral, BeginLiteralStr, BeginParagraph, BeginParagraphStr, BeginScriptStr, BeginTitle, BeginTitleStr, Break, BreakStr, contents, CR, CRStr, EndAddress, EndAddressStr, EndBlockquote, EndBlockquoteStr, EndBody, EndBodyStr, EndBold, EndBoldStr, EndCenter, EndCenterStr, EndComment, EndCommentStr, EndDiv, EndDivStr, EndFont, EndFontStr, EndHeadStr, EndHtml, EndHtmlStr, EndItalic, EndItalicStr, EndLiteral, EndLiteralStr, EndParagraph, EndParagraphStr, EndScriptStr, EndTitle, EndTitleStr, HorizontalLine, HorizontalLineStr, HorizontalRule, NoBreak, NoBreakStr, WordBreak, WordBreakStr
Fields inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
codeset, useObsolete
Constructor Summary
WindowName(java.lang.String str)
          Deprecated. Constructs a WindowName object.
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.MarkupElement
BeginFont, BeginFontFace, BeginFontSize, BeginHeader, EndHeader, output, output, output, setContents
Methods inherited from class weblogic.html.HtmlElement
asAnchorElement, asBigElement, asBlockquoteElement, asBoldElement, asCenteredElement, asCiteElement, asCodeElement, asCommentElement, asDefineTermElement, asEmphasisElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asFontElement, asHtmlContainer, asItalicElement, asKeyboardElement, asLiteralElement, asParagraphElement, asSampleElement, asSmallElement, asStrikeElement, asStrongElement, asSubscriptElement, asSuperscriptElement, asTeletypeElement, asUnderlineElement, asVariableElement, getVersion, setAnchorMode, setCodeset, toString, toString, widthAsLiteral
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static WindowName blank
Causes the link to always be loaded in a new blank, unnamed window.


public static WindowName self
Causes the link to always be loaded in the same window as the originating link.


public static WindowName parent
Causes the link to be loaded in the immediate FRAMESET parent. If there is no parent, this defaults to the same window as assigning "self".


public static WindowName top
Causes the link to load at the top of the document in the same window. If the document is already at the top, this defaults to the same action as the variable "self".
Constructor Detail


public WindowName(java.lang.String str)
Constructs a WindowName object.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.