BEA Systems, Inc.

WebLogic Server 6.1 API Reference

Uses of Class

Packages that use MimeType
weblogic.html The HtmlKona package is deprecated. 

Uses of MimeType in weblogic.html

Fields in weblogic.html declared as MimeType
static MimeType MimeType.textCss
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/css".
static MimeType MimeType.textVbscript
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/vbscript".
static MimeType MimeType.textPlain
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/plain".
static MimeType MimeType.textRichtext
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/richtext".
static MimeType MimeType.textHtml
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "text/enriched".
static MimeType MimeType.multiMixed
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "multipart/mixed".
static MimeType MimeType.multiFormdata
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "multipart/form-data".
static MimeType MimeType.multiRelated
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "multipart/related".
static MimeType MimeType.multiSigned
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "multipart/signed".
static MimeType MimeType.multiEncrypted
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "multipart/encrypted".
static MimeType MimeType.appPostscript
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/postscript".
static MimeType MimeType.appDcarft
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/dca-rft".
static MimeType MimeType.appRtf
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/rtf".
static MimeType MimeType.appMacbinhex40
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/mac-binhex40".
static MimeType MimeType.appPdf
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/pdf".
static MimeType MimeType.appZip
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/zip".
static MimeType MimeType.appMsword
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/msword".
static MimeType MimeType.appSgml
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "application/sgml".
static MimeType MimeType.imageJpeg
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "image/jpeg".
static MimeType MimeType.imageGif
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "image/gif".
static MimeType MimeType.imageIef
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "image/ief".
static MimeType MimeType.imageTiff
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "image/tiff".
static MimeType MimeType.imageCgm
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "image/cgm".
static MimeType MimeType.audioBasic
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "audio/basic".
static MimeType MimeType.audio32kadpcm
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "audio/32kadpcm".
static MimeType MimeType.videoMpeg
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "video/mpeg".
static MimeType MimeType.videoQuicktime
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "video/quicktime".
static MimeType MimeType.modelIges
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "model/iges".
static MimeType MimeType.modelVrml
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "model/vrml".
static MimeType MimeType.modelMesh
          Deprecated. Sets the type to "model/mesh".

Methods in weblogic.html with parameters of type MimeType
 StyleElement StyleElement.setType(MimeType type)
          Deprecated. Sets the type for a StyleElement.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setCodetype(MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Sets the CODETYPE to a MimeType, which specifies the Internet Media Type of the data that should be expected by the rendering mechanism specified by the CLASSID attribute.
 ObjectElement ObjectElement.setType(MimeType mt)
          Deprecated. Sets the TYPE attribute, which specifies the Internet Media Type as a MimeType for the object specified in the DATA attribute.

Constructors in weblogic.html with parameters of type MimeType
StyleElement.StyleElement(MimeType type, HtmlElement contents)
          Deprecated. Constructs a StyleElement with the specified contents and sets it to the specified style notation.

Documentation is available at

WebLogic classes and methods that do not appear in this reference are not public and are not supported.